Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


834. Arthur Frederick BARROW


Birth and death first derived from the Edmund Barrow tree and also his decorations - CMG,VSO - all confirmed below.

Rupert Musgrove is descended from this marriage

from details (provided by a June Barnes)

Colonel Arthur Frederick Barrow was educated at Cheltenham College, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. He fought in the Second Afghan War between 1878 and 1880. He was working with the Afghan Boundary Commission between 1884 and 1885, he was mentioned in despatches. He was invested as a Companion, Order of St. Michael and St. George (C.M.G.) in 1885. He held the office of Assistant Quartermaster General for India. He was Commandant of the Chitral Relief Force Base. He was invested as a Companion, Distinguished Service Order (D.S.O.). He gained the rank of Colonel in the service of the Indian Staff Corps.

Birth and death first derived from the Edmund Barrow tree and also his decorations - CMG,VSO - all confirmed below.

Rupert Musgrove is descended from this marriage

from details (provided by a June Barnes)

Colonel Arthur Frederick Barrow was educated at Cheltenham College, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. He fought in the Second Afghan War between 1878 and 1880. He was working with the Afghan Boundary Commission between 1884 and 1885, he was mentioned in despatches. He was invested as a Companion, Order of St. Michael and St. George (C.M.G.) in 1885. He held the office of Assistant Quartermaster General for India. He was Commandant of the Chitral Relief Force Base. He was invested as a Companion, Distinguished Service Order (D.S.O.). He gained the rank of Colonel in the service of the Indian Staff Corps.

Rupert Musgrove is descended from this marriage

Margaret Henderson YOUNG

Margaret was one of 4 daughters of Jasper Young, formerly of Ayrshire, who went over to Singapore and started a company Boustead, and bought an estate in Galloway called Garroch.

Marriage Notes for Arthur Frederick Barrow and Margaret Henderson YOUNG

Ed tree

1123. Hugh Arthur Jaspar BARROW

Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Hugh Arthur J Des Barrow

Death Jul-Aug-Sep 1975

Penrith, Cumberland, England

Birth Date 09 Dec 1900

Volume 1 Page 0541 Line Number 109.

835. Alice Mary BARROW

residence Rose Mount Stock Common Lane Sidmouth 1871

John Brown THOMSON

1881 magistrate Bengal

1124. Douglas Arthur THOMSON

from Alan Pereira 20 Nov 2017
Newspaper, Kenya Gazette Nov 22 1938.  general Notice No 1630

Probate and Administration

Public Trustee's Cause No 89 of 1938

In the Matter of Douglas Arthur Thomson,


To all whom it may concern

Take Notice that all persons having any claims against the estate of the above-named Douglas Arthur Thomson who died at Nairobi on the 9th day of September, 1938, are required to prove such claims before me the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of January, 1939, after which date the claims so proved will be paid, and the estate distributed according to law


15th November, 1938

W B Cummings

Public Trustee.

836. William Francis BARROW

civil engineer
in civil service not army when he died

Alice Louisa WERE

daughter of Thomas Were and Louisa Dawson

Kenneth Mann RODGER

physician Bulawayo

840. George de Symons BARROW

General in Indian Army
See 29 Dec 1959 Times obituary for details of 46 years in the Army - China, India/Pakistan, Egypt, Palestine, and the Western Front
He wrote 'The Fire of Life' 1942
from ref 290 comes (thanks to Diana Mayne 30 April 2018):
I have been reading Roland Perry’s marvellous book, “THE AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE” (Hachette Australia 2010), covering the whole of the Palestine campaign in WW1, and came across numerous mentions of the British “General Barrow” from mid 1917 until the end of the war (and after, when his 4th Cavalry Division was moved to Aleppo to help enforce the Turkish withdrawal from northern Syria after the Armistice).  Nowhere in the book was his Christian name given, but looking at your website, it has to be the grandson of Simon of Bath, GENERAL SIR GEORGE de SYMONS BARROW, KCB, KCMG (1864-1959), son of MAJOR GENERAL LYON de SYMONS BARROW (1823-1905) of the Indian Army.  A distinguished military family indeed!  
George married SYBILLA WAY, a colonel’s daughter, in 1902, and their son MAJOR DAVID de SYMONS BARROW, born 1910, married 1937 (NB actually 1935 according to his son who was born in 1937), was killed in action serving in the Queen’s Regiment in 1944.  David’s two children must have been young when they lost their father and would now be in their seventies – LT. COL. PEREGRINE de SYMONS BARROW, and CARLOTTA BARROW...The military careers ended with Peregrine – his son DAVID de SYMONS BARROW (named after the grandfather) seems not to have carried on the family’s military tradition, and has two daughters.  
General Barrow served under Allenby and Chauvel, and was first referred to in the book in July 1917 as “the head of the new Yeomanry Mounted, an officer of the old school, formerly of the Indian regular army.”  His 4th Division English Cavalry, armed with swords, also included Indian Lancers (Indian mounted troops commanded by British officers), whose weaponry was “the dread of all those who faced it.” (p 428)

