Alan Pereira's descent compared with that of Simon Greenfield, Mike Dugdale and Julian Land

The above chart shows how 4 distant relatives who made contact via this website are related. Their nearest common ancestors are Aaron Baruch Lousada of Barbados and Aaron Lamego of Jamaica.


  1. Simon Greenfield worked out the genealogy of the English Aguilars and the link indicates how he descends from them. There are many Aguilars in Amsterdam, English and Portuguese Inquisition records, and little progress has been made in further understanding the origins of Joseph Aguilar #124 the husband of Rebecca #130 in the chart above. The 1st Aguilar naturalized in Jamaica was Moses in 1746 - perhaps an uncle for none of the 3 sons of Joseph and Rebecca were named after him. Before that, Paul Rodrigues de Aguilar is shown as living in Rouen in 1633 (ref 357) - perhaps he was an ancestor of Moses and Joseph.

  2. Alan Pereira descends from Jacob Baruch Lousada #380, a brother of Emanuel Baruch Lousada #41, via the 1771 marriage of Isaac Pereira and Rachel Rodrigues Lopes. His grandfather Horace Charles Pereira 1895-1969 was a great-great-grandson of Mordecai Lopes Pereira 1774-1834 a child of that 1771 marriage. Click here for the contribution of Alan Pereira.

  3. Julian Land's grandfather Aubrey George Lousada 1893-1975 was a great-grandson of Moses Baruch Lousada #32.

  4. The 1771 marriage was between cousins and care was needed in preparing the chart as Menasseh Pereira had 2 daughter Rebeccas but the 1st one Rebecca Correa was presumably from a first marriage and the 2nd one is shown above (see ref 382). We also show that an Abraham Rodrigues Lopes married each of the cousins Rachel #129 and Rachel #1201, but the 2 Abrahams are distinct people though may well be cousins themselves. No trace of the Rodrigues Lopes family of the relevant vintage was found in Amsterdam records or English endenization or marriage records, or in the 1633 Rouen list (ref 357) but 4 men with this name appear in the records of the Portuguese Inquisition (see the lists compiled by Joy Oakley which are referred to in ref 193) - Diogo from Villaflor, Domingos from Castello de Vide, Francisco (an alias) and Henrique from Abrantes (1654). This suggests hasty departure from Portugal to France in the next generations and informal travel to Jamaica - perhaps their grandfather Abraham worked on ships controlled by the Lamegos of Rouen or later Bordeaux. As to the origins of Menasseh Pereira, Amsterdam records were consulted. There may be found a possible grandfather of Menasseh Pereira with the same name, born in Madrid and married in 1667 to Sarah Doria of a family whose name is linked (see ref 201) to the Baruch Lousadas and the Israel Pereiras and whose mother Rachel Fonseca was born in Madrid in 1623. This Menasseh Pereira could also be grandfather of another Menasseh Pereira who appears as a son-in-law in the will of Benjamin Pereira #1650 - and who is there described as 'senior' presumably because he is much older than the similarly-named son and nephew of Benjamin, and a 'silversmith' perhaps a skill learned in Amsterdam.

  5. Alan Pereira has observed that the fortune of Mordecai Rodrigues Lopes was inherited by his son Sir Menasseh Massey Lopes who took a dim view of the poor financial performance of his oldest nephew on the Pereira side namely Benjamin Pereira 1772-1828 who suffered imprisonment for debt. Sir Menasseh then left the bulk of his estate to the eldest nephew on the Franco side namely (later Sir) Ralph Franco Lopes who was a child of the 1785 Lopes/Franco marriage shown on the Franco chart.