Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


529. Joseph Barrow MONTEFIORE

His gravestone at Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery in Islington shows his Barbados birth. Alan Pereira 2 Dec 2017 gave these details
#455: (, Died 4 Sep 1893 Brighton Buried 7 Sep 1893 Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.  Inscription: In memory of JOSEPH BARROW MONTEFIORE born in the Island of Barbados the 24th June 1803 died on the 4th September 1893 Ellul the 23rd 5653.

The Australian dictionary of Biography writes of Joseph Barrow Montefiore: "MONTEFIORE, JOSEPH BARROW (1803-1893), merchant and financier, was born on 24 June 1803 in London, the youngest son of Eliezer Montefiore, merchant, of Barbados and London, and his wife Judith, née Barrow. As a scion of a wealthy Sephardi family he was educated at Hurwitz's school at Highgate and at Garcia's academy at Peckham. On leaving school he was articled to a firm of London tea brokers, thus continuing in the tradition of the Montefiores of Barbados, who made their fortune in colonial trade. In 1826 he became one of the twelve 'Jew brokers' in the city of London, buying the privilege for £1500. However, being young and enterprising and with a penchant for larger speculative ventures he decided in June 1828 to emigrate to New South Wales, where he proposed to invest some £10,000 in the wool industry and the cultivation of drugs; he applied for a grant of 5000 acres (2024 ha
Recommended by the Treasury as 'most respectable' and a valuable acquisition to the colony, he arrived in Sydney in February 1829 in the Jupiter with his wife Rebecca, née Mocatta, and their two children, his partner David Ribeiro Furtado and his wife, and his brother-in-law George Mocatta. They established the trading firm J. B. Montefiore & Co., with an office in O'Connell Street. Montefiore acquired large tracts of land in New South Wales and by 1838 owned 12,502 acres (5059 ha) by grant or purchase, including Nanima station, near Wellington. Though a landowner, he never became an 'agriculturist' as he had originally intended. In partnership with his brother Jacob (1801-1895), who in 1835-39 was a member of the South Australian Colonization Commission in London, he made a large fortune in real estate, helped to found the Bank of Australasia and was one of the channels through which English capital contributed to the pastoral expansion and speculative boom of the late 1830s. Joseph B. Montefiore was one of the sponsors of the bill, which became known as the Forbes Act of 1834, advocating interest rates free from statutory limits to encourage the flow of capital into the colony: 'restrict the rate of interest', he warned a sub-committee of the Legislative Council, 'and you at once destroy the stamina of the colony'. After the depression the Montefiore firm in Sydney went bankrupt. The London firm had suspended payment in 1841 and Montefiore had returned to England
By 1844 the Montefiore brothers, assisted by numerous friends and possibly the London Rothschilds, were back in business and Joseph B. Montefiore decided to try his luck in South Australia. He arrived in Adelaide from London on 27 July 1846 bringing with him his wife, nine daughters and two sons, two servants, 'a harp, a piano and 300 packages', and soon set up in business with his nephew Eliezer Levi Montefiore as importers and shipping agents. Joseph invested heavily in copper mines and served on the board of a number of mining companies, notably the Royal South Australian Mining Co. He was a member of the stock exchange, a committee member of the Adelaide Chamber of Commerce and an original trustee of the Savings Bank. In 1851 he stood for election to the East Adelaide seat of the Legislative Council as a 'good friend of free trade and moderate, unhurried reform and an opponent of state aid' but was roundly defeated. True to the Montefiore tradition he retired from business when still in his fifties and in 1860 returned to London where he was active for many years as one of the founders and stalwarts of the Jewish reform movement. Montefiore was one of the earliest free Jewish settlers in New South Wales and was active in Jewish communal life from the start. He was the first president of the Jewish congregation of Sydney upon its official foundation in 1832 and helped to secure a land grant for a Jewish cemetery in 1835. In 1847, together with E. L. Montefiore, he pressed for a Jewish share in state aid to religion, by which means the nascent Jewish community of Adelaide meant to assert Jewish equality in South Australia. Likewise in 1851 he welcomed the General Education Act on behalf of the Adelaide Jewish community
Enterprising, urbane, and noted for his wit and prodigious memory, he was perhaps the outstanding representative in the Australian colonies of the richly endowed Sephardi merchants, financiers and scholars of London, the vanguard of Jewish expansion into a new world and of the Jewish emancipation movement in the old. He died on 8 September 1893 in Brighton leaving ten daughters and three sons