General Barrow was in most of the big actions (but not Beersheba) driving the Turks out of Palestine and Syria, and of course he had many dealings with Allenby, Chauvel, Lawrence (whom he found ‘tricky’) and the other commanders of mounted and infantry divisions in the campaign.  A few personal comments:
(p 449)  “He was a good soldier.”
(p 447)  “Barrow was hostile to the Arab need to massacre their opponents.  He had been educated (as Chauvel had) to offer surrender where possible, and if accepted, take prisoners and treat them fairly.  This was the British and Australian way.  Barrow and Chauvel were horrified at the Arabs’ desire to kill to the last man, no matter if they had surrendered or not.”
(Not an armchair general – pp 417-8, 19th September 1918):   “It was now dark.  Barrow and his Australian chief of staff ... galloped ahead of their long column, moving two abreast, to urge the leading brigade to speed up its movement through the dangerous, tight pass.  It moved up from an elevated ridge, which rose from 100 metres above sea level to 400 metres.  Troopers were forced sometimes to ride then walk single file.  One slip would see a horse tumbling into an abyss ... At dawn the entire 4th Division was almost through and moving onto the Esdraelon Plain at Megiddo, the Armageddon of ancient times ...
“The vanguard ... was just onto the plain when it ran into the lead battalion of the Turkish force sent to intercept it.  The enemy began deploying its column and machine guns.  The British leader of the Indian 2nd Lancers ... made a decision to charge.  Before either side could think, the attack was on.  The Indians, wielding their lances, crashed through the unsettled lines, wheeled around and attacked again, using their frightening weapons to devastating effect.  In a few minutes they had killed 46 soldiers and taken 476 prisoners.  The first engagement of the big attack (on El Afule) had been a resounding victory.”

(p 422 – Chauvel’s letter to his wife, 20th September):  “Barrow took Afule with nearly 1,500 prisoners, having got into them with the sword.”

Despite the focus of the book being on the Australian Light Horse, who were truly magnificent, Barrow and his 4th Division played an important part in the campaign which is described in a fair amount of detail, as you can see from the above excerpts.

Sybilla WAY

Daughter of Col G Way CB

Marriage Notes for George de Symons Barrow and Sybilla WAY

Ed tree

847. Eliezer Levi MONTEFIORE

Birthplace from small Montefiore family tree at National Library of Australia. There is a marble bust of him at Sydney's Art Gallery. he was first president and founder. An article by N Draffin on his Melbourne years may be found on

MONTEFIORE, ELIEZER LEVI (1820-1894), businessman, etcher and gallery director, was born in the West Indies, son of Isaac Levi, merchant of Barbados and Brussels, and his wife Hanna, a cousin of the philanthropist, Sir Moses Montefiore. Like his brother Jacob, Eliezer adopted the name of Levi Montefiore. Educated in England, he migrated in 1843 to Adelaide where he became a commission and shipping agent. On 3 May 1848 in Adelaide he married his cousin Esther Hannah Barrow Montefiore.

In 1853 Montefiore went to Melbourne as manager of the Victorian branch of J. B. Montefiore Graham & Co. but resigned and became secretary of the Australasian Insurance Co. Though appointed a justice of the peace he was mainly interested in literature and the arts. In 1861 he was a member of the committee to arrange a celebration for the 300th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. In 1870 he helped to found the Victorian Academy of Art and on its behalf presented the prizes at the International Colonial Exhibition in Sydney. In February he became a trustee of the Melbourne Public Library, Museums and National Gallery but resigned early in 1871 and settled in Sydney.

Montefiore managed the Pacific Fire and Marine Insurance Co. in 1871-91, but with T. S. Mort and other friends he formed the New South Wales Academy of Art. In 1874 he became one of the original trustees for administering the funds voted by parliament towards forming the National Art Gallery of New South Wales; it was opened on 22 September 1880. A talented black and white artist, Montefiore illustrated the catalogues of the gallery with his etchings of the principal pictures in 1883-93. Elected a member of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1875, he contributed to its journal such essays as 'Etchings and Etchers' (1876) and 'Art Criticism' (1879). His 'Agnosticism among the poets' was published in the Sydney Quarterly Magazine, 1890. In 1889-91 he was president of the Board of Trustees and served as director of the gallery in 1892-94. In August he went to Melbourne and Adelaide to select pictures for exchange with the Sydney gallery. Soon afterwards he died at Woollahra on 22 October, aged 74, lamented by many friends, not only as a leading patron of the arts but also for his personality. Predeceased by his wife on 10 July 1882, he was survived by six daughters.

