1. manfamily.org - this has a massive family tree with complex Sephardic linkages including Lousada ones
2. http://genealogy.mendesdacosta.com - this is an incomplete but ambitious family tree with complex Sephardic linkages including Lousada ones
3. http://www.richmondjamaica.com/heritage.htm - this refers to the Richmond Estates St Ann's in Jamaica which were subject to a commercial transaction with Emanuel Baruh Lousada #135 in 1784
4. http://www.kittybrewster.com/ancestry/daguilar.htm - has an extensive d'Aguilar family tree with Lousada connections
5. Wilfred S Samuel ‘A Review of the Jewish Colonists in Barbados in the year 1680’ a paper read before the Jewish Historical Society of England on 19 May 1924. This has been uploaded as a PDF document. Footnote 8 implies that Aaron Baruch Louzada, whom Samuel calls a Barbados magnate, had been in Barbados since 1659.
6. Albert Montefiore Hyamson ‘The Sephardim of England’ Methuen 1951. He recites the list of names, compiled by informers in an unsuccessful attempt to secure the destruction of the Community after the Restoration, which contains the names 'Moses and Jacob Baruh or Barrow, better known as Baruh Lousada'.
7. http://genforum.genealogy.com/lewsader/messages/29.html contains the story of Jacob Lousada and his move from London to New York but note the 2004 posting on http://boards.ancestry.com/thread.aspx?mv=flat&m=16&p=surnames.luzader which, based on inspection of marriage records in Bevis Marks Records Part 2, corrects the surname of Jacob's wife. Part 4 of Bevis Marks Records records the late-age circumcisions of Abraham and Jacob a little before their weddings. A sketch of the descendants of Aaron and Moses has been provided by Bob Leuzarder, while Jeannine Wegmueller has recorded her ancestors on ancestry.com from which details of her US Luzarder ancestry are given below in ref 314.
8. Richard L Kagan and Philip D Morgan eds ‘Atlantic Diasporas’ Johns Hopkins UP 2009
9. Cecil Roth ed 'Encyclopedia Judaica' Jerusalem 1972
10. oxfordjewishheritage.co.uk
11. Edgar Samuel 'The Portuguese Jewish Community of London' in the catalogue of the Exhibition of 1992, Jewish Museum London. In 2016 the author refined his estimates of Portugal's Jewish population after 1492 - see ref 193 below.
12. Jenny Uglow ‘A Gambling Man’ Faber and Faber London 2009
13. Burke’s Peerage records this according to notes taken from it perhaps by Benjamin Barrow Lousada
14. Mordechai Arbell 'The Portuguese Jews of Jamaica' Canoe Press Kingston 2000
15. Cecil Roth 'The History of the Marranos' Arno Press New York 1975
16. J H Elliott 'Modernising the Marranos' New York Review of Books, 11 March 2010. In this essay Elliott reviews the Atlantic Diasporas collection (ref 8), refers to the Pallache book (ref 17), and also refers to the descriptions of Jewish life in Amsterdam in Yosef Kaplan’s study of Isaac Orobio de Castro (ref 18), and his collection of essays (ref 19)
17. Mercedes Garcia-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers ‘A Man of Three Worlds’ Johns Hopkins UP 2003
18. Yosef Kaplan 'From Christianity to Judaism; the Story of Isaac Orobio de Castro' Oxford UP 1989
19. Yosef Kaplan 'An Alternative Path to Modernity: The Sephardi Diaspora in Western Europe' Brill Leiden 2000. This book makes use of the Municipal Archives of Amsterdam (MAA) and the Archives of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Community (PIG) within MAA.
20. Bertrand Russell ‘History of Western Philosophy’ George Allen and Unwin 1946
21. Mordechai Arbell 'The Jewish Nation of the Caribbean' Gefen Books New York 2002
22. Robert Sackville-West 'Inheritance: the story of Knole and the Sackvilles' Bloomsbury Press London 2010
23. James C Boyajian 'Portuguese Bankers at the Court of Spain 1626-1650' Rutgers UP 1983. On p27 may be found reference to Antonio Mendes Lamego described (with others) as a prominent merchant of the Atlantic sugar and slave trades though he cannot be found in the Appendices linked to a family.
24. David Watts 'The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change since 1492' Cambridge UP 1987
25. Harry A Ezratty '500 Years in the Jewish Caribbean' Omni Arts Baltimore 1997
26. Steven Nadler 'Spinoza: A Life' Cambridge UP 1999 p252 gives some details on the role in religious life played by Abraham Israel Pereira
27. Chaim Raphael ‘The Sephardi Story’ Valentine Mitchell London 1991
28. Basil Davidson 'Old Africa Rediscovered' Longman 1970
29. Albert Montefiore Hyamson 'A History of the Jews of England' http://www.archive.org/stream/historyofjewsine00hyamrich#page/n0/mode/1up
30. Ricardo Escobar Quevedo 'Les Nouveaux-Chretiens et le commerce des esclaves a Carthagene des Indes (1595-1640)' found on www.esclavages.cnrs.fr; this article has been uploaded. On its 4th page may be found a paragraph describing the trade of Antonio and Manuel Rodrigues Lamego, listing Manuel's representatives in the Caribbean, describing Antonio's son Bartolomeo Febos who later represented the family in Madrid and had a brush with the Inquisition (on this see ref 41), and the 1618 arrival of Antonio, Beatriz Henriques and Bartolomeo Febos in Rouen (on this see ref 150 for the letter of naturalisation and ref 35 and also 142 for the Curiel/Lamego link).

31. Richard de Dirsztay (private communication around) 2000. The Dirsztay Family Tree was unexpectedly provided by Richard de Dirsztay #399 to Peter Lousada #483. See here for some background to this gift and the probable role of Istvan de Dirsztay #220 - to which we add that as Istvan was a relative he may have communicated with Richard after noting Peter Lousada in Budapest. This tree has been uploaded and we have there made some critiques of it including of its speculative and sketchy Spanish ancestry of the Baruch Lousadas. Conveniently its text was extracted by John Bury. Data in the tree needs to be reviewed against standard references eg ref 341 below. We have found gravestone data (on Find a Grave) which updates details for Laszlo #410, and we are in contact with a descendant of Emma #410 and can thus confirm that Emma survived WW2 and left Hungary in 1948, and that contact was kept with Emma's 1st cousin Denise #404 from Canada until the latter's death around 2020. But the tree appears to be in error as to the parents of Baron Hendrik de Menasche. There are of course numerous Fischls, and it would seem that the Lajos Fischl who was married to Jozefa Figdor and whose daughter married Isaac Rotman in 1902 in Budapest (there is a record of this marriage on familysearch.org) cannot have been Lajos #1593 1872-1932.

32. Melville H Ruvigny 'Nobilities of Europe' Melville and Company London 1909 and an extract can be found here

33. Francis W Cheesman 'Origins of Barbadian Families: Barrow' Trafford Publishing 2007. Frank Cheesman in November 2011 provided his notes on the Barrow wills referred to in his book.

34. The Molyneux-Seel papers at the Lancashire Record Office provide many insights into the early English Lousada Dukes. The uploaded notes of the first Lousada Duke's great-great-great grand-daughter are revealing, as is the (suspicious) case for reinstatement of the Duque de Losada title.

35. Edgar Samuel  'At the End of the Earth: essays on the history of the Jews in England and Portugal' JHSE 2004 - pp43-67 on the Curiel family shows a descent from the 9th century Kings of Leon and Asturias and relationship with all the Portuguese titled nobility. In 2024 Ali Erginsoy noted that Edgar Samuel iidentifies the male progenitor of the Portuguese Curiels as Jeronimo de Saldanha, a Christian nobleman. For citing a letter to the Coimbra Inquisition written in 1560, Edgar Samuel suggests that Fernão Nunes was the illegitimate son of this Jeronimo Saldanha and an unnamed Jewish woman from Lisbon. The inquisition letter describes the woman as a pucarinha (‘the little cup’), and Edgar speculates she may been one of the Castilian Jews who illegally remained in Portugal after the time limit on their presence in Portugal expired, and who in 1493 were ordered by King João II to be enslaved. She may have been acquired in this way by Saldanha, sometime between 1493 and 1495, when King Manoel ordered the release of those enslaved in this manner. See ref 389 for a yDNA-based critique of this suggested Curiel ancestry.

36. Charles Rubens 'Joseph Cortissos and the War of the Spanish Succession' Trans. JHSE XXIV 1974

37. Maurice Woolf  'Foreign Trade of London Jews in the Seventeenth Century' Trans. JHSE XXIV:38-58 - citing ref 351 on p39 may be found Fernando de Mercado trading in London in 1610-11 who corresponded with his brother Simon in Amsterdam.

38. See extract taken from http://miriamhakedosha.blogspot.com/2008/08/montefiore-family.html.

39. J A Giuseppi 'Sephardi Jews and the early years of the Bank of England' Trans. JHSE XIX 1960. He writes that on 28 Jun in the initial year of subscription ie 1694 Moses Barrow of London (Merchant) 'subscribed £100; his holding he retained until February 1720. It is clear that this Moses Barrow cannot be Moses Baruh Lousada, Gabay in 1663, who died in 1699, but it may perhaps be that he was a member of the same family. There are a great many dealings recorded on his account, of which many are with members of the Community'. JHSE Miscellanies VI gives early Bank of England stockholders in List A and List B gives recipients of some of the dividend payments. We conclude here that the 2nd Moses Baruch Lousada was a grandson of the 1st, via Abraham #1352 who went to Barbados from London and whose son Moses made the reverse journey!

40. I S and S A Emmanuel 'History of the Jews of the Netherlands Antilles' American Jewish Archives 1970

41. Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi 'From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto' Columbia UP NY & London 1971. On pp137-41 may be found an account of the brush with the Inquisition of Bartolomeo Febos, son of Antonio Rodrigues Lamego of Rouen.

42. Wilfred S Samuel 'A list of Jewish persons Endenized and Naturalized 1609-1799' Misc. JHSE XXII 1970. See J M Ross 'Naturalisation of Jews in England' JHSE XXIV:59-73 for an explanation of endenization and naturalisation, and why many newly-arrived Jews in our story chose the former.

43. James Boyce '1835: The founding of Melbourne and the conquest of Australia' Black Inc. Collingwood 2011

44. Saul S Friedman 'Jews and the American Slave Trade' Transaction Publishers New Brunswick NJ 1998

45. Eli Faber 'Jews Slaves and the Slave Trade: Setting the record straight' NY UP NY and London 1998

46. Nicholas Shakespeare 'In Tasmania' Random House Sydney 2004

47. Alfred Rubens 'Portrait of Anglo-Jewry 1656-1836' Trans XIX JHSE 1960

48. Anna Lanyon 'Fire and Song: the story of Luis de Carvajal and the Mexican Inquisition' Allen & Unwin Crows Nest 2011

49. Stephen Birmingham 'The Grandees: America's Sephardic elite' Harper NY 1971

50. Abigail Green 'Moses Montefiore: Jewish Liberator, Imperial Hero' Harvard UP Cambridge 2010

51. http://www.ferdinando.org.uk/the_marranos_of_rouen1.htm#Page 121. Cecil Roth's 1929 paper may be found, with the Ferdinando translation of it lightly edited, as ref 357 below.

52. http://www.italian-family-history.com/jewish/Livorno.html

53. Australian Dictionary of Biography http://adb.anu.edu.au/

54. The Jewish Encyclopedia http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/

55. Norman H Finkelstein 'The Other 1492: Jewish Settlement in the New World' iUniverse.com Lincoln NE

56. Selma Stern 'The Court Jew'  Philadelphia JPSA 1950

57. Bill Gammage 'The Biggest Estate on Earth' Allen and Unwin Sydney 2001

58. Cecil Roth 'History of the Jews in England' OUP London 1964

59. Victor Perera 'The Cross and the Pear Tree: a Sephardic Journey' UC Press 1999 p103 gives some material on the departure from Madrid of Abraham Israel Pereira including his co-escapees including Fernando Montezinos

60. Salvador de Madriaga 'Spain and the Jews' JHSE London 1946 (Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture 1946)

61. E M Shilstone 'Monumental Inscriptions in the Burial Ground of the Jewish Synagogue at Bridgetown Barbados' JHSE London 1954

62. From https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/algeria-2 we learn that 'descendants of Marranos and Jews from Leghorn, Italy, settled in Algeria, especially Algiers. Among the first who arrived were the Lousada, Alvarenga, Zacuto, Molco, and de la Rosa families; among the later ones were the Soliman, Busnach, Bouchara, Bacri, Lealtad, and Delmar families. They played an important role in ransoming Christian captives for European governments, and their commercial activities enriched the country'.

63. Elie Kedourie ed 'Spain and the Jews: the Sephardi Experience 1492 and After' Thames and Hudson London 1992

64. Francesca Trivellato 'The Sephardic Diaspora and Cross-Cultural Trade in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries' Yale UP New Haven 2009

65. Malcolm Brown 'Anglo-Jewish country houses from the Resettlement to 1800' JHSE XXVIII 1984 pp20-38

66. Aubrey Newman 'The Expulsion of the Jews of Prague in 1745' JHSE XXII 1970 pp30-41

67. Anthony P Joseph 'Jewry of South-West England and some of its Australian Connections'  JHSE Transactions XXIV 1975 pp24-37

68. Jasper Ridley 'Lord Palmerston' Constable London 1970

69. J H Elliott 'Imperial Spain 1469-1716' Penguin London 1990

70. J H Elliott 'The Count-Duke of Olivares' Yale UP New Haven and London 1986. Some notes taken from this reference have been uploaded.

