Corner of Montefiore Hill and Palmer Place. The (modified) house of Joseph Barrow Montefiore is on the left.   Montefiore Road   Montefiore is a common name in North Adelaide

  Westpac building on corner of King William and Grenfell Streets, Adelaide - former site of the premises of J Barrow Montefiore & Co. From ref 281 p3 we infer that the image below is of the same corner some 170 years earlier. It is from one of S T Gill's finest watercolours 'Sturt's Overland Expedition leaving Adelaide 10th August 1844' and at that time the premises were those of Eliezer Levi Montefiore.   Imperial Lane on the east boundary of the Westpac building is a reminder of the former Imperial Hotel - the site's previous occupant