The right half of this image
contains the first section of the transaction.
An abridged translation, kindly provided by Ton
Tielen, goes as follows: 'Rachel Baruch Louzada,
widow of Jacob Baruch Louzada, and Sara Simha
and Rica Baruch Louzada all three adult
daughters of the said Jacob Baruch Louzada,
represented by Samuel de Simon Palache by
special proxy and David Israel as their chosen
guardian, sell to David Baruch Louzada half of
the house in Vloyenburh on the east side of
Swanenburgherstreet, where used to be a
signboard ''Hoff of Utrecht'' but where now is a
plaque in the facade ''the Isle of Barbados''
for 1500 guilders, 16th February 1694'. |
The left half of this image
contains the last section of the transaction. |