A sculpture in marble by Theodora Cowan was placed in the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1898.

Select Bibliography
H. Munz, Jews in South Australia, 1836-1936 (Adel, 1936); L. M. Goldman, The Jews in Victoria in the Nineteenth Century (Melb, 1954); Cosmos Magazine, 1894; Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Oct 1894; Bridge (Sydney), Aug 1972. More on the resources

Birthplace from small Montefiore family tree at National Library of Australia. There is a marble bust of him at Sydney's Art Gallery. He was first president and founder.

MONTEFIORE, ELIEZER LEVI (1820-1894), businessman, etcher and gallery director, was born in the West Indies, son of Isaac Levi, merchant of Barbados and Brussels, and his wife Hanna, a cousin of the philanthropist, Sir Moses Montefiore. Like his brother Jacob, Eliezer adopted the name of Levi Montefiore. Educated in England, he migrated in 1843 to Adelaide where he became a commission and shipping agent. On 3 May 1848 in Adelaide he married his cousin Esther Hannah Barrow Montefiore.

In 1853 Montefiore went to Melbourne as manager of the Victorian branch of J. B. Montefiore Graham & Co. but resigned and became secretary of the Australasian Insurance Co. Though appointed a justice of the peace he was mainly interested in literature and the arts. In 1861 he was a member of the committee to arrange a celebration for the 300th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. In 1870 he helped to found the Victorian Academy of Art and on its behalf presented the prizes at the International Colonial Exhibition in Sydney. In February he became a trustee of the Melbourne Public Library, Museums and National Gallery but resigned early in 1871 and settled in Sydney.

Montefiore managed the Pacific Fire and Marine Insurance Co. in 1871-91, but with T. S. Mort and other friends he formed the New South Wales Academy of Art. In 1874 he became one of the original trustees for administering the funds voted by parliament towards forming the National Art Gallery of New South Wales; it was opened on 22 September 1880. A talented black and white artist, Montefiore illustrated the catalogues of the gallery with his etchings of the principal pictures in 1883-93. Elected a member of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1875, he contributed to its journal such essays as 'Etchings and Etchers' (1876) and 'Art Criticism' (1879). His 'Agnosticism among the poets' was published in the Sydney Quarterly Magazine, 1890. In 1889-91 he was president of the Board of Trustees and served as director of the gallery in 1892-94. In August he went to Melbourne and Adelaide to select pictures for exchange with the Sydney gallery. Soon afterwards he died at Woollahra on 22 October, aged 74, lamented by many friends, not only as a leading patron of the arts but also for his personality. Predeceased by his wife on 10 July 1882, he was survived by six daughters.

A sculpture in marble by Theodora Cowan was placed in the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1898.

Select Bibliography
H. Munz, Jews in South Australia, 1836-1936 (Adel, 1936); L. M. Goldman, The Jews in Victoria in the Nineteenth Century (Melb, 1954); Cosmos Magazine, 1894; Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Oct 1894; Bridge (Sydney), Aug 1972. More on the resources

Author: George F. J. Bergman

Print Publication Details: George F. J. Bergman, 'Montefiore, Eliezer Levi (1820 - 1894)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, Melbourne University Press, 1974, p. 269.

see further details from Alan Pereira 2 Dec 2017 ref 258

Author: George F. J. Bergman

Print Publication Details: George F. J. Bergman, 'Montefiore, Eliezer Levi (1820 - 1894)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, Melbourne University Press, 1974, p. 269.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Barbados.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Woollahra.

Esther Hannah Barrow MONTEFIORE

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 Feb 1829

BIRTH: Also shown as Born At sea.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Woollahra.

Marriage Notes for Eliezer Levi Montefiore and Esther Hannah Barrow MONTEFIORE

children from ''An enthusiastic amateur of the arts'' uploaded to www.barrow-lousada.orgMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Adelaide.

