The first London Baruh Lousadas and the replacements from Jamaica

The chart above picks up most of the old burials in refs 85 and 98 and thereby captures those early Baruch Lousadas who were known to have lived in London especially the eminent Moses #46. He appeared in London in 1660 (see ref 6 p22) with Jacob #1388 a cousin (and son of Isaac #42 and who moved to Amsterdam in 1662). Because Moses came from France (ref 121), it seems that he followed one of the pioneers of English resettlement - Antonio Fernadez Carvajal - who had been in Rouen after a period in the Canary Islands but who moved to London in the 1630s (see ref 6 pp10-1). The Baruch Lousadas acquired a link to Rouen via a marriage link in Madrid around 1638, and thus after Rouen recovered somewhat from the religious turmoil of the 1632-3 period (the cause of Carvajal's departure). The Portuguese New Christians in Rouen and elsewhere in France were seen, probably accurately, in Portugal as a source of temptation for local and visiting New Christians to relapse to Judaism (ref 123 Chapter 7).

The connection with the Moses in the first line is discussed in note 5 below, whilst some deduction is necessary to work out who may have been the father of Moses #67 in the third line. He was last of the early London Baruch Lousadas, and a grandson of Moses #46. Moses #67 had spent a few years in Barbados as a young man, before returning to London by 1709 to hold the family's Bank of England stock (see note 1 below). He lived long enough to witness the replacements from Jamaica, as he died on 12 May 1744. The 2 similarly-aged Abrahams #45 and #1352 also presented a challenge but the 1695 census data helped us here (see note 2). Both Moses #46 and Abraham #45 seem to have had later marriages, and in the case of Moses #46 we deduce that each of the two known wives was a Henriques Faro. In note 3 below we discuss other London Baruch Lousadas who for one reason or another do not appear in the chart.

Jacob #36 arrived in London from Jamaica in the period between 14 April 1743 (when he witnessed the will of Abraham Rodrigues Lopes #1202 his cousin Rachel's husband) and 18 Dec 1743 when he was married in Bevis Marks. Jacob was the ancestor of almost all of the English Lousadas, even the Jamaican Lousadas coming to England from time to time. For his daughter Esther #88 married her Jamaican cousin Emanuel #135, so all the Jamaican Lousadas became descendants of his as well. His Jamaican sisters produced Rodrigues Lopes, Aguilar and Almeida descendants. Daniel #127, the son of Jacob's Jamaican brother Aaron, married in sequence Jacob's 2 remaining daughters; there were no sons from these marriages of Daniel but through 2 of his daughters numerous Mocatta descendants were produced (but see note 6 below). And many more people with the Rodrigues Lopes name arose as descendants of Jacob's uncle Jacob #380. His cousin Aaron #1174, who had no (male) descendants, was no doubt present in Jamaica upon his wife's early death in 1737 but does not appear in the will of Abraham Rodrigues Lopes #1202 (his sister Rachel's husband) as did Jacob #36, so perhaps Aaron arrived in London a few years beforehand. Then he was unwell for a period (the Haim name is used for him in some references) and he did not appear on the Mahamad at Bevis Marks until 1764. He was also on the Mahamad in 1768 the year he died, whereas Jacob #46 appeared soon after arrival in 1748 and 1749 but died in 1752.


1. There was a Moses Baruh Lousada who was a Bank of England shareholder in the 1694-1720 period who appeared to be investing on behalf of a number of small accounts suggesting a central family role as ref 39 suggests. He is recorded (ref 39) as collecting interest from his Bank of England shares in person in 1697 and 1709. We suggest (after having considered many other possibilities as discussed in this note below) that the early date refers to Moses #46 who died in 1699 and the latter date to his grandson Moses #67 who was endenized at around 13 years of age and lived in Barbados with his father - see here note 12. A Moses Baruh Lousada died as a child in Barbados in 1677 (#217 ref 61) - we number him Moses #1565 but do not show him above, though he is shown in our chart of the Baruch Lousadas of Barbados. His father was probably not David #44 since he had departed Barbados before 1672 (the year he appeared in Amsterdam). We could perhaps have concluded that the most likely father of Moses #67 was David #44, except that in 1714 Isaac #1297 is described (ref 107) as David's eldest son which he would not have been as Moses #67 lived until 1744 (while Jacob #711 died in Barbados in 1711). Aaron's children starting with David (born 1678) are enumerated in ref 5 including one who died in infancy and Moses was not included. So it seems that Abraham #45, the third and last Baruch Lousada 'brother' of Barbados and who did not appear in London before 1680 (see here note 9), fathered the young Moses in Barbados. While this would not have prevented him from fathering Moses #67 in a later marriage, his next family was young as shown in the 1695 census data (discussed in note 2) making it unlikely Moses #67 was part of it. Moses #46 did not have a son Moses in 1681 or 1695 and in any event the same name being used for father and son is uncommon (we calculate a same-name incidence of only 2.0% using Amsterdam statistics derived for another purpose). Moses #67 was probably not the son of Jacob #1388 as Jacob's daughters but no son appear in the will of Jacob Israel Pereira (ref 141). A son of Abraham #1352 was circumcised in 1682 and as Abraham #1352 seems not to have had an earlier son (see notes 4 and 9 here) it is likely that this son was Moses #67 and named after the paternal grandfather.