71. See http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot/luca-giordano-the-raising-of-lazarus-196779-details.aspx?intObjectID=196779

72. Cecil Roth 'The history of the Jews in Italy' Jewish Publication Society of America Philadelphia 1946

73. Simon Sebag Montefiore 'Jerusalem: The Biography' Phoenix London 2011

74. Lloyd de Witt Bockstruck 'Denizations and Naturalizations in the British Colonies in America 1607-1775' Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore 2005. In this compilation there are concordances with ref 42 but in the case of Moses Barrow for example there is a difference - Bockstruck has him 'naturalized in Jamaica 30 Jan 1699/1700' but Samuel has him endenized 4 Nov 1699.

75. A S Diamond 'The Community of the Resettlement, 1656-1684: a Social Survey' JHSE Transactions XXIV 1973

76. http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/wakefield-edward-gibbon-2763

77. Historical Records of Australia Series 1 Vol 14

78. A L Bergman 'Jewish Colonists in Melbourne's Early Land Sales' AJHS 11 pt V 1946

79. Hirsch Munz 'Jews in South Australia 1836-1936' Thornquest Press Adelaide 1936

80. 'The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History' Palgrave Macmillan NY 2011

81. 'Jews in the Caribbean'  PAF - an online compilation from many sources. Four versions have been downloaded but currently (Feb 2013) it is hard to find! A convenient alternative - with images - is ref 100.

82. Suzanne D Rutland 'The Jews in Australia' Cambridge UP Melbourne 2005

83. A S Diamond 'The Cemetery of the Resettlement' JHSE Transactions XIX 1960 163-90

84. Gedalia Yogev 'Diamonds and Coral: Anglo-Dutch Jews and Eighteenth-Century Trade' Leicester UP 1978

85. Sir Thomas Colyer-Fergusson 'Jewish Museum Small Collection' Society of Genealogists, London. Colyer-Fergusson was a meticulous collector of data, but his tree is uncertain in the earliest period. We have corrected his suggestion as to the children of Moses Baruh Lousada, and made a few other corrections, but generally we have imported his data into our main genealogy. A copy of the Lousada pages has been uploaded (15MB). John Bury went in and photographed it - he did a small intro on p1! Some details of the early years were merely transcribed from others and included for completeness - thus the idea 6 or 7 sons of Moses Baruh Lousada comes from Lucien Wolf. For the Montefiore equivalent collection see ref 170 below.

86. Fenneke Louzada-Scheltens by email 22 Feb 2013 using data from Iwan de Vries.

87. Edgar Samuel whose email of 31 Jan 2013 contains further Amsterdam marriage data which confirms and supplements our Amsterdam marriage data. In this this email Edgar Samuel states that this Amsterdam/Livorno background 'explains why Moses in London was given the job of drafting the Ascomot or Synagogue bylaws, which would not have been a suitable job for a recent immigrant from Portugal'. 

88. R D Barnett & P Wright 'The Jews of Jamaica: Tombstone Inscriptions 1663-1880' Hebrew University Jerusalem 1997

89. Thomas G August 'Family Structure and Jewish Continuity in Jamaica since 1655'  on americanjewisharchives.org; an extract is on this website.

90. Jonathan Israel and Reinier Salverda eds 'Dutch Jewry: its History and Secular Culture (1500-2000)' Brill Leiden 2002. The chapter by Jonathan Israel 'Philosophy, Commerce, and the Synagogue: Spinoza's Expulsion from the Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish Community in 1656' contains a description of some powerful New Christian merchants of Rouen.

91. 'Anglo-Jewish Notabilities: their Arms and Testamentary Dispositions' JHSE 1949

92. Andrea Stuart 'Sugar in the Blood: A Family's Story of Slavery and Empire' Portobello Books, London 2012

93. Henry Reynolds 'A History of Tasmania' CUP Melbourne 2012

94. Richard Broome 'Coburg: Between two creeks' Coburg Historical Society 2001

95. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/Livorno.html

96. Bevis Marks Records - a list of the 6 parts has been uploaded

97. Lionel D Barnett (translator) 'El Libro de los Acuerdos' OUP 1931. A copy has been uploaded - click here (PDF, 15 MB).

98. R D Barnett 'The Burial Register of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, London 1657-1735' Miscellanies Part VI JHSE 1962

99. Ton Tielen email of 10 Jun 2013 citing Amsterdam City Archive 334, PJC 20, Escamoth B, scan 81, page 103 right page, 13 Tebet 5447 (= 29 Dec 1686) which records a donation by David Baruh Lousada to pay for the saying of a kaddish for Luna and Isaac Baruch Louzada his parents (who died 1686 and 1667 respectively in Amsterdam and his brother Jacob who died about 1681 also in Amsterdam.

100. http://cdm.reed.edu/

101. Ton Tielen email of 12 Jun 2013 - which reports that in https://stadsarchief.amsterdam.nl/archieven/archiefbank/indexen/transportakten_voor_1811/zoek/index.nl.html can be found a 16 Feb 1694 real estate transaction in which David Baruch Louzada buys 50% of a house from Rachel - Jacob's widow - and 3 adult daughters Rebecca, Simha and Sara. The house in Swanenburgherstraat had a plaque 'Isle of Barbados'. (Later on 17 May 2018 this link failed but this one works - https://archief.amsterdam/indexen/transportakten_1563-1811/zoek/query.nl.pl?i1=1&a1=louzada&x=14&z=a#A09174000147 - and the document has been uploaded).  Also reported is that from the records of civil notices of forthcoming (synagogue) marriages, further details may be extracted eg that the earlier marriage bann shows him living at de Lange Houtstraat and the later marriage bann show him to be living in Swanenburgherstraat and his mother-in-law to be living in Madrid; these marriage banns have been uploaded.

102. Arthur P Arnold 'A List of Jews and Their Households in London' JHSE Miscellanies Part VI pp73-141

103. Notarial record of some family business in Amsterdam City Archives, Notarial Archives 5873, Notary John Hoekebak, folio 77 - document uploaded. Sadly, this record could not be found online - the only book of notary Joan Hoekeback online covers 1694.

104. Kenneth Katzner 'The Languages of the World' Routledge and Kegan Paul London 1977

105. Ton Tielen email of 9 Jun 2013 provided Jewish community tax data extracted from the City Archives of Amsterdam, #334 Portuguese Jewish Community, inventory numbers 174-5 (which cover the period 1653-89) - this data can be found here. On 26 Apr 2016, he provided an update as follows 'I only just discovered that I did not start early enough. I missed about a dozen entries from Mosseh Baruch Lousada. He payed promesas from as early as 6 Nissan 5409 (19 march 1649) until 1 Nissan 5419 (25 March 1659). I assume that after this last payment he went to London. So he was in Amsterdam for a whole 10 years! Paving the way for the rest of them, I presume. He never pays fintas which means that he was never judged to be wealthy enough for that. The amounts he pays are relatively small, somewhere between 1 and 8 guilders. But he did pay, thereby proving that he belonged to the community. I think there are no other sources that mention him in Amsterdam, which proves the value of these taxlists'.

106. James C Boyajian 'Portuguese Trade in Asia under the Habsburgs, 1580-1640'  The Johns Hopkins UP Baltimore 1993

107. Ton Tielen email of 15 Jul 2013 citing CAA PJC 1144 Escamoth D of Dotar which showed 'Ribca filha de Raphael Montezinos em Liorne terz grau com David Baruch Louzada' meaning she was related in the third degree, perhaps grand-niece. David Baruch Louzada became a member of Dotar in 1684. Dotar was one of quite a large number of charities set up by the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam (there are dozens of them), but it was and is the most prestigious one. It was a lottery and the money was brought together by the members, invested wisely and the yearly profits were divided between two or three young ladies (donzellas) related to members of Dotar, or to poor orphan girls, to be used as a dowry. In 1714 David's place was taken by his eldest son Ishac Baruch Louzada (filho mais velho). Grants were sought for Rebecca Montezinos of Livorno in 1692 and 1700.

108. Ton Tielen email of 22 Jul 2013 citing City Archives Amsterdam 334, Portuguese Jewish Community 19, scan 374, page 659 which records David Baruch Lousada as Gabay de Terra Santa. Before his time in the post, the charity made awards to some Baruch Lousadas and Lumbroso Lousadas from Livorno who sought to go to Jerusalem in the 1650s. The data lists Mira widow of Daniel Baruch Lousada who received 6 grants 1652-7, and Judica widow of Abraham Lumbroso Lousada who received 7 grants 1654-61. The latter was of Livorno and we presume the former was as well. This data raises the question as to who in Amsterdam applied for the grants. Ref 105 indicates that only Moses #46 was regularly present in Amsterdam in the period.

109. Ton Tielen email of 21 Jul 2013 questions whether the 2 Miguels are the same person - he reports Samuel de Casseres (born Amsterdam ~1630) was the only son of Miguel Gomes 'o manco' who took the name 'de Casseres' upon arrival in Amsterdam. He reports Simon de Caseres was born in Madrid in 1615 and his 'supposed' father Miguel was teaching in Coimbra in the same year.

110. Vere Langford Oliver ed 'The Monumental Inscriptions in the Churches and Graveyards of the Island of Barbados, British West Indies' Mitchell Hughes and Clarke London 1915. An extract of pages 205-6 has been uploaded as it is relevant to the egregious error we have noticed - we leave it to the reader to work out whether the error was made by the editor or the person he quotes! A further error appears in this extract - Judith was not the daughter of Jacob Joseph Levi as is made clear in our discussion of the ancestry of Judith Joseph Levi.

111. General Sir George de Symons Barrow 'The Fire of Life' Hutchison, London

112. Ton Tielen email of 6 Aug 2013 refers to National Archives of the Netherlands files on the proxy David Louzada 'from Barbados' gave to the parnassim of Surinam to administer his inheritance. The deed has been uploaded. This data is from http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/inventaris/index/zoekterm/baruch louzada/eadid/ The Dutch description in the index of the archive was translated as: 'by deed of December 20, 1738 D. B. Louzada, residing in Barbados, appoints the governors of Portuguese-Jewish Church in Suriname to manage his property in Suriname'. Register of Procuratiën in the Notarial Archives of Suriname, access number, inv. No. 712, fol. 117. The will of David Louzada may be found in ref 224.

113. I S Emmanuel 'Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao: Curacaon Jewry 1656-1957' Bloch NY 1957. This records 14 Baruch Lousada tombs.

114. For evidence of the Bordeaux Lamegos see http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/hispa_0007-4640_1908_num_10_2_1561 and http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/hispa_0007-4640_1908_num_10_3_1571. These articles have been uploaded - here and here.

115. Edgar Samuel email 13 Sep 2013 citing Isaac de Matatiau's 1676 genealogy

116. Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert 'Nation upon the Ocean Sea: Portugal's Atlantic Diaspora and the Crisis of the Spanish Empire 1492-1640' OUP 2007

117. S A Fortune 'Merchants and Jews: the Struggle for British West Indian Commerce 1650-1750' UF Press Gainesville 1984

118. William Dalrymple 'City of Djinns: a Year in Delhi' Flamingo London 1993

119. Robert Cohen ed 'The Jewish Nation in Surinam' S Emmering Amsterdam 1982 - the chapter 'Analysis of Annals Relating to Early Jewish Settlement in Surinam' by  LLE Rens gives a careful estimate of numbers arriving and leaving in the early days and was originally published in Vox Guyanae I 1954:19-38

120. Filipa Ribeiro da Silva 'Dutch and Portuguese in Western Africa: Empires, Merchants and the Atlantic' Brill Leiden 2011

121. Marco Antonio Nunes da Silva 'O Brasil holandes nos cadernos do Promotor; Inquisicao de Lisboa, seculo XVII' Sao Paulo 2003 - uploaded. For convenience, Anexo 8 containing a list of declared Jews in London, has been separately uploaded.

122. Susser Archive http://www.jewishgen.org/jcr-uk/susser/susserpublications.htm

123. Jonathan I Israel 'Diasporas within a Diaspora: Jews, Crypto-Jews and the World Maritime Empires (1540-1740)' Brill Leiden 2002. Chapter 10 contains an account of the diplomatic activities for Portugal of Duarte Nunes da Costa, Jacob Curiel of Hamburg. For an account of the 2nd of the diplomatic Nunes da Costas ie Moses Curiel see here.

124. Hugh Copeland 'The Path of Progress: from the Forests of Yesteryear to the Homes of Today' Shire of Warragul 1934; the volume consulted was originally owned by Benjamin Barrow Lousada.

125. Aviva Ben-Ur and Rachel Frankel 'Remnant Stones: the Jewish Cemeteries of Suriname - Epitaphs' Hebrew Union College Press 2009

126. Ruth Sebag-Montefiore 'A Family Patchwork: Five Generations of an Anglo-Jewish Family' Weidenfeld and Nicolson London 1987 

127. J A Giuseppi 'Early Jewish Holders of Bank of England Stock 1694-1725' Miscellanies IV JHSE 1962 pp143-74

128. Gilles Boulu 'Recherche sur les Lumbroso de Tunis' Genealo-J 115:7-20

129. Matthew Parker 'The Sugar Barons' Windmill Books London 2012

130. Genie Milgrom 'My 15 Grandmothers' self-published 2012

131. Jane S Gerber ed 'The Jews in the Caribbean' The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Portland 2014

132. Edgar Samuel 'Marriages at the Nidhe Yisrael synagogue, Bridgetown, Barbados' Historical Studies 45 JHSE 2013 pp 163-8. By email 14 Mar 2014 he acknowledged that marriage #24 occurred on 11 Tamuz 5557 (not 5547 as printed). Thus 5 July 1797 is the correct date of the Judith Levi and Eliezer Montefiore marriage. Edgar Samuel did however point out that her father was Jacob Levi. In consequence, Judith's common name of Judith Joseph Levi reflects her stepfather's name not her father's (see genealogy of Simon Barrow of Barbados for Judith's ancestors and descendants).