These are the children of Joseph Barrow Montefiore and his wife Rebecca Mocatta, we learn from Georgiana Judith Barrow Montefiore [b.1828 London] Esther Hannah Barrow Montefiore [b.1829 at Sea]married to Eliezer Levi Montefiore Emily Barrow Montefiore [b.1831 Sydney NSW]married Moses Henriques Sarah Evelina Barrow Montefiore [b.1832 Sydney NSW] Justina Barrow Montefiore [b.1835 Sydney NSW]married 1863 Brazil to Joseph Levi Montefiore Augusta Barrow Montefiore [b. 1836 Sydney NSW] Josephina Barrow Montefiore [b.1837 London]married Leopold Offenheim Herbert Barrow Montefiore [b.1839 London] Marion Barrow Montefiore [b.1842 London] Horace Barrow Montefiore [b.1843 Isle of Thanet Kent]married Edith Lacey Thompson George Frederick Barrow Montefiore [b.1845]married Dorothy Frances Fuller Ada Barrow Montefiore [b.1848 Adelaide SA]married Saul Joshua Edith Barrow Montefiore [b.1848 Adelaide SA]married to David Nathan Helen Barrow Montefiore [b.1855 Adelaide

The free settlers came from a higher socio-economic group than most of the convicts. The free settler movement was a generally middle-class phenomenon, and some of its leading members belonged to the interlinked prominent families of Anglo-Jewry known as “the Cousinhood”. One notable example was Joseph Barrow Montefiore (1803–1893), a cousin of Sir Moses Montefiore. Born in London, he was the youngest son of Eliezer and Judith Montefiore. In 1826, at a cost of ₤1,500, he had bought a seat on the London Stock Exchange and become one of the twelve “Jew brokers” in the City. After arriving in Sydney with his wife and two children in 1830, he invested in the wool trade and mining, also acquiring extensive landed property by 1838. Together with his elder brother, Jacob Montefiore (1801–1895), he established JB Montefiore & Co. and helped to found the Bank of Australasia. It was at the suggestion of Sir Moses Montefiore that Jacob was one of the eleven commissioners appointed by King William IV to plan a convict-free colony in South Australia. When Australia’s first Jewish congregation (forerunner of Sydney’s Great Synagogue ) was established in 1832, Joseph Montefiore served as its first president, his name being a guarantee of Jewish respectability. The economic boom burst in 1840, however, and his firm went bankrupt. He returned to London but was soon back in business (with his nephew) as an importer and shipping agent in South Australia, where he became a leader of the Adelaide Jewish community. Eliezer Levi Montefiore, also prominent in communal affairs, was one of the country’s leading artists. Altogether, the Montefiores made a historic contribution to the development of Australia; and it is hardly surprising that there is a township called Montefiores in New South Wales and a Montefiore Hill overlooking the city of Adelaide.


Had a brother Gershon/George who came to Australia with them

Alan Pereira on 2 Dec 2017 gave these details
#586: (, Died 24 Oct 1886 Buries 27 Oct 1886 Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.  Inscription: In affectionate memory of REBECCA the dearly beloved wife of JOSEPH BARROW MONTEFIORE who departed this life the .. of October 188[?] Tishri the 25th 5647 in her 77th year.

Marriage Notes for Joseph Barrow Montefiore and Rebecca MOCATTA

1 Heshvan 5587 BMR2 #1675

ref 282 refers to a son Leslie 1830-1909 not currently shown in the family but this lifespan corresponds to that of his nephew Leslie Jacob

Alan Pereira 2 Dec 2017 gave these family details
#590: Geni record

Emily Barrow Henriques (Montefiore)

Birthdate:              August 17, 1830

Birthdate:              April 10, 1839

Birthplace:            Sydney, NSW, Australia

Birthplace:            Montagu Place / House (?), Bloomsbury, London, Middlesex, England

Death:    Died February 16, 1916 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, France

Death:    Died December 4, 1913

Immediate Family:            

Son of Joseph Barrow Montefiore and Rebecca Montefiore

Brother of Georgina / Georgiana Judith Henriques; Esther Hannah Montefiore; Emily Barrow Henriques; Sarah Evelina Montefiore; Justina Barrow Montefiore and 7 others

Managed by:        Ofir Friedman

THE   LONDON  GAZETTE,  30  JANUARY,  1914. Page 833


Pursuant to Act of Parliament 22 and 23 Vic.,cap. 35.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Herbert Barrow Montefiore, late of 7, Belsize-avenue, Hampstead, N.W. (who died on the 4th day of December, 1913, and whose will was proved in the Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 23rd day of January, 1914, by John Slade and George Slade, the executors therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to us, the undersigned, on or before the 27th day of February, 1914, after which, date the said executors

will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst those entitled thereto, having regard to the claims only of which they, the said executors, shall have had notice; and the said executors will not after that time be liable for the estate and assets, so distributed and appropriated, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 26th day of January, 1914.


               Henriques, Benjamin; Moses 29/12/1809.

#595: Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Deaths Jun 1920   (>99%) MONTEFIORE  Augusta B  83  Paddington  1a 41.

#598: Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Deaths Dec 1913   (>99%) Montefiore  Herbert B  74  Hampstead  1a 737.