876. Erno LETAY de Losada

from ref 31
educated Debrecen


source ref 31

1147. Istvan DE DIRSZTAY

from ref 31

878. Paula FISCHL

source ref 31


source ref 31
grain wholesaler

879. Baron Gutmann FISCHL de Dirsztay

from ref 31


called Miriam on


Civil engineer (from JGSGB)

for more details see ref 278

Marriage Notes for Emily Sebag-Montefiore and Isidore SPIELMANN


MARRIAGE: 1881 Census: Dwelling:2 Westbourne Ter
Census Place:Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Source:FHL Film 1341003     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0015    Folio 70    Page 26
Isidore SPEILMANM26 MMarylebone, Middlesex, England
Rel:HeadOcc:Civil Engineer
Emily SPEILMANM23 FMarylebone, Middlesex, England
Ferdinand J. SPEILMAN 7 mMPaddington, Middlesex, England
Mary A. FOXU48 FTaunton, Somerset, England
Clara RHODESU25 FDeighton, York, England
Annie DAVISU23 FWellington, Somerset, England

Isadore Spielmann
England and Wales Census, 1901
Name:Isadore Spielmann
Event Type:Census
Event Date:31 Mar 1901
Event Place:Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
County:London, Middlesex
Civil Parish:Paddington
Ecclesiastical Parish:St James
Sub-District:St John Paddington
Registration District:Paddington
Residence Note:Westbourne Crescent
Occupation:Civil Engineer
Relationship to Head of Household:Head
Birth Year (Estimated):1855
Schedule Type:134
Page Number:24
Isadore SpielmannHeadMale46London
Emily SpielmannWifeFemale43London
Ferdinand I Spielmann SonMale20LondonMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Jul-Sep 1879

MARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Jul-Sep 1879

1153. Ferdinand Isidore SPIELMANN

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Jul-Sep 1880

Alfred Gutteres HENRIQUES

from Alan Pereira 22 Nov 2017
Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Deaths Sep 1908   (>99%) HENRIQUES  Alfred G  79  Tonbridge  2a 388.

1155. Juliana Violet HENRIQUES

from Alan pereira her birth registration is

Births Mar 1870   (>99%)

Henriques  Juliana Violet    Kensington  1a 69

from Alan Pereira 21 Nov 2017
Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Deaths Sep 1947   (>99%) Lucas  Juliana V  77  Kensington  5c 808

901. Marion Helen MOCATTA

birth death and burial from ref 85

Herbert George Baruh LOUSADA

Bride and groom were 3rd cousins once removed - see special-purpose chart on
Death from JGSGB
Buried at Hoop Lane Cemetery

BIRTH: Also shown as Born London.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Apr-Jun 1846

DEATH: Also shown as Died London.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Apr-Jun 1846

Marriage Notes for Marion Helen Mocatta and Herbert George Baruh LOUSADA

see wedding contracts on

909. Arthur Augustus Levi MONTEFIORE

Died young and buried at Towong Cemetery near the entrance gate at the bottom of the hill, with a fir tree on the grave. From ms note by Mrs DJ Montefiore of 'Clifton' 67 Station Rd West London Essex provided by National Library of Australia

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Arthur Augustus

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Australia.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Brisbane.

Sophia Mary FORBES

Her father F A Forbes of Ipswich was in first Queensland Parliament (from ms note by Mrs D J Montefiore)

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Sophie Mary

DEATH: Also shown as Died Vancouver.

Marriage Notes for Arthur Augustus Levi Montefiore and Sophia Mary FORBES

MARRIAGE: 1883 C6397 Armytage Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Sophia Mary Forbes
1881 C5338 Herbert Arthur Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Sophia Mary Forbes
1880 C4723 Margaret Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Sophia Mary Forbes
1878 B24082 Frederic Monte Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Sophia Mary Forbes
1877 B22414 Esther Caroline Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Sophia Mary ForbesMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Ipswich, Qld.

1158. Frederic MONTEFIORE

eldest son
from Colyer-Fergusson at Society of Genelaogists, London

1878 found in Qld BMD by Alan Pereira

DEATH: Also shown as Died Brisbane.

1159. Esther Caroline MONTEFIORE

found Qld BMD by Alan Pereira
also The Sydney Morning Herald 24 Aug 1877 family notice

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Brisbane.

1162. Armytage MONTEFIORE

youngest son
from Colyer-Fergusson at Society of Genelaogists, London

from Alan Pereira 13 Nov 2017

I have : Queensland BMD (, 1883 C6397 Armytage Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Sophia Mary Forbes.

This seems to be in conflict with your birth record 28 Sep 1884

Also I have: Queensland BMD (, 1884 C4541 Armytage Montefiore Arthur Augustus Levi Montefiore  Sophia Mary Forbes.

It appears that your birth date is actually his death date and he died aged 1 year

DEATH: Also shown as Died Brisbane.