133. Francois Soyer 'The Persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal' Brill, Leiden 2011

134. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/travel/in-spain-a-family-reunion-centuries-later.html?_r=2 by Doreen Carvajal. The text has been uploaded.

135. Josette Capriles Goldish 'Once Jews: Stories of the Caribbean Sephardim' Marcus Wiener Publishers, Princeton NJ 2009

136. B Netanyhu 'Don Isaac Abravanel: Statesman and Philospher' Cornell UP Ithaca 1998 5th ed

137. The link http://williamstjamescummins.blogspot.com.au/2011/01/montefiore-fountain-bridgetown.html describes recent restoration of the Montefiore fountain in Bridgetown, Barbados.

138. Barbados Power of Attorney 46/75 of 28 Nov 1794 was located by James Greener at American Jewish Archives, Cincinatti. This document, written in preparation for the departure from Barbados for an unstated destination of Rachel and Moses Nunes Castello and also Elias Nunes Castello, empowers Rachel to act on behalf of herself, Moses and Elias; which seems to indicates Rachel would return. The document has been uploaded.

139. Almanach de Saxe Gotha 2014 on www.almanachdegotha.org

140. Cecil Roth 'A life of Menasseh ben Israel'  Jewish Publication Society of America Philadelphia 1934 p63 refers to the passage from Madrid to Amsterdam via Venice of Abraham Israel Pereira without citing sources. However, on p317 it becomes clear that in 1644 Isaac Israel Pereira was first in Amsterdam and founder of the Pereira yeshiva. On p331 he refers to correspondence between Abraham Israel Pereira and Antonio de Luis Montezinos which is contained in a London copy of a ''Hope of Israel". On p102 is noted the effusive dedication to the brothers Pereira in ''Treasure of the Laws'', this book having been completed in a rush on 18 Apr 1647 - this is the dedication referred to on p393 of ref 123.

141. On 22 Jul 2014 Ton Tielen provided an extract from Amsterdam records which gives a translation of the will of Jacob Pereira. This will shows multiple close links between Abraham Israel Pereira and Abraham Baruch Louzada. The Baruch Lousada link with the Henriques Faro family - which was evident from London circumcision and Amsterdam marriage records - is reinforced by the Israel Pereira link with both families as shown in this data. The data also shows a marriage link with the Den Haag Louzadas - who were probably close Baruch Lousada relatives who left Iberia just after Isaac #42 left for Livorno. Their founder Abraham #1875 appears to have been the stepson of Isaac #42, and he may have travelled with Abraham Israel Pereira arriving in Amsterdam in 1645. Isaac #45, probable son of Abraham #1875 became father-in-law to Jacob Israel Pereira who took Isaac's daughter Sarah as his 2nd wife. The will itself shows traces of the 20 year-old dispute between Jacob Israel Pereira and the sons of his marriage to Sarah. This dispute was taken to the civil courts but as discussed in pages 15-7 of reference 297 below the Burgomasters of Amsterdam overturned the Court of Holland's judgement and left the fate of the missing ketubot to be resolved by the Jewish community as a matter of synagogal discipline. Other reflections of the New Christian society of Villaflor appear in the will - thus there is a bequest to a cousin Esther de Matos the surname being that of his maternal grandmother.

142. Carrasco Vazquez and Jesus Antonio Entidad 'La minoria judeoconversa en la epoca Conde Duque de Olivares: auge y ocaso de Juan Nunez Saravia (1585-1639)' Tesis Doctorale Universidad de Alcala 2005 - cover page and  p445 have been uploaded. The thesis may be readily obtained at https://ebuah.uah.es/dspace/handle/10017/193. The thesis examines the evidence collected by the Spanish Inquisition against Juan Nunez Saravia, and despite the fact that d'Olivares on the whole was able to protect the Portuguese New Christians who participated in his banking reform, he failed on this occasion for Saravia died impoverished in 1639. He was imprisoned in 1632. Because his sister Ana married Juan Rodrigues Lamego, he had strong family connections to the Lamegos of Rouen, including to Bartolomeo Febos and Luis de Oliveira Lisboa. We query some details in the chart in this reference - for example, though Fernan Mendes is shown a son of Antonio Rodrigues Lamego he was possibly a step-son and thus really a son of Antonio Mendes Lamego of Madrid (see ref 23 p27), and that Antonio Luis Morais was a son-in-law not a son of Luis de Oliveira Lisboa.

143. Yosef Kaplan ed 'The Dutch Intersection: The Jews and the Netherlands in Modern History' Brill Leiden 2008 - see ref 352 for Chapter 4 on Moses Pereira de Paiva son of Jacob Israel Pereira #1765

144. https://www.dutchjewry.org/P.I.G./image/01079001.jpg which shows that the 1699 date commonly given for the death of Abraham Israel Pereira is incorrect - see uploaded image which shows date of death as 30 Tisri 5435. The possible source of the error was pointed out by Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman as 'Memorias de Litteratura Portugueza' v3 p258 - a list of contents of this 4 vol collection has been unloaded.

145. By his email of 18 Aug 2014, Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman advised that Pereira was born in Villaflor in 1606 (circa 1605 is given in his final report p1). His father was Antonio Pereira. (It is common to find that the birthdate of Thome Rodrigues Pereira is given as ~1601 in Madrid). By his subsequent email of 28 Aug 2014 Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman advised that he had uncovered marriage data for both Tomas Rodrigues Pereira and Fernando Montezinos. By his 12 Sep 2014 email he provided details from original records and his (subsequently updated) report has been uploaded. This hugely amplifies our original report of the origin of Abraham Israel Pereira aka Tomas Rodrigues Pereira. Images of the 1628 marriage of Tomas Rodrigues Pereira and Beatriz Fernandes Gomez are uploaded here. Citing the 1992 work of Maria Jose Pimenta Ferro Tavares, Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman noted that Antonio the father of Tomas Rodrigues Pereira was active in the trade of sugar which he sold in Lisbon and Flanders.

146. A useful extract from Amsterdam Jewish records (eg ref 312 below) is uploaded here. Unsourced data from familysearch.org on Isaac Louzada #50 is uploaded here.

147. http://www.jewishgen.org/jcr-uk/susser/roth/chfifteen.htm. The material also appears as Cecil Roth 'The Great Synagogue London 1690-1940' Edward Golston, London 1950.

148. The Pressburg ancestry can be found here - http://www.geni.com/people/Lyon-de-Symons/6000000002765656291 - while by email Randy Schoenberg on 31 Jul 2014 provided some of the background to the data (citing Celia Male and Paul Diamant) and the current mutual link http://geni.com/96KBg.

149. By his email of 3 Oct 2014, Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman advised that he had just uncovered Livorno data - from a secondary published source - on a roll of electors for the position of treasurer of the Livorno Synagogue which indicates that Isaac Baruch Louzada #42 was a nephew of Abraham Levi Lousada and from this one can deduce that either Isaac's mother was a Levi Lousada or Abraham Levi Lousada's wife was a Baruch Lousada. An extract of this data has been uploaded. The secondary source is given as Lucia Frattarelli Fischer 'Reti locali e reti internazionalli degli ebrei de Livorno del Seicento' in EUI Working Paper HEC No2002/2 'Commercial Networks in the Early Modern World' edited by Diogo Ramad Curto and Anthony Molho.

150. Naturalisation Papers of Antoine Rodrigues Lamego, Beatrix Enriques (his wife) and Bartholemé Rodrigues Febos (his son with Johana Febos). Electronic copy - uploaded - provided by Departement de Seine et Maritime Aug 2014. Online ref:  FRAD076_IR_CD_Inventaire_sommaire_T1.pdf registre C1245 at http://www.archivesdepartementales76.net/rechercher/informations-pratiques/

151. Henriques Faro data from Dotar records Amsterdam - uploaded.

152. Mark R Cabouret 'The premier bird painter of the colonies: the early career of Neville Henry Cayley in Victoria' The Latrobe Journal of the State Library of Victoria nos. 93-4 Sep 2014 pp51-76

153. By his email of 4 Dec 2014, Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman provided many details of the ancestors of Fernando Montezinos whose early years can be found summarised here. In his full report can be found the claim to the Cuenca Inquisition by Fernando Montezinos that his great-grandfather came from Jerez de la Frontera near Cadiz to Villaflor around 1492 with the dubious claim that he was an Old Christian nobleman. The father of Fernando Montezinos was Manuel Lopes Telles, the grandfather was Juan Lopez Tellez and the great-grandfather was Manuel Lopez Tellez. A nephew of Fernando Montezinos, Manuel Lopes Telles, married Violante Pereira of Villaflor and died in Madrid in 1644. Details are also included of some Pereira de Lousadas of Toulouse around 1660. Later, the data appeared in a conference paper that he read on 24 Mar 2015 in Israel at the Mapping the Anousim Diaspora Conference.

154. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol2/introduction discusses the 1695 census and its originating Act of 1694 designed to raise revenue (to fight the French) in a graduated way requiring a detailed enumeration of the population. Taxes were to be levied on births, deaths and marriages and also on bachelors over 25 and childless widowers. Assessors were to have produced their population details by 1 May 1695.

155. Denton Prout and Fred Feely '50 Years Hard: The Story of Pentridge Gaol From 1850-1900' Rigby, Adelaide 1967

156. Ellis Waterhouse 'Gainsborough' Spring Books London 1958. The larger Raphael Franco portrait we show is stated by ref 47 to correspond to #267 in Waterhouse's list of portraits with #268 probably corresponding to a portrait of Raphael Franco's wife Leah. Ref 47 states that #267 is lost and #268 was destroyed; but as we saw, #267 is in Newport, Rhode Island.

157. Henry Roche by email 20 Jan 2015 advised that Walter Jacob Levi was not the son of Jacob Joseph Levi but the son of Jacob & Elizabeth Levi of Portsmouth whose children in order were Judith, Anna, Walter & Isaac (twins), Solomon & Sarah. Henry Roche advises that he descends from Judith. Henry Roche's listing of the Jews of Portsmouth on http://synagoguescribes.com/blog/portsmouth-records-by-henry-roche/ contains some details of the Jews of Portsmouth eg it indicates that the father of Jacob was Benjamin Levi of Wiesbaden, but it also provides some further Portsmouth links to Barbados. Subsequently, by email on 5 Apr 2015, Henry Roche suggested that a pre-1817 link was formed because two sisters-in-law of Judith Joseph Levi's sister Simha Levi ie Elisabeth and Hannah Cohen married Moses Nathan and Moses Levi of Portsmouth and London.

158. Carlos Gomez-Centurion Jimenez 'Al cuidado del cuerpo del Rey: Los sumilleres de corps en el siglo XVIII' Cuadernos de Historia Moderna 2003:199-239 and a copy has been uploaded.

159. J H Elliott 'The Court of the Spanish Habsburgs: a peculiar institution?' in Phyllis Mack and Margaret C Jacob eds 'Politics and Culture in Early Modern Europe: essays in honour of H G Koenigsberger' CUP Cambridge 1987 on p7 explains the 3 principal functionaries attending to the King's material wants - mayordomo mayor (Lord High Steward) attended to feeding and housing, camerero mayor (Grand Chamberlain) attended to personal service - but as this office fell into abeyance its reduced role became known as el sumiller de corps (Groom of the Stole), and the caballerizo mayor (Master of the Horse) attended to stables and transportation.

160. Ariel Hessayon 'From expulsion (1290) to readmission (1656): Jews in England' a lecture was delivered at the Annual conference of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain on 29 October 2006 and at Goldsmiths, University of London on 6 December 2006, now available via http://www.jewishgen.org/jcr-uk/england_articles/1290_to_1656.htm

161. Steven Nadler 'Rembrandt's Jews' University of Chicago Press 2004

162. Nicholas Draper in his 21 Jul 2015 email  to Tony Harding commented that after agreeing a £20m sum to be paid to the slave-owners, the British government in 1835 launched a tender, inviting financial syndicates to raise that sum in conjunction with a new debt issue. Only one bid was received - from Nathan Rothschild and Sir Moses Montefiore - and it was to underwrite only £15m of the new paper because some colonies (Mauritius, Cape of Good Hope, Barbados) were on a slower timetable and in the end their balance of £5m was paid directly in Government stock and not underwritten (which of course led to some merchants making small fortunes from under-informed planters in Mauritius). Because only one financing bid was received there were suggestions of collusion, but ref 50 p102 points out that the unfavourable terms accepted by the underwriting syndicate ultimately benefited its philanthropic reputation(s).

163. P Lynn and G Armstrong 'From Pentonville to Pentridge' State Library of Victoria 1996 provide the following description of the early evolution of Victoria's prisons - 'In December 1851 there were only 29 people in prison in Victoria. Two years later there were 955. The Victorian gold rush lured to Victoria ex-convicts and escapees - from New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land - who re-offended and were sent to prison. The prisons soon became overcrowded, so the Victorian government decided to use prison hulks. In 1852 it purchased the ship President and had it fitted out as a floating prison. But the prison population continued to rise, so the following year the government purchased the Deborah, Success and Sacramento for conversion into prison ships, followed by the Lysander in 1854. The ships had their masts removed and were anchored off Williamstown on Hobson's Bay. They held the worst offenders in the penal system.'

164. By email on 28 Jul 2015, Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman provided data from the Archives of the Ministry of Justice of Spain. This data has been uploaded as have 2 documents referred to in this data - document 6 of 17 Apr 1915 reporting the failure of the 1915 application, and document 3 of 20 Apr 1861 where a copy of the Italian title deed is requested from the Spanish authorities by Emanuel #93 via the Spanish herald Juan Antonio Jimenez y Alvarez.

165. Catherine Hall et al 'Legacies of British Slave-ownership' Cambridge UP 2014; Nicholas Draper by email has sent us some advance data from the next publication of the project. Simon Barrow and Emanuel Baruh Lousada #142 each received £2,536 18S - see  https://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/person/view/11830 in connection with Banks, St Ann, Jamaica which lists Simon Barrow as a co-owner. Emanuel (as executor and mortgagor) was also a recipient of £4,194 18S 1D in connection with a plantation - see https://www.ucl.ac.uk/lbs/claim/view/12171. In the latter case Isaac Baruh Lousada jnr (probably Isaac #68 Emanuel's nephew or possibly Isaac #92 father-in-law of Isaac #68) was unsuccessful in obtaining compensation. It is not stated which plantation this relates to but 'Vere' points to the Parish of Vere containing the Carlisle Estate, but the £10,000 mortgage finance provided by Emanuel - an amount at great risk - makes it possible to understand why Emanuel #142, ignoring Isaac #68, left Peak House to the next son of Moses ie John Baruh Lousada and also appointed him as executor of his will!

166. Trevor Burnard 'Credit, Kingston Merchants and the Atlantic Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century' presented at the Stirling Conference of the British Group in Early American History held on 3 Sep 2009 - a copy has been uploaded

167. Malcolm Brown and Judith Samuel 'The Jews of Bath' JHSE Historical Studies XXIX:135-64 1988

168. By email on 25 Apr 2015, Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman provided data from the Archives of the Royal Palace of Spain. This data has been uploaded.

169. http://www.angelfire.com/mb2/jodensavanne/ - 2 lists of Jews - attending the 1671 consecration of the Cassipora synagogue, and contributing in 1695 to a hospital in Paramaribo - have been extracted from this website and are reproduced here - the primary sources of these lists is not evident but probably can be found in the useful list of sources and documents also downloaded from that website. This website appears dormant, and extensive library work in The Netherlands will be necessary to pinpoint the exact references for the 2 lists.

170.  Sir Thomas Colyer-Fergusson 'Jewish Museum Small Collection' Society of Genealogists, London. Click here for part 1 and here for part 2 of his Montefiore notes.

171. Gilles Boulu et Alain Nedjar 'La communaute juive portuguaise de Tunis, dite livournaise, au 19e siecle. Deux registres matrimoniaux inedits' Genealog-J #123 Automne 2015:31-43. An extract showing a genealogy of the Tunis Baruch Lousadas may be found by clicking here.

172. Ian Williams 'Rum: a Social and Sociable History' Nation Books NY 2005

173. Constance Battersea 'Reminiscences' Macmillan London 1922

174. Roland Wettenhall 'Victoria's Yellow Stain: The Fleet of Floating Prisons' Victorian Historical Journal 86(2) Dec 2015:250-75. This article discusses in some detail the hulks referred to in 163 above, and shows that the President, the Deborah and perhaps the Success were brought into service during Samuel Barrow's term and the Sacramento and the Lysander during John Price's term. Stockades were built - initially at Pentridge in Samuel Barrow's term - and also at Richmond, Williamstown and Collingwood. Samuel Barrow's title did not immediately reflect the additional facilities brought into service during 1852 - the President and the Deborah being additional to Pentridge Stockade. Perhaps some of the additional stockades were also brought into service in 1852 as well.

175. On 25 Dec 2015, Ton Tielen provided some further 'Lousada' occurrences in the notary books of the Amsterdam Municipal Archive - these occurrences have been uploaded. This set of data added to our knowledge of the Curacao and Amsterdam Baruch Lousadas, and also the Livorno Levi Lousadas. It suggested that there was another sibling Daniel in the family of Isaac Baruch Lousada #42 - who perhaps went to Nevis before 1674. It also suggested that the Den Haag Louzadas - whom we knew had links with the Israel Pereira and Mercado families in parallel with the Baruch Lousadas - may also be Baruch Lousadas but perhaps like Abraham Israel Pereira they came to Amsterdam/Den Haag via Venice rather than Livorno.

176. A profile has been uploaded of a remarkable Sephardic Jew Jeronimo Nunes da Costa aka Moses Curiel. He was a key Agent for Portugal in Amsterdam in the 2nd half of the 1600s, and a cousin of Duarte Rodrigues Lamego of Rouen who gathered information on France for Portugal during the same period.

177. Jessica Roitman ''A flock of wolves instead of sheep': The Dutch West India Company, Conflict Resolution, and the Jewish Community of Curacao in the Eighteenth Century' pp85-106 Chap 4 in Jane S Gerber ed 'The Jews in the Caribbean' The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Portland 2014

178. See www.tiarks.co.uk. An older but similar dataset is conveniently uploaded here and into this we have inserted a photograph of Foxbury. Both editions of the Tiarks genealogy appear to contain an error on p29 for as Diana Mayne by email 21 Jan 2016 reported, family papers show that the 4th and 5th children of James Tayler Morris and Sarah Skanes were Sarah Anne born in 1836 and Henry Charles Edward born 11 Mar 1838 as compared with the p29 data which shows the reverse birthdate order. Alan Pereira contributed some further data on the Tiarks family - see ref 227 below.

179. Toby Green 'Inquisition: the Reign of Fear' Macmillan London 2007

180. A set of 214 images of the trial of Amador de Lousada was obtained from Torre de Tomba and though they difficult to read, transcription by Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman has yielded an astonishing amount of information. His transcript has been uploaded and in this transcript can be seen Villaflor, Amador's unmarried daughter Brites/Briatis/Beatriz Alvares, a paternal grandmother with the same name, and the names Jeronimo and Rodriguez. The connection between Amador de Lousada and Tomas Rodrigues Pereira aka Abraham Israel Pereira whose mother had the name Beatriz Geronima is considered here.

181. On 21 Mar 2016, Laura Arnold Leibman provided the following information: John Castello Montefiore was baptized on 20 April 1810 at St. Michael's Cathedral as an adult.  He is listed as a free mulatto (Barbados Church Records 1637-1887 film no 001157925). He married Mary Elizabeth Law on 15 April 1818, also at St. Michael's Cathedral (Barbados Church Records 1637-1887 film no 001157926). Mary Elizabeth was born in 1799 and died in 1877. In the records of their marriage, they both have the acronym FM after their names, again meaning free mulatto. While this may seem appalling, records such as these were actually the official way that people were recognized as having the higher status of being partially white. Indeed, John Castello Montefiore and his son John Montefiore were two of the wealthiest men of African descent in Bridgetown. Their names often appear in histories of the emancipation era (1800-1833/34). They signed numerous petitions for civil rights for people of African descent, and were important merchants. A great resource on this era is Melanie Newton's 'The Children of Africa in the Colonies: Free People of Color in the Age of Emancipation' of 2012. John had a store on Swan Street, near most of his Jewish kin (Barbados Newspapers 1854 gives the address, but it is also in the Vestry books for St. Michael's parish). 

182. http://sammlungen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/freimann/content/titleinfo/736310 contains an online electronic version of JHSE Miscellanies I of which pages xxiv-xxxiii (corresponding to pages 34-43 of the PDF document) contain a list of passes issued by the English authorities in the 1689-96 period to Jews travelling to and from England. A copy including of these pages has been uploaded.

183. See http://www.dutchjewry.org/phpr/amsterdam/tim_sephard_marriages/amsterdam_tim_sephard_marriages_view.php?editid1=888

184. See ref 85 which shows a 3 Tebet 5500 deathdate

185. Renzo Toaff 'La Nazione Ebrea a Livorno e a Pisa 1591-1700' L S Olschki Editore 1990. From this we have extracted some notes on the Lousadas of Livorno, Tunisia and Algeria.

186. See http://lumbroso.info/3.html which contains the following secondary data 'Un acte du Consulat de France du 24 avril 1686 indique que sont comparus devant le chancelier du consulat: Jacob et Rafael de Daniel Lumbroso, Moses Mendes Ossuna et Jacob Baruk Lousada, habitants de cette ville qui, ayant représenté l'état de nécessité extrème au quel leur communauté est réduite, ont demandé à emprunter une somme de mille pièces de 8 réaux. Le consul leur concède un prêt de 1,000 pièces remboursable à Livourne au taux de change maritime de 16% garanti par Jacob Suares et Isaque Levi Lousada, les quels « en qualité d'esclaves » seront enfermés au bagne de son S.A.S. Le Grand Duc de Toscane « jusqu'à la réalisation de payement » Jacob de Daniel Lumbroso et les autres notables livournais se portant eux aussi garants'.

187. We have uploaded from the internet some arrival data for Victoria in which 2 Lousadas appear. The birthdates suggested that J(ohn) b~1839 and Charles b~1841 may have fallen into the family of the Yorkshire Lousadas as brothers of Arthur b1837 but Alan Pereira advised that he could not find them in English birth records. Accordingly it now seems likely that these 2 records refer, notwithstanding the inaccurate birthdate estimation and transciption errors, to sons of John Baruh Lousada of Peak House namely John Mortimer Lousada b1841 or perhaps Harry Burningham Lousada b1844 and Edward Charles Lousada b1854.

188. Cecil Roth 'The membership of the Great Synagogue of London, to 1791' JHSE Miscellanies VI 1962:175-86

189. In https://web.archive.org/web/20050508075955/http://www.eclipse.co.uk/exeshul/susser/gsbirths/gsbirthsfour.htm can be found at GSB S023-5 the last 3 children of Baron Lyon de Symons who is noted as follows: Mr. Leib son of Shmuel Pressburg de Symons of Vienna, noted as Baron Lyon de Symons 1743-1814.

190. In early 2013 James Greener sent a first instalment of Barbados documents

191. Later in 2013 James Greener sent a larger (40MB) instalment of Barbados documents.

192. Joanne McCree Sanders editor and complier 'Barbados Records Wills and Administrations Vol3 1701-25'. The Preface describes how only 80 or so wills before 1723 exist, the wills record books are incomplete, and the recopied record books were done in a somewhat haphazard fashion. The original record books can be consulted if the recopied books are dubious, but of course only where the original record books exist. The recopied will record of Aaron Baruh Lousada #376 is an example of what was produced.

193. Edgar Samuel 'London's Portuguese Jewish community' Shemot 2016:12-4 (copy uploaded)

194. Sandra Lousada 'Private Faces Public Places' Frances Lincoln Limited, London 2009

194. On 9 Feb 2017 Ton Tielen pointed out a testament from David Baruch Louzada and Rebecca Lopes Mirandella of 1705 on http://tinyurl.com/j7xcz2t and as David made a new will in 1739 (ref 224; presumably related to the 1738 deed - #112 above), we may assume that he was a widower then. What is not clear is whether Rebecca or an earlier wife was the mother of the daughter we believe is named Rachel but this is the way we leave it for the moment. The testament is uploaded.

195. Patricia Sees 'Jewish Scientists and the Origin of Modern Navigation' Chap 3 in ref 196.

196. Paolo Bernadini & Norman Fiering eds 'The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West 1450-1800' Berghahn Books NY & Oxford 2001

197. John D Garrigus 'New Christians/''New Whites'': Sephardic Jews, Free People of Colour, and Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue, 1760-1789' Chap 16 in ref 196.

198. Silvia Marzagalli 'Atlantic Trade and Sephardim Merchants in Eighteenth Century France: the Case of Bordeaux' Chap 14 in ref 196.

199. Wim Klooster 'The Jews in Suriname and Curacao' Chap 18 in ref 196.

200. E P F Lynch 'Somme Mud' Random House Sydney 2006

201. https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/5075.nl.html#NOTD00116000006. However the public URL is https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/scans/5075/58.1.12/start/0/limit/10/highlight/6. A 200KB resolution image of the original 2MB document may be found here - and in it may be seen the date 20 May 1649, the age of Antonio Fernandes Lousada (20), 4 mentions of Roann/Rouen, the name and age of Manuel Doria (who signs), the pair of Julian Henriques and Lopo Rodrigues Pereira (5 times - including once individually), Manuel Henriques Lopes a Portuguese merchant (is he Manuel Doria?), and the signatories of the notaries Dirck Veluis and Jan Lievenscz plus 3 witnesses. Gaspar and Balthazar Rodrigues (were they Gaspar and Balthazar Rodrigues Cardozo whose 1653 exit from Madrid is discussed in ref 123 p232-5?) appear 3 times, and the notary book is associated with the name Jan Volkaertz Oli in the Amsterdam Archives index of notaries.

202. V D Lipman 'Sephardi and other Jewish Immigrants in England in the Eighteenth Century' pp37-62 in 'Migration and Settlement' proceedings of the Anglo-American Jewish Historical Conference July 1970, JHSE London 1971

203. At https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/5075.nl.html#KLAC01074000272

204. Claire Myers forwarded her collection of Massiah wills uploaded here.

205. N Darnell Davis 'Notes from Wills of the Family of Massiah of Barbados' Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 22 (1914):178-80 - has been uploaded.