Herbert Barrow Montefiore

#599: Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Deaths Mar 1908   (>99%) MONTEFIORE  Marion B  65  Hampstead  1a 467.

532. Ignasz FISCHL

from ref 31
same name as father but father converted to Christianity

Maria Anna COLE de Leto

from ref 31

877. Lajos FISCHL

from de Dirsztay tree on


from de Dirsztay tree on


from Dena Jenkins

533. Moses FISCHL

found online no source

Charlotte SCHENDL

found online no source

880. Gustav FISCHL

found online


buried at New Cemetery
John Bury photographed the grave
for more details see ref 246

buried at New Cemetery
John Bury photographed the grave
MONTEFIORE, SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, English family originating from Leghorn, Italy. (See Chart: Montefiore Family 1, 2, and 3). The first to come to England were the brothers MOSES VITA (1712-1789), who set up successfully as an importer of Italian straw hats, and JOSEPH (b. 1723). The former had 17 children who intermarried with the Anglo-Jewish families. His grandsons Joseph Barrow *Montefiore (1803-1893) and JACOB MONTEFIORE (1801-1895) were prominent in early Australian history; two other sons were Joshua *Montefiore and JOSEPH ELIAS (1759-1804) who married Rachel Mocatta and was the father of Sir Moses *Montefiore. Sir Moses' brother and business partner, ABRAHAM (1788-1824), married as his second wife Henrietta Rothschild. Their two sons were JOSEPH MAYER (1816-1880) and NATHANIEL (1819-1883), the father of Claude Goldsmid *Montefiore. Joseph Mayer succeeded Sir Moses as president of the Board of Deputies in 1874, after having been the first vice president since 1857. Under his presidency the Board and the Anglo-Jewish Association

Montefiore, Sebag-Montefiore

cooperated to form the Conjoint Foreign Committee. Joseph Mayer's eldest son, Sir Francis Abraham Montefiore, succeeded to Sir Moses' baronetcy in 1886, when the title, which had become extinct, was revived in his favor. With his death, the title became extinct.

Sir Moses' sister SARAH (b. 1789) married Solomon Sebag (1783-1831). Their son JOSEPH (1822-1903), a stockbroker who amassed a fortune, was the closest associate of Sir Moses in his last years and heir to his Ramsgate estate. In 1885 he added the name of Montefiore to his own by royal license, the family name henceforward being Sebag-Montefiore. He was a justice of the peace, high sheriff of Kent in 1889, and was knighted in 1896. Joseph, who had accompanied Sir Moses to Ere? Israel in 1866, remained concerned with the welfare of the Jews there, administering on behalf of the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue the Holy Land Trust bequeathed by Sir Moses. In the 1890s he was a vice president of the ?ovevei Zion (*Hibbat Zion). He was president of the Board of Deputies from 1895 until his death. His grandson ROBERT (1882-1915), a leading member of the London County Council and the Anglo-Jewish community, was killed in World War I. The London County Council named an East London school in his memory.

In the mid-20th century, some members of the family remained active both in public life and in the Sephardi community: BRIGADIER T.H. SEBAG-MONTEFIORE; OLIVER SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, a president of the London Jewish Welfare Board; and HAROLD SEBAG-MONTEFIORE (b. 1924), a Conservative member of the Greater London Council and president of the Anglo-Jewish Association. However, as with many of the older and wealthier Anglo-Jewish families, there has been considerable assimilation into English society, many of the members marrying non-Jews. An example was Sir Joseph's great-grandson, HUGH WILLIAM MONTEFIORE (1920-2005), converted to Christianity while still at Rugby school and entered the Anglican Church in 1949. He taught theology at Cambridge (1951-63), was appointed bishop suffragan of Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, and, in 1978-87, was Bishop of Birmingham, where he became nationally known. Montefiore was well aware of his Jewish origins. He is the author of On Being a Christian Jew (1999) and of an autobiography, Oh God, What Next? (1995), as well as dozens of other theological works.

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Joseph

Adelaide COHEN

daughter of Louis Cohen

Montefiore tree shows Adelaide Cohn daughter of Louis Cohen

possibly same lewis cohen who married Simcha Levi, cousin of Simon Barrow of Bath

Marriage Notes for Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore and Adelaide COHEN


MARRIAGE: Children
+1. Arthur Sebag-Montefiore,   b. 1853,   d. 1895  (Age 42 years)
+2. Emily Sebag-Montefiore,   b. 1859,   d. 1929  (Age 70 years)
3. Ferdinand Sebag-Montefiore,   b. 1864,   d. 1880  (Age 16 years)
+4. Edmund Sebag-Montefiore,   b. 1869,   d. 1929  (Age 60 years)
5. Sarah Sebag-Montefiore,   b. 1872,   d. 1886  (Age 14 years)
+6. Cecil Sebag-Montefiore,   b. 1873,   d. 1923  (Age 50 years)

Name Joseph Sebag