2. We assign Abraham #45 the uncle as the Abraham appearing in the 1703-7 will of Jacob Israel Pereira (ref 141), being of the correct generation. The name of his daughter appeared in the 1695 census data (ref 102 p88 and 105; note here the use of the 'Baruch' surname somewhat colloquially modified) which we take to reflect that of his mother Luna #1791 of Amsterdam, the paternal grandmother. It was probably he who appears in Amsterdam in 1698 (ref 175) having received a pass to travel to 'Holland' in 1696 (ref 182), and in any case his daughter Luna married there in 1719 with her brother Aaron witnessing the marriage (ref 183). Abraham died in 1714 in London (the burial record for 27 Tamuz 5474 in ref 98 #428 is presumably the basis for ref 5 p31 giving his death as 42 years after endenization in Barbados - for note that despite ref 5 p31 inadvertently giving 1675 the endenization was on 20 Apr 1672 - ref 42 #69). Abraham's son Aaron also died in London in 1740 (ref 184). Though there is scarce evidence of his nephew Abraham #1352 after 1681, especially as he does not appear in the 1695 census (as noted above we conclude it was his uncle Abraham #45 captured there) and there is no known grave, note 1 indicates that Moses #67 was a son of Abraham #1352 and hence a grandson of Moses #46. It may be that Abraham #1352 was the Abraham who appears in Barbados as a property-owner in 1729 (see here note 12); and it may also be that some of the unidentified London Lousadas in ref 98 are relatives who returned to England with his son Moses #67 (eg Esther Lousada who died 9 Tamus 5464 but also see note 3 for Rachel Louzada and Abigail Louzada).

3. As with the Den Haag Louzadas who made infrequent use of the 'Baruch' name we consider that Jacob #740 and his father-in-law Abraham #435 may have been similarly closely related. Jacob #740 was the ancestor of the USA Lousadas. However, their departure from Portugal was not via Madrid and Livorno around 1640. They had late-age circumcisions soon after arriving in London and thus having achieved community acceptance they each married (on the same day 9 Nov 1698!) at Bevis Marks. Once they had become members of the congregation, they became eligible to perform normal obligations like paying the imposta. Their respective wives were Abraham's daughter Rachel #52 and Sarah #1455 who both later died in London as did Abraham #435. Abraham and Jacob perhaps should perhaps appear in ref 374 but on 27 Jul 2022 they do not. In 1694-1701 a Corunna-Falmouth packet boat service operated (ref 371), so in this period escape from northern Portugal could have been via Spain. Aaron #53 seems to have had a Spanish mother probably named Sarah Zulex - see here - so perhaps his father Jacob #740 lived in Spain for a period before departure from Corunna in 1698. Possible relatives travelling with Jacob and Abraham may account for other unidentified London Lousadas in ref 98 (eg Rachel Louzada died 23 Sebat 5500, and Abigail Louzada 28 Heshvan 5500 but see note 2 for Esther Lousada). Ref 98 also shows a Sarah Mendes Louzada died 3 Elul 5497 but we cannot easily explain her except to say that the 'Mendes' name appears in Baruch Lousada ancestry 100-150 years earlier (see here) and that she may also have accompanied Jacob and Abraham to London from Portugal.

4. Two Mordecais appear in the burial records and we know one was a son of Moses #46. We make the choice shown above on the basis that Mordecai d1733 was buried at Beth Haim with Abraham d1714 (ref 85). No Mordecai appears in the 1695 census data in the household of Abraham and Rebecca with Luna and Aaron - but perhaps he was travelling on trade. However his name does not appear in the list of passes granted for Jews to travel 1689-96 (ref 182). The Moses Barrow endenized in London on 4 Nov 1699 (ref 42 #180) we distinguish from the Moses Barrow #984 naturalised in Jamaica on 30 Jan 1699/1700 (ref 74), and suggest he was the son of Mordecai #66 - a tentative suggestion as we have no knowledge that Mordecai #66 had married or if so had children.

5. The death in London of a Moses Baruh Lousada in 1677 needs explaining. The Moses who had arrived in London by 1660 (ref 6) appears to have been immediately active commercially (as Antonio Louzada or Moses Barrow) and in the community (as Moses Baruh Lousada). This is not surprising as he had spent a decade 1649-59 in (or at least visiting) Amsterdam where he must have learnt about the Barbados trade. As noted elsewhere, the firm Serra & Lousada operated before and after 1677 and a similar signature was used by 'Moses Baruh Lousada' in community duties in 1666 and 1696. Jacob Gomes Sera similarly performed community duties before and after 1677. It thus seems likely that the 2 principals in Serra & Lousada were also the Mahamad members before and after 1677 and we designate the original arrival as Moses Baruh Lousada #46. No Moses appeared in Amsterdam tax records in ref 105 after 1665. In addition ref 121 shows only one such Moses in London around 1676. But if he was the youngest son of Amador de Lousada of Vinhais, born not long after 1591, then age would have been a factor as well. Thus we see Moses #1419 as an elderly uncle of Moses #46 and brother of Isaac #42, and who came to London late enough not to appear in ref 121 - perhaps from Portugal - for a quiet but very brief retirement! We have found a marriage link via the Francos between the Baruch Lousadas and Jacob Gomes Serra.

6. Many more Mocattas however descended from Rachel #1262 of Barbados shown here. She married Isaac Lamego, and they were the parents of Abigail the wife of Jacob #36. Some of Rachel and Isaac's Mocatta descendants are shown here.