206. http://www.ajhs.org/rediscovering-important-link-american-jewish-history an interview of Karl Watson by Laura Leibman

207. Martyn Bowden 'The World of the Sephardic Jews of Bridgetown, PT III'  Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society LXII (2016):77-151 - has been uploaded. PTI and PTII have also been uploaded. PTII pp7-8 points out (upon noting ref 45 pp54, 283-4) the regrettable involvement of Aaron #376 and his brother Abraham #45 in the slave trade with a Captain Stewart.

208. Gordon S Wood 'The Inventor of the Presidency' 25 May 2017, NY Review of Books LXIV (9):34-7 in a review of 'George Washington's Journey: the President Forges a new Nation' by T H Breen

209. Stanley Mirvis (unpublshed) citing the 1746 will of Aaron Valverde (BA Lib36 Fol160; AJA SC-12578)

210. Stanley Mirvis (unpublshed) citing the 1759 will of David Baruch Lousada - but note that although the analysis of wills in this reference suggested 3 previously unknown (to us) female Baruch Lousadas of Barbados, as we discuss here only one of these (Rebecca) is compatible with London will evidence and the other 2 brothers-in-law of David Baruch Lousada #1263 arose via Massiah siblings instead. That is, Mirvis' suggestion is an over-reaction that is inherited by ref 311 our critique of which may be found here.

211. Ton Tielen provided the following information on 3 May 2017: A Jacob Mesias from Tittuao (Tetouan, Morocco), passed through Amsterdam, and was given a subsidy of 5 guilders for his voyage to Barbados, on the 4th of Quislef 5447 (1687). He may have been the father of Daniel Massiah. Source: CAA 334, image 95, page 175. But as we note here Daniel was born in 1676, so perhaps was born in Morocco or on the journey either to or from Amsterdam.

212. On 18 Jun 2013 Ton Tielen by email sent information from Dotar records about Luna Baruch Lousada and her connection with Abraham and David Pereira. The relevant part of this email has been uploaded but note that she didn't marry Isaac Franco Nunes. Though unsuccessful in winning a dowry with Dotar she married Jacob Franco Nunes in Amsterdam on 6 Elul 5435 as shown in http://www.dutchjewry.org/phpr/amsterdam/port_isr_gem_marriages/amsterdam_port_isr_gem_marriages_view.php?editid1=35.

213. The Franco Nunes we found in Amsterdam records are shown here.

214. Robert Macklin 'Dark Paradise - Norfolk Island - Isolation, Savagery, Mystery and Murder' Hachette Sydney 2016. On pages 196-203 may be found an account of Alexander Maconochie's liberal practices leading to the discharge of 920 doubly-convicted prisoners and 600 'new hands' being given tickets-of-leave, while noting Maconochie's inability to deal successfully with homosexuality and The Ring (of incorrigible 'old hands'). On pages 204-5 Bryan Gandevia is cited on extreme punishments proposed by Samuel Barrow. Ref 215 however does not identify Samuel Barrow with these extreme punishments.

215. Bryan Gandevia 'Secondary Punishment in the Penal Period in Australia 1788 - c1850' Delivered to a meeting of the Medico-Legal Society held on 28 May 1977 at RACS Melbourne - the published version of this address has been uploaded and Samuel Barrow does not appear in it.

216. On 20 Aug 2017 Ton Tielen made public his excerpt of the will of Manuel Faro, also known as Isaac Israel Faro and Abraham Isaac Faro - uploaded. The images themselves from https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/5075.nl.html#KLAF00983000189 are uploaded here.

217. On 14 Nov 2014 Ton Tielen sent by email a selection of Amsterdam data showing a strong Henriques Faro and Israel Pereira family link - uploaded - with supporting data on the Israel Pereiras - also uploaded. An overlapping collection of data from Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman is uploaded here.

218. Joseph White 'The history of the Shire of Korumburra' 1988 (apparently self-published - seen in State Library of Victoria).

219. Readily available data found on ancestry.com on 24 Sep 2017 shows that Florence May Prince was the widowed sister-in-law of Charles Lloyd Bemrose, a son of Margaret Romana Simpson, who was a great-granddaughter of Joseph Wright of Derby. She married Herbert Cheney Bemrose on 30 Mar 1904 but he died on 30 Jun 1930. The only surviving sibling was Romana Gertrude Bemrose who died in 1969. There is no record of a marriage between Florence May b1874 and William Poulett Lousada b1881, but they lived together for almost a decade in Surrey, mostly at Withy Spring House on Petworth Road, until her death in 1953.

220. The last (title) page of the document found at https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/334.nl.html#A232400002 in Sep 2017 contains the names of the 1670 Mahamad members. It also contains a list of most if not all of the Sephardic community members in 1670 in the lead up to the construction of their Synagogue consecrated in 1675. This list has been uploaded and can be found here, and contains the signatures of Jacob Baruch Lousada d1681 #1388, and Isaac Louzada 1645-1714 #50 one of the Den Haag Louzadas.   

221. The confession transcript and genealogy of Maria de Lousada was kindly provided by Florbela Veiga Frade in Sep 2017. Several comments and/or corrections are needed here. The wife of Henrique de Lousada appears as Leonor Dias in the genealogy, and though Leonor Mendes is shown twice in the confession transcript we show the former alternative here. Isabel Mendes appears in the genealogy as dying in 1658 and as a sister of Henrique, but not in the confession transcript where Isabel Rodrigues appears. Confusingly Isabel Mendes de Lousada who married Pedro Rodrigues was an aunt of Henrique, and as shown in ref 145, she died before the 1656 Madrid will of her son Antonio. That is, it seems that some reference to Isabel Mendes (de Lousada) has been mistakenly imported into the genealogy. We suggest that Isabel Mendes in the genealogy should be read as Isabel Rodrigues who as per the confession transcript married Antonio Dias, and therefore since Henrique married Leonor Dias was probably a sister-in-law of Henrique. Accordingly, the genealogy appears to be in error in making Isabel a sister of Henrique - she was a sister-in-law via the 2 Dias marriages!

222. At the head of Claire Myers' genealogy of the Barbados Lindos is Abraham 'de Haydo' Lindo. His marriage to Esther Nunes Castello is shown here - http://www.dutchjewry.org/phpr/amsterdam/tim_sephard_marriages/amsterdam_tim_sephard_marriages_view.php?editid1=3488. On 9 Oct 2017 Ton Tielen suggested that Abraham was the son of David de Haedo, via the following marriage which came to light thanks to Michael Waas. A prenuptial agreement of David de Haedo and Ester Lindo is at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10212776633764783&set=p.10212776633764783&type=3&theater&ifg=1 and for the marriage record see http://www.dutchjewry.org/phpr/amsterdam/tim_sephard_marriages/amsterdam_tim_sephard_marriages_view.php?editid1=2452. Ton Tielen gave a brief summary of the prenup: David de Haedo (assisted by his mother Catharina Angela le Maire, widow of Julius de Haedo) and Esther Lindo (daughter of Judike Lindo, widow of Davidt Palatio - see http://www.dutchjewry.org/phpr/amsterdam/tim_sephard_marriages/amsterdam_tim_sephard_marriages_view.php?editid1=4109 for this marriage) express their wish to marry. The date of the prenup was 20 March 1662 with nice signatures - David signs as Davidt Dehaedo aka Juan Pedro Dehaedo. Ester Lindo's will is at https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/5075.nl.html#NOTD00171000011. Michael Waas commented that the mother of David ie Catharina Angela le Maire had an Antwerp connection shown in http://search.arch.be/eadsearch/inventaris/index/taal/dut/archiefbewaarplaats/BE-A0541/eadid/BE-A0541_005619_006781_DUT/inventarisnr/I561967811264/level/file#c:0.c:0.c:949 and that she was the daughter of Peter le Maire; possibly Peter le Maire came from the family of Isaac le Maire, probable New Christian, and the largest initial shareholder in VOC who later came into conflict with it. Ton Tielen noted that David de Haedo was a 'Portuguese merchant' from Gulik a small town in Germany; that Judith Cohen Henriques the mother of Esther Nunes Castello was a daughter of Jacob Cohen Henriques and Judith Arary from Antequerra in Spain; and in the 1651 marriage bann of Judith Cohen Henriques and Jacob Nunes Castello (at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10212777211819234&set=p.10212777211819234&type=3&theater) it is stated that the bride had a father in Brazil and that her godmother/witness was Rachel Capadoce; and that Esther Lindo came from an earlier (Lindo) marriage of Judith Cohen Henriques (not the Pallache/Palatio marriage referred to above).

On 19 Sep 2018 Michael Waas added the following initial comment after "doing a deep dive into the archives in Antwerp.....essentially.....Beatris Arnouts was first married to Pieter Le Maire. They had two daughters, one of whom is Catherine Le Maire, married to Julian de Haedo. Beatris married Alexander Lindo after Pieter passed away and had several children with him. Ton found Beatris's will in Amsterdam as well."

223. Samantha Baskind 'Bernard Picart's Etchings of Amsterdam's Jews' Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture, Society' 13 (2 - Winter 2007):40-64

224. On 30 Oct 2017 Pat Stafford provided 3 Barbados Baruch Lousada wills and these have been uploaded. The will of Rachel #1181 was discussed by Karl Watson (in ref 131 Chapter 11 p214), while those of David #612 and David #1263 were discussed by Stanley Mirvis in ref 210. For the 1738 deed, probably linked to the will of David #612, see ref 112 and for the 1705 testament of David #612 and Rebecca Lopes Mirandella see ref 194.

225. On 1 Nov 2017 Michael Waas drew our attention to 'Capitulacoems e ordenanças do modo que se deve governar a Hebra' de cazar orfas e conzelas, fundada nesta Cidade de Liorne o ano 5404 [1644] ... aprovadas, e publicadas na Junta Jera] de dita Hebrà, deste ano 5487' available on https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100157547 - this is a history of the Livorno dowry charity. In it may be found Isaac Baruch Lousada (1644), and Abraham (1644), Daniel (1653), and Daniel son of Isaac Levi Lousada (1707).

226. Yosef Kaplan ' ''This thing alone will preserve their nation forever'' Circumcision and Conversion in Early Modern Western Communities' chap2 in Kevin Ingram and Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano eds 'Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond' vol3 'Displaced Persons' Brill Leiden 2016 - copy uploaded here. On p238 may be found an account of the death in Antwerp and the burial in Amsterdam of Fernando Montezinos. On p241 may be found an account of the circumstances of the Jewish burial of Maria da Fonseca, the mother of David and Jacob Curiel. On p226 may be found an account of financial penalties applicable around the London community's circumcision rules.

227. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of John Gerhard Tiarks' 12 Nov 2017 uploaded click here. A technical issue prevented us incorporating this mini-genealogy, but note ref 178 is a full source of information on the Tiarks family.

228. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of Philip Francis Trench' 12 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

229. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of John Hall Smyth' 12 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

230. Alan Pereira 'George Edward Russell Sandars' 16 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

231. Alan Pereira 'John McKenzie Bacon' 16 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

232. Alan Pereira 'Emily Catherine Ximenes' 17 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

233. Alan Pereira 'John David McHaffie' 18 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

234. Alan Pereira 'Thomas Law Montefiore' 19 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

235. Alan Pereira 'Hugh Samuel Tyssen' 19 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

236. Ton Tielen on 21 Nov 2017 produced a list of Portuguese Jews sent to North Africa and Gibraltar with financial assistance from Amsterdam in the 1685-1728 period. This list is uploaded here. Recorded for 1707, Abraham Messiah (son of Isaac) was paid 11 guilders to go to Tetuan in Morocco, while Isaac is sent to Gibraltar and is paid 20 guilders. Perhaps they are related to Jacob (see ref 211 above) from Tetuan. This adds a further clue to the origins of the Massiahs of Barbados.

237. Alan Pereira 'Gertrude Bacon' 20 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

238. Alan Pereira 'Henry Mullins Sandham' 22 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

239. Alan Pereira 'John Richardson Illingworth' 22 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

240. Alan Pereira 'George Gutteres' 26 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

241. Alan Pereira 'Donald Bain Finlayson' 26 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

242. Alan Pereira 'Percy George Mocatta' 28 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

243. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of Elias Mocatta' 28 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

244. Alan Pereira 'Aaron Asher Goldsmid' 28 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

245. Alan Pereira 'Miles Chippendale Barton' 28 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

246. Alan Pereira 'Joseph Sebag-Montefiore' 28 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

247. Alan Pereira 'Howel Maddock Arthur Owen' 29 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

248. Alan Pereira 'William Tankerville Chamberlayne' 29 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

249. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of Julian Sorel' 30 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

250. Alan Pereira 'Wigram Seymour Elliott' 30 Nov 2017 uploaded click here.

251. Alan Pereira 'Hugh Conroy' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

252. Alan Pereira 'Daniel Charles Stiebel' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here and (for later information) here.

253. Alan Pereira 'Claude Reignier Conder' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

254. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of David Nathan' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

255. Alan Pereira 'George Frederick Barrow Montefiore' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

256. Alan Pereira 'Horace Barrow Montefiore' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

257. Alan Pereira 'Leopold Oppenheim' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

258. Alan Pereira 'Eliezer Levi Montefiore' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

259. Alan Pereira 'Joseph Henriques' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

260. Alan Pereira 'Charles Phipps Tiarks' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

261. Alan Pereira 'Solomon Gomes da Costa' 2 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

262. On 2 May 2017, Ton Tielen found a document from the archives of the Portuguese Jewish Community in Amsterdam inv.nr. 875. It concerns an inheritance from Joseph Suares, part of which goes to Aron Baruch Loisada (Louzada) and Ester de Daniel Mesiah who live on Barbados. This document has been uploaded.

263. Alan Pereira 'Percy Martindale Lousada' 4 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

264. Alan Pereira 'Thomas Molyneux Seel' 4 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

265. Alan Pereira 'John Lawson' 4 Dec 2017 uploaded click here. This updates a previous version.

266. Alan Pereira 'Charles Sterling Lousada' 6 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

267. Alan Pereira 'Benjamin Elkin Mocatta' 6 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

268. Alan Pereira 'Robert Charles Boileau Pemberton' 6 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

269. Alan Pereira 'Theophilus John Pontin' 6 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

270. Alan Pereira 'Charles W Edwards' 7 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

271. Alan Pereira 'Oscar Theodore Barrow' 7 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

272. Alan Pereira 'Jacob Barrow' 7 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

273. Alan Pereira 'Alan Patrick Herbert' 7 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

274. Alan Pereira 'Boyce Albert Combe' 8 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

275. Alan Pereira 'Moses Montefiore' 13 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

276. Alan Pereira 'Abraham Mocatta' 13 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

277. Alan Pereira 'Horatio Joseph Lucas' 13 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

278. Alan Pereira 'Isidore Spielmann' 13 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

279. Alan Pereira 'Robert Henry Dick-Cunyngham' 13 Dec 2017 uploaded click here. See also earlier version.

280. Alan Pereira 'Arthur Ranulph Bacon' 13 Dec 2017 uploaded click here.

281. Nicholas Draffin 'An enthusiastic amateur of the arts: Eliezer Levi Montefiore in Melbourne 1853-71' National Gallery of Victoria e-journal publication 1988. This has been uploaded.

282. Angus Trumble 'The Rothschilds, the Montefiores, and the Victorian Gold Rush' 30 Oct 2017. This contains an account of the Rothschild and Montefiore correspondence commencing in late 1851 on the subject of Victorian gold. It may be found here - https://www.portrait.gov.au/postcards/2017/10/rothschilds-montefiores-gold-rush and has been uploaded. It has its origin in ref 285 below. Note that Joseph Barrow Montefiore is therein incorrectly referred to as a brother of his nephews Jacob and Eliezer Levi Montefiore; and Leslie who is given the lifespan 1830-1909 and who is thus the oldest son of Jacob Barrow Montefiore is given as the son of Joseph Barrow Montefiore. 

283. Chaim Bermant 'The Cousinhood' Macmillan NY 1971

284. Text provided by the South Australian Gallery to us on 28 Jan 13 had been reproduced from notes originally prepared at a time when brother Joseph was dead ie after 4 Sep 1893, and stated that the painting was presented 18 months before the notes were written. As the notes were originally written when Jacob was alive (and with 2 sons and 2 daughters alive) ie before 3 Nov 1895 the painting was presented in the Mar 1892 - May 1894 period. The notes further stated 'The picture is a handsome one, and depicts Mr Montefiore in the most lifelike and characteristic manner. He is sitting in his favourite old armchair, with one hand resting on a copy of The South Australian Register, which is on a writing table, and with the other hand on his knee. The picture is an admirable work of art, and an ornament to the Gallery'. We judge that the painting was done when the subject was around 70 ie around 1870. The  notes also inform us that the subject was appointed as honorary Commissioner on behalf of South Australia at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. The sons alive at the time were Leslie Jacob (d1909) and Joseph Gompertz (d1915), while the daughters were Ada Rachel (d1927) and Victoria Violet (d1933).

285. Rothschild Annual Review 2011-2 (uploaded) - see pp24-31 for the earlier version of ref 282. Note that the 18th August 1852 shipping order shown on p31 was clearly by Jacob not Joseph Barrow Montefiore. 

286. On 6 Feb 2018 Matteo Giunti sent images of 4 ketubots from the first ('A') register of ketubots from the Livorno Jewish Archive and these fall within the 1626-49 period. He provided a summary (by Michael Waas) here, and also the 4 images themselves.

287. The genealogy of the Surinam Baruch Lousadas provided by Fenneke Lousada-Scheltens is uploaded here. This data derives from Iwan de Vries whose compilation may be found online eg on Geanet. However, de Vries does not give references which makes it difficult to check the sources. We doubt the paternal links in several key cases and until these can be checked against synagogue names we will proceed with 2 amendments we consider should be made to the early Baruch Lousada data contained therein. First, it is uncommon for a father to have a son with the same name, and thus we are not accepting without proof that David #1528 was the son of David #1586; a much better candidate to be father of David #1528 is Isaac #1297 whose father was David #44. In addition, the first son of Isaac #1568, who married Rosa Hannah Robles de Medina in Surinam in 1746, is shown as Abraham born 21 Aug 1747 in Jodensavanne, and the second son was David born 31 Dec 1749 also in Jodensavanne - but since both grandfathers were named David it would seem that Abraham is misplaced and that David #2187 was in fact the first son. Accordingly we make Isaac #1582 the father of Abraham #2165. It is of course beyond doubt that Abraham #1587 had a son Isaac, for Isaac son of Abraham appears in Paramaribo on or around 11 Sep 1749 as a 'taker' of a commercial bill (ref 175 #7); and therefore we would expect there to have been a grandson named Abraham ie Abraham #2165. These 2 amendments thus appear in our chart of the early Baruch Lousadas of Surinam and Curacao. In our critique of the Surinam genealogy we examined all relevant gravestone records revealed in ref 125, with all minor discrepancies taken into account, before inclusion into our main genealogy. As noted here, we doubt the lifespan of David #2187 given in the de Vries genealogy, and also we doubt that the first 2 children shown of Moses #1938 were his.

288. Ross McMullin 'Pompey Elliott' Scribe, Brunswick and London, 2002.

289. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of Israel Lewis-Barned' uploaded click here.

290. Roland Perry 'The Australian Light Horse' Hachette Australia 2010

291. Solomon's house purchase is recorded here - https://archief.amsterdam/indexen/transportakten_1563-1811/zoek/query.nl.pl?i1=1&a1=louzada&x=14&z=a#A11362000227 - and the details have been uploaded.

292. William Yehudha de Oliveira provided us with information on Guiseppe 'Lousada' and notes there were Levi Lousadas in Genoa in the 1700s.

293. Key details of the ennoblement of Diego Lopes Pereira #122 may be found here - the extract being made by Ton Tielen.

294. Stanley Mirvis (unpublshed) citing the 1763 will of Leah Gabay Letob where his notes read as follows "my beloved grandson Sollomon Benoney Baruk Louzada…my loving grand daughter Rachel daughter of Jeremiah Baruk Louzada"

295. Diane Monier-Moore 'Dinan - the English Cemetery' Editions Plessix 2018.

296. Gilles Boulu 'Nouvelles sources pour la généalogie des Juifs de Tunisie : exemple de la famille Mendes Ossuna ou Ossona' Genealo-J 135 (Autumn 2018):13-9 and an extract in which Jacob Baruch Lousada appears is reproduced here.

297. Daniel M Swetschinski 'Reluctant Cosmopolitans: the Portuguese Jews of 17th century Amsterdam' Littman Library of Jewish Civilisation London 2000. In this reference appears a discussion of the subject of our ref 141 (see notes above), and on page 295 a discussion of the 1691 Sermon Book of David Baruch Lousada as an example of the self-publishing that occurred in the Amsterdam of the day. On page 282 in footnote 20 may be found the observation that Abigail Dias da Fonseca alias Beatris de Caceres had a host of descendants named 'Keizer' and that Esther Dias married David Keizer on 13 May 1672. However the matter does not appear to be settled - an online discussion in Aug 2018 covered the admission of David Keiser of Hamburg which was approved by the entire Mahamad (https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/334.nl.html?fbclid=IwAR0NBWCG9n811WhkF-rvWTfqdb7dz0PVtgA3glLdp4E9qbGU_ayw39gQzYw#A01510000074) and Ton Tielen noted 'that it looks like David Keyser is Ashkenasi, and asked for membership of the Amsterdam community on the basis of his ketubah with a daughter of Aaron Dias da Fonseca, which was signed by Haham Isaac Aboab. Here's the contradiction I read in the decision of the Mahamad:- in general, they do not grant membership to Ashkenasim, yet in individual cases they take the liberty to ignore their own rules'. We have to ask though - is it certain that being from Hamburg he was definitely not Sephardic?

298. Alev Scott 'Ottoman Odyssey: travels through a lost empire' Quercus London 2018 pp52-64.

299. Jenny Uglow 'Island Hopping' New York Review of Books Feb 7-20 2019:18-20 reviews 2 recent books on James Cook and notes the advice of James Douglas to restrain wanton use of firearms against the legal possessors of newly discovered lands.

300. Rachel Lichstenstein 'The Lost Synagogue of Speightstown: New Findings in the Light of Recent Investigations' Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, LXIV (85th A):196-226 (uploaded).

301. Matthias B Lehmann 'La Puerta de la Franquia: Livorno and pan-Jewish networks of beneficence in the eighteenth century' Chap 3 in 'Italian Jewish Networks from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century' eds Francesca Bregoli, Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti and Guri Schwarz, Palgrave Macmillan Cham Switzerland 2018. On pp49-50 may be found reference to 2 letters Baron Moses d'Aguilar wrote from Vienna to Livorno in 1750 and 1752 concerning 2 specific cases of funding Jews in the Ottoman Empire.

302. Christopher Sellars 'The First Synagogue in the Americas – Itamaraca 1634' self -published in 2014 - uploaded.

303. Michael K Silber 'The Making of Habsburg Jewry in the Long Eighteenth Century' chap 29 in 'The Cambridge History of Judaism vol7' eds Jonathan Karp and Adam Sutcliffe pp763-97 - uploaded.

304. Mary Hoban 'An Unconventional Wife: the life of Julia Sorell Arnold' Scribe, Melbourne 2019

305. Felice L Bedford 'Sephardic signature in haplogroup T mitochondrial DNA' European Journal of Human Genetics  Apr 2012 20(4): 441–448 - uploaded.

306. Michael Waas, Adam Brown et al 'Haplogroup J-Z640-Genetic Insight into the Levantine Bronze Age' Journal of Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology 2019 Vol 7(1): 209 - uploaded.

307. See Geoff Congdon's genealogy website www.genealogy.congdon.family. Gwen Truscott's self-published 'From St Dennis to Euronga' gives an account of the Cornish origin of the Truscotts and their progress from South Australia, Warrnambool, and Brunswick to Toora.

308. Manfred Lehmann 'Our Own Banana Republic' The Jerusalem Post Magazine 7 Apr 1978 uploaded

309. William Dalrymple 'The Anarchy: the relentless rise of the East India Company' Bloomsbury London 2019

310. Martin Stechauner 'Imagining the Sephardic Community of Vienna: A Discourse-Analytical Approach' pp49-91 in Hans Gerald Hödl and Lukas Pokorny eds 'Religion in Austria' Vol2 Praesens Verlag, Vienna 2014. This reference debunks the more fantastical legends about Baron Moses d'Aguilar, and confirms his Portuguese origin and his father being in the tobacco trade. It is almost silent on the Amsterdam 'bookends' of his Vienna stay revealed in our work. It refers to burial of his father Abraham and mother Sarah, 2 children, and a (presumably da Fonseca) brother-in-law at the Seegasse Jewish Cemetery in Vienna. The most relevant section of this reference has been uploaded.

311. Michael Hoberman Laura Leibman and Hilit Surowitz-Israel eds 'Jews in the Americas 1776-1826' Routledge 2018 Abingdon UK (seen as ebook from Routledge Taylor & Francis). Some explanatory comments in this reference are a little astray - see here. Subsequently we have updated B.3 in that critique - Solomon the grandson of Leah Gabay Letob (see ref 294) was probably a product of Jeremiah's 2nd marriage (to Sarah Gabay Letob); the missing son named Solomon from Jeremiah's 1st marriage probably died young.

312. The DutchJewry databases are now available after internet archiving at https://www.dutchjewry.org/ and from here the sites for the individual collections may be found. It is necessary to first find the Amsterdam data using the 'Regional Research' link and thus the 'Portuguese Marriages' may be found at https://www.dutchjewry.org/portugese_marriages/port_marr_az.shtml, the 'Sephardic Marriages' may be found at https://www.dutchjewry.org/sephar_tim/tim_sephar_marr_az.shtml, and the Beth Haim burials may be found at https://www.dutchjewry.org/portuguese_israelite_cemetery/port_cemetery_az.shtml. The previous database structure would not have survived internet archiving and some features like 'advanced search' of the collections just referred to did not come across.

313. Emily D Auliciano 'Genetic Genealogy' AuthorHouse Bloomington 2013

314. On 27 April 2020 Jeannine Wegmueller provided a GEDcom file of her ancestry.com genealogy, from which has been extracted a tree of her Luzarder ancestors uploaded here.  

315. Hudson, Hugh 'A Jewish philanthropist in colonial Australia: Eliezer Levi Montefiore's papers in the Autograph Collection of the State Library of Victoria' Journal of the Australian Jewish Historical Society 20(3):349-94 Nov 2011. This compilation is uploaded here.

316. Stanley Mirvis 'The Alvares Family Patriarchs and the Place of Pre-1692 Port Royal in the Western Sephardic Diaspora' The American Jewish Archives Journal 67(2):1–46 2015. This paper is uploaded here.

317. Manuel Rodrigues Veiga was the first Portuguese to take the oath as an Amsterdam burgher. Some of his brothers after moving from Antwerp to Amsterdam and Rotterdam took the surname Touro - a view attributed to the historian Herman Prins Salomon - Pedro becoming Abraham Touro and Gaspar - a probable brother or younger relative - becoming Judah. The reference for this found on Sephardic Diaspora on 12 May 2020 was 'Os Primeiros Portugueses de Amsterdao, Documentos do Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo:1595-1606, Braga 1983 p10'. See also ref 351.

318. Geoffrey Wheatcroft 'A Discriminating Dissolute' The New York Review LXVII(9):28-9 28 May 2020

319. Alain Nedjar, Gilles Boulu, Liliane Nedjar and Raphael Attias 'Ketubbot registers of the Jewish Nation of Livorno' Cercle de Généalogie Juive Paris 2020 2vols. The Lousada entries are summarised here and the early Montefiore entries are summarised here.

320. Origin of the Sephardic Community of Livorno at https://www.tarbutsefarad.com/san-fernando/3129-origen-de-la-comunidad-sefardita-de-livorno.html - extract uploaded here.

321. MJM Haddey 'Le livre d'or des Israélites Algériens: recueil de reseignements inédits et...' 1871 reprinted by Facsimile Publisher India 2016.

322. See here for the 1649 promesas payment by Moses Baruch Lousada.

323. The 'de Pinto manuscript' https://www.jstor.org/stable/41481179?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents - see here for a relevant extract. On p18 of the document may be found reference to the siblings Esther #1184 Rodrigues da Costa who married David Baruch Louzada #44 in 1673, and also her brother Isaac #438.

324. Data from the collection of Bob Leuzarder is uploaded here.

325. A 1976 paper on the Jews of the Colonial New Brunswick area is uploaded here. The paper errs in equating Kitty the daughter of Aaron #53 with Catherine Pollack - for it was the latter person who married Isaac Abrahams as can be see from Stern's Abraham tree in ref 324. It may also err on the Codrington property purchase - for it has been pointed out that Aaron #53 bought a subdivided 300 acre piece of the former Codrington property (via Phillip French and Joseph Reade) in 1743 - see https://campbellgenealogynotes.wordpress.com/tag/alexander-campbell-bound-brook/, and was not a party to the original larger original Codrington purchase. In addition, its suggestion that Aaron's daughter Catherine died at Bound Brook as an adult leaving a husband behind is at odds with her marriage in 1779 to Abraham Loxley (see ref 324), and also at odds with Blume Michael being a very young bride who did not produce a 2nd daughter ie Catherine until the mid-1750s.

326. 'Wills of Early New York Jews' AJHS 1967 pp59-61 and also p65 under the will of Samuel Myers Cohen who in his 2nd marriage married Rachel a daughter of Moses Michael. Ref 113 pp261-5 is cited which explains the link between the NY copy of the will and other copies. It is concluded there that Moses Michael spent 23 years in Curacao ending with his 1740 death there and was a major importer especially of flour from NY which is where his family was and his official residence. He had business dealings (litigation arose in 1713 ) with Nathan Simson, whose name appears as a business partner of Aaron Louzada in ref 329.

327. Moses Jacob Burak 'Moses Myers of Norfolk' Master's Thesis, University of Virginia, Richmond Aug 1954 uploaded

328. A van Doren Honeyman ed 'Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations etc' Somerville NJ 1928. A digitized copy of vol4 is available at https://archive.org/details/calendarofnewjer03newj/mode/2up and a digitized copy of vol2 at https://archive.org/details/calendarofnewjer02newj/. Both contain some Louzada details. In vol1 at https://archive.org/details/calendarofnewjer00newj/page/276/mode/2up?q=louzada an Aaron Louzada witnessed a will of 2 May 1719 of Jan Koevers.

329. James F Gay 'Chocolate Production and Uses in 17th and 18th Century North America' chaper 23 (uploaded) in LE Grivetti and H-Y Shapiro eds 'Chocolate: History, Culture and Heritage' John Wiley NY 2009 in which Aaron Louzada appears manufacturing chocolate for Nathan Simson in 1721. Gay's Table 23.1 gives 2 Louzada entries uploaded here.

330. Julio Caro Baroja 'Los Judios en la Espana Moderna y Contemporanea' Ediciones Istmo, Madrid 1986

331. Peter M Kenny, Michael K Brown, Frances M Bretter and Matthew A Thurlow 'Duncan Phyfe: Master Cabinetmaker in New York' The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2011 copy uploaded here. This contains some biographical information on Rachel #1526 and Isaac #415.

332. Online references to the long-lived Aaron Louzada #1226 who appears to be the origin of most of the Midwest Lousadas are http://www.doddridgecountyroots.com/tng/getperson.php?personID=I10958&tree=dcr and https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/111351779/person/210087347386/facts. These references make the unsupported assumption that Aaron #53 is the father of Aaron #1226. As of 14 Aug 2023, our own picture of the descendants of Aaron #1226 is shown here.

333. Laura Arnold Leibman 'Paper Fragments' Chap 1 in her 'The Art of the Jewish Family; a History of Women in early New York in Five Objects' UCP 2020. It is concluded that Hannah Louzada was schooled in baroque Spanish, later acquired a little Hebrew and picked up English, that she left Iberia around the age of 10 in the 1705-11 period, and may have been Portuguese. It was also concluded that her son Jacob was probably not insane as Stern had it (see ref 324). A genealogy of Hannah's family is provided, drawing upon Stern (see ref 324). An extract on Hannah #2436 is uploaded here.

334. For County Louth gravestone inscriptions and other records see here. This was provided by Edmund Barrow #772 and contains gravestone inscriptions of many ancestors including Sir E G Barrow #700 and Capt Geoffrey Selwyn Barrow #760.

335. Stanley Mirvis 'The Gabay Dynasty: Plantation Jews of the Colonial Atlantic World' chapter 23 in Yosef Kaplan ed 'Religious Changes and Cultural Transformations in the Early Modern Western Sephardic Communities' Brill E-book 2019.

336. Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Romain 'Reconstruction of transnational Sephardic crypto-Jew genealogies in Western Europe in the seventeenth century' A summary is uploaded of the paper that he read on 24 Mar 2015 in Israel at the 'Mapping the Anousim Diaspora' Conference.

337. A M Hyamson 'An Anglo-Jewish Family' JHSE Transactions XVII:1-10 1953

338. Julia Lieberman 'Adolescence and the Period of Apprenticeship among the Western Sephardim in the Seventeenth Century' El Prezente 4, Dec 2010 copy uploaded

339. Jessica Roitman 'Creating Confusion in the Colonies: Jews,  Citizenship, and the Dutch and British Atlantics' Itinerario Vol 36(2) August 2012:55-90 and for an extract see here

340. Filipa Ribeiro da Silva 'Crossing Empires: Portuguese, Sephardic, and Dutch Business Networks in the Atlantic Slave Trade1580–1674' The Americas 68(1):7-32 Jul 2011 and for an extract see here

341. Bela Kempelen 'Magyarorszagi Zsidok Es Zsidoeredetu Csladadok' Budapest 1937. This text is difficult to find - online we have found reference to 'Hungarian Jewish families' Makkabi, Budapest 1999 by the same author but even this is unavailable. Available on the Internet Archive are V1&2 - the remainder have not been digitized yet - Magyar nemes családok : Kempelen, Béla : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

342. Ulrike May 'FOURTEEN HUNDRED HOURS OF ANALYSIS WITH FREUD: VIKTOR VON DIRSZTAY: A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH' in Psychoanalysis and History 13(1) 2011: 91–137. Translated by Michael Molnar who notes that this article was originally published as 'Vierzehnhundert Stunden Analyse bei Freud: Viktor von Dirsztay. Eine biographische Skizze' Luzifer-Amor 23(45) 2010: 21–69. On the basis of mostly unpublished sources, the author reconstructs the life of the Hungarian writer Viktor von Dirsztay (1884?–1935) who was personally acquainted with many expressionist artists and writers, e.g. with Karl Kraus, Oskar Kokoschka, Herwarth Walden, Walter Hasenclever, Hermann Broch and Arthur Schnitzler. This association puts Freud into closer proximity with the cultural avant-garde of his times than previously realized. Between 1910 and 1920 Dirsztay underwent several phases of analysis with Freud; then he was treated by Theodor Reik. The overall length of his analysis with Freud is almost unparalleled. The article discusses whether and in which way Dirsztay’s writings might have been influenced by his analyses and how Freud and Reik might have drawn upon their experiences with this patient. It is argued that likely references can be discovered in both authors’ theories of masochism. There is an intriguing late remark of Dirsztay’s that he was ‘ruined by analysis’. A photograph of the subject is extracted and shown here, but we note that the author makes mention only of one wife Klara Unreich, and not the earlier wife discussed here.

343. Elizabeth G. Muir 'Oscar Kokoschka ’s Black Portraits: Emotions and Personality in Paint'  Constructing the Past 15v1:30-37 2014

344. Curiously this reference https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/154833866/ladislaus_baron_von-dirsztay does not refer to Victor #1873 or his step-brother Ferensz #2408.

345. Rosalie S Phillips 'A Burial Place for the Jewish Nation Forever' Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society 18:1909 92-122 and an extract has been uploaded. The list of burials partly shown in the extract was taken as an inventory when in 1856 256 graves had to be moved to the 21st Street cemetery, bought in 1829.

346. J J Lyons 'The earliest extant minute books of the Spanish and Portuguese congregation of New York, a sketch of the congregation by Naphtali Phillips, and the address of Mordecai Noah delivered in 1825 at the laying of the corner stone of the City of Ararat, a proposed refuge for Jews near Buffalo NY' AJHS Baltimore 1913 available at The Lyons collection : Congregation Shearith Israel (New York, N.Y.) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

347. Francesca Bregnoli 'The Jews of Italy 1650-1815' Chap 32 in Jonathan Karp and Adam Sutcliffe eds The Cambridge History of Judaism vol7 'The early modern world 1650-1815' CUP 2017:864-93

348. Carsten L Wilke 'Manuel Fernandes Vila Real at the Portuguese Embassy in Paris, 1644–1649: New Documents and Insights' in Journal of Levantine Studies 6 (Summer/Winter)  2016:153-76. See also ref 123 pp 259-60 for an account of the poet Antonio Henriques Gomez who had been in Rouen but died in an Inquisition prison in Seville in 1660.

349. Alan Pereira 'Descendants of Emanuel Aguilar' 23 May 2021 uploaded click here

350. Andreina Contessa 'Architectural Motifs in Italian Jewish Art' in 'Towns of Silk and Silver' Umberto Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art 2013:46-41 - a relevant extract is uploaded here

351. Edgar Samuel 'Portuguese Jews in Jacobean London' JHSE Transactions XVIII:171-230 - included is a mini-genealogy of the de Mercados of Amsterdam, Hamburg and London

352. Jonathan Schorsch 'Mosseh Pereyra de Paiva' Chapter 4 of ref 143 pp63-86

353. Posted on Sephardic Diaspora Facebook page by Ton Tielen on 22 Nov 2019 and his account of the status of status of the Den Haag Beth Jacob synagogue contribution books is uploaded here.

354. Pat Stafford on 12 Jun 2017 provided this extract from a forthcoming Dictionary of Barbadian Biography: 'Reverend Reginald Barrow, black rights activist in society and the priesthood, but best known as the father of the Right Honorable Errol Walton Barrow, first Prime Minister of Barbados, was born 24 September 1889 in St Vincent, British West Indies. He was the son of Robert Barrow, a civil servant living in St Vincent, probably born on 23 July 1836 in St Philip, Barbados'. She added that Robert Barrow lived in St Philip and was born to a single parent who was probably born into slavery, and that the Reverend’s mother was a Vincentian, Frances Adams, but who may have been of Barbadian descent and that unless Errol’s descent was via Frances Adams, she doubted the connection. On 26 Jul 2018 geni.com gave the lifespan of Frances Adams as 1854-1926.

355. From Ton Tielen 2013 - widow's payment to Reyna (wife of Solomon Baruch) Louzada

356. Elements of the will of Abraham Israel Pereira #1628 may be found here. Note the absence of son David, whose presence is recorded in ref 141 (of 1703) and ref 217 (of circa 1660-2), means that there was a stepson David #1892.

357. An edited version of Cecil Roth's French paper on the Marranos of Rouen is uploaded here.

358. Cecil Roth 'The Amazing Clan of Buzaglo' JHSE Transactions 23 (1969-70):11-21

359. Jewish Telegraphic Agency Daily News Bulletin 29 Aug 1931 - copy uploaded. Pages 6-8 cover the then recent movement of possible Lopes Pereira descendants in Vienna to make claims in England - their surnames being Aquelar, Goldstein, Kohn, Mahler, Roth, Weiner and Wohryzek.

360. An Amsterdam Notary Archive record of the trade agreement between Manuel de Toralta and Gaspar Rodrigues Pereira is at https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/inventaris/5075.nl.html#KLAF01013000004 4th scan, inventory 3001 but the record does not download readily so is here. Our distant relative Michael Waas found this record and Ton Tielen advised that its date was 5 Jan 1661.

361. A list of Louzadas appearing in the Den Haag Notary Archives may be found here.

362. Jorun Poettering 'Migrating Merchants: Trade, Nation and Religion in Seventeenth-Century Hamburg and Portugal' De Gruyter, Oldenbourg, Berlin 2019

363. An 1890 letter from Sophie Hortense Luzadder to Benjamin True Leuzarder suggests that Aaron #1226 - the source of the Midwest Lousadas - was a wealthy Huguenot refugee from Alsace Lorraine, though there was a family belief in its Jewishness. The obituary of Benjamin True Leuzarder appears to show the Huguenot theme being adopted.

364. Alejandro Garcia-Monton 'The Cost of the Asiento: Private Merchants, Royal Monopoly' in 'Mechanisms of Global Empire-Building' eds Amelia Polonia and Catia Antunes CITCEM and Edicoes Afrontamento Porto 2020 from which the following extract was taken: 'Through the allocation of licenses, the Crown determined how many players could participate in slave trade markets. Generally, the Crown fostered the limited participation of multiple players by granting several charters (1513-1517, 1533-1640, 1651-1662, 1751--1764, and 1780 onwards). Some merchants managed to expel competitors by obtaining monopoly charters (1663-1750, 1765-1779) but the fact that only one player was entitled to enter the official markets does not mean that this was the case in effect, owing to the occasional possibility of selling and/or splitting the trading privileges (1518-1532). This is the case of the Flemish Lorenzo de Gauvenot, who sold to different Genoese traders the 4,000 licenses that he had been awarded in 1518. Some terminological confusion has also contributed to blur the picture around the number of actors involved in the trade at any given time. Whereas the term asiento is nowadays frequently understood as synonym of monopoly, contemporaries used it as an agreement between parties, normally referring to large contracts. The expression estanco was the normal word for monopoly. This distinction is of the utmost importance, because while some asientos were certainly estancos others were not. Equally important is to determine exactly what was placed under these monopolistic administrations. For example, the asientos signed by Portuguese firms between 1595 and 1640 were a concession to market licenses. Even if the asentistas, instead of selling the licenses at their disposal, used them to take slaves to America themselves, the Crown did not lose the right to issue as many of them as it pleased, which prevented these asentistas from taking advantage of any monopolistic position. For example, in 1629, during the asiento of Rodríguez Lamego (1623-1631), Philip IV granted his brother the cardenal-infante Ferdinand 1,500 licenses to import slaves to the River Plate. These permissions were resold to the Genoese Nicolò Salvago.

365. In an extract from Fernando's literature survey, Belinchon appears to be suggesting that Beatriz Fernandes Gomez (Pereira's 1st wife) and Catalina Rodrigues de Madrid (Montezinos' 1st wife) were sisters but no support is given. There are however other possibilities for a Montezinos/Pereira marriage link - for example Geronimo Rodrigues del Cano of Madrid (see ref 145 p9) was a possible relative of Catalina Rodrigues de Madrid (Geronimo did business with Catalina's brothers Francisco and Antonio - see ref 142 p380; also ref 145 p9), and was the possible maternal grandfather of Thomas Rodrigues Pereira (that is, he may have been the source of the Geronima name of Pereira's mother and hence perhaps was Geronimo #1792). According to ref 142 p356, the prosperous Rodrigues del Cano family of Ciudad Rodrigo was part of the circle of Juan Nunes Saravia and stemmed from Gaspar Rodríguez de los Reyes and Ana Rodríguez del Caño, a married couple of Portuguese New Christians who started a prolific family that adopted the surname of the mother and who controlled important economic activity in Salamanca from where some of its members went to the Court. We have found no trace of this family's origin in Portugal, and thus how a link with Villaflor may have arisen - though of course Ciudad Rodrigo lies between Salamanca and the Portuguese border, and is equally close to the Douro as Villaflor (but on opposite sides). Thomas' father Antonio may have lived in Madrid around 1610 (ref 145 p11), probably with Thomas' mother Beatriz, before returning to Villaflor which is where they were when their son Thomas married in Madrid in 1628. In any event, travel back and forth between Villaflor and Madrid was probably not uncommon for merchants as shown by the list of financial instruments in ref 145 p12 which shows transactions with Portuguese merchants from towns throughout Portugal and Spain including Villaflor; a likely route between Villaflor and Madrid would have been via Ciudad Rodrigo and Salamanca and this travel perhaps is how Antonio Rodrigues Pereira met Beatriz Geronima in the 1600-5 period. For another possible marriage link between Montezinos and Pereira see ref 372.

366. The Toledo Inquisition record is here. It will be seen that the cause was a tax lawsuit of Lope Rodríguez Pereira, general administrator of the tobacco Income of Seville against the prosecutor of the Court of the Inquisition of Zaragoza, as being creditor of seized goods of Pedro López Gómez, prisoner in that Inquisition (cause suspended). Our distant relative Michael Waas found this record.

367. Leonor and Serafina de Almeida were the wives of Fernando Montezinos and Julian Henriques (ref 145 p10). In ref 153 Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman comes down in favour of Serafina being the wife of Fernando, and this is supported by the apparently authoritative description of the 1628 wedding given here translated here. Conclusive proof that Serafina was the wife of Fernando may be found in ref 368. We have no proof that Leonor and Serafina were sisters, and thus that Leonor was also the daughter of Manuel de Almeida - perhaps she was a daughter of Sebastian or Francisco de Almeida the former of whom was connected to the salt revenues (ref 145 p11), but the inference from ref 145 p10 (that Leonor and Serafina were sisters) seems quite plausible.

368. In https://archief.amsterdam/inventarissen/scans/5075/126.1.80/start/20/limit/10/highlight/2 may be found a record of a 1701 deed in which Abraham Isaac Pereira and Sarah Pereira are granted certain rights under the estate of Fernando Montezinos and Serafina de Almeida by David Arari their son. A relevant extract may be found here.

369. Some research notes on the Levi Gomes family and especially its Madrid connection may be found here and further details on their Bernal connection may be found at Inventarissen (archief.amsterdam).

370. A 1717 deposition which appears to have been created to facilitate the travel to New York from London of Aaron #53 and Moses #54 is uploaded here. Bob Leuzarder advised on 5 Jul 2022 when he forwarded the document that it came from Donald Arleigh Sinclair, the Curator of Special Collections at the Rutgers University Library in New Jersey.

371. Tony Pawlin 'The Falmouth Packets: 1689-1851' Truran, Penryn 2003. Here it is recorded (pp29-30) that in 1694, before the War of the Spanish Succession 1701-14, Edmund or Edward Drummer Surveyor-General to the Royal Navy established a Falmouth-Corunna service with 2 packet boats Spanish Allyance and Spanish Expedition. When the war with Spain started these boats were renamed and used for a Falmouth-Lisbon service.

372. From ref 367 we observed that Fernando Montezinos appears to have been a brother-in-law of Julian Henriques. In turn, Julian Henriques appears to have been an associate (ref 201) of Lope Rodrigues Pereira (ref 366). Were we able to prove that Julian Henriques was a member of the Henriques Faro family, this would reveal a further marriage link between Montezinos and Pereira. For though Abraham Israel Pereira himself did not marry a Henriques Faro until his 2nd marriage, Abraham's brother Isaac appears to have married a Henriques Faro wife in his 1st marriage (see our work here). These wives were possibly daughters of Julian Henriques or perhaps a sibling, which would have made Montezinos an uncle by marriage of Abraham Israel Pereira from the date of (the Henriques Faro) marriage of Isaac Israel Pereira!

373. Michael Pye 'Antwerp: the Glory Years' Allen Lane GB 2021

374. The 'Vindos de Portugal' list (uploaded) appearing on Nation between Empires – Following the paths of Portuguese Jews in eighteenth-century London (wordpress.com).

375. Jennifer Homans 'Mr B: George Balanchine's Twentieth Century' Granta, London 2022

376. Alex Walton 'Curious Devon: a Tour of Peak House' Sidmouth Herald 6 Oct 2019 suggests the family portrait was taken in front of Peak House in 1851 after renovations - that is, the family of John Baruh Lousada was perhaps already living there before Emanuel #142 died and bequeathed the house to John Baruh Lousada.

377. Claudio Marsilio 'Lisbon, London, or Genoa? Three alternative destinations for the Spanish Silver of Philip IV (1627-1650)' MONETA, Wetteren, Belgium 2013 uploaded here

378. Noted as having Sephardic parents, Ivan Barrow is referred to here https://www.thejc.com/life-and-culture/all/bat-mitzvah-new-exhibition-celebrates-wealth-of-jewish-involvement-in-the-world-of-cricket-3mMXGpnrfwFrv7rJq63xXe

379. The data Randy Schoenberg found in the Prague 1729 census may be found here.

380. The 1645 Bayonne baptism data found by Michael Waas may be found here.

381. Jonathan Israel 'Spinoza: Life and Legacy' OUP 2023 provides inter alia an encyclopaedic context for the life and times of Baruch Spinoza. Thus on p198 may be found in the 1652 account by Spain's envoy in The Hague reference to Abraham and Isaac Israel Pereira in Amsterdam working with an unnamed brother in the Canaries seeking to use Rouen linen for customs-free trade with Spanish colonies via the Canaries. Chapter 30 gives an account of the 'Disaster Year' of 1672 during which William of Orange became Stadtholder, leading the Glorious Revolution of 1688-9 and the Hanoverian Succession. In 1672 the Dutch Republic was attacked by France which was joined by English and German forces - but the weather helped the Dutch Republic survive, and the Dutch Navy thwarted the English off Solebay and defeated it at the Battle of Texel.

382. Stanley Mirvis 'The Jews of Jamaica' Yale UP 2020. Appendix IV gives a transcription of the will of Benjamin Pereira #1650, of which p211 shows a bequest to his sister Rebecca Rodrigues Lopes. No reference to Rebecca Correa is made, though she is variously a sister and a niece in 2 other transcriptions which we label as PP and AP! In both PP and AP Rebecca Correa and Menasseh Correa receive 25 and 10 pounds respectively. Menasseh Correa is described as a nephew in both PP and AP, but PP and AP differently describe Rebecca Correa as a sister and a niece respectively. One of these is in error, probably the one describing her as a niece, for then she would have received the same bequest as the nephew! PP does not refer to the other Rebecca (Rodrigues Lopes), which AP and Mirvis both do as a sister. PP thus avoids having to explain the existence of 2 sister Rebeccas by omitting one of them; Mirvis achieves this similarly - in his case by omission of the other sister Rebecca (and Menasseh Correa); while AP achieves this by describing Rebecca Correa as a niece not a sister! There are of course good reasons why there may be 2 sisters with the same name (eg one may be a step-daughter).

383. A pass was issued for David #612, son (unnamed) and wife Rebecca to go to Barbados in 1696 see here.

384. Kevin Martin's compilations include Surinam births, deaths and marriages.

385. Michael Silber 'From Tolerated Aliens to Citizen Soldiers - Jewish Military Service in the Era of Joseph II' Chapter 1 in 'Constructing Nationalities in East Central Europe' ed Pieter M Judson and Marsha L Rozenblit Berghahn NY 2004 - see here.
386. Michael Silber 'Diego d'Aguilar and the Expulsion of Jews from Prague 1744: his intercessory efforts' online talk at UCL for Institute for Polish Jewish Studies, 16 May 2023 - see here.
387. Jonathan Israel 'European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism 1550-1750: revised edition' Clarendon, Oxford 1989. In discussing 'the most important of the Jewish army contractors' Samuel Oppenheimer, it is remarked that during the Austrian counter-offensive of the 1680s his two principal agents in Hungary were Lazarus Hirschel (who supervised the victualling of the Austrian forces at Budapest and Belgrade), and Simon Michael (an ancestor of the poet Heinrich Heine). Simon Michael 'moved from place to place, eventually securing permission, the first Jew to do so, to settle in Pressburg. Michael's speciality was the gathering up of Turkish coin from all over Hungary which he then delivered for melting down at the Imperial Mint, in Vienna'.

388. The compound surname Louzada y Zulex does not appear in the translated will appearing in ref 326:59-61, but is shown in the New York State CALENDAR OF WILLS ON FILE AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICES OF THE CLERK OF THE COURT OF APPEALS, OF THE COUNTY CLERK AT ALBANY, AND OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE 1626-1836 in the annotation 'MICHAL, Moses, widower of Catharina Hasher, of the Jewish Nation, of Curasao. Children Johevit, wife of Judah Means, Rachel, wife of Samuel Meyer Cohen, who has children Elkaley and Hayah, Rebecca, wife of Judah Ehays and Bloeme, wife of Aron Louzada y Zulex. Real and personal property. Executors the four sons-in-law in New York, Isaac Levy Maduro and Cohen Henriquez jun. of the Island of Curasao. Witnesses Nicolaus Henricus and Laurents Laan'. Copy endorsed " Admn. granted here the l0th June 1740." Inspection of the original Curacao will written in Dutch shows the spelling from which 'Zulex' is derived. The most likely interpretation is 'Zullen' ('shall' in Old Dutch or 'that' in the ref 326 transcription); so 'Zulex' is an erroneously-derived Spanish surname!

389. As explained by Adam Brown in 2024, in response to Ali Erginsoy's observations on ref 35 (see above), yDNA evidence makes it unlikely that Edgar Samuel was correct as the Curiels seem to have Jewish ancestry of very long duration (unless the purported Christian noble ancestor himself had direct Jewish paternal ancestry). Numerous yDNA samples from Curiels all over the world show that their yDNA lineage has proven to be exclusively Jewish for the last 2800 years without a shred of Iberian ancestry. Adam Brown suggests that the 1560 letter to the Coimbra Inquisition cited in ref 35 (see above) must be considered of doubtful reliability. His Curiel yDNA work with collaborators is covered here: The Surprising Origins of the Coryell Family of Colonial New Jersey

390. Some Barbados synagogue records obtained by James Greener from the American Jewish Historical Society in 2024 may be found here.

391. An account of the 75 year commemoration is given at The 75 anniversary of the voyage of the Dutch lifeboat ZEEMANSHOOP / SEAMANS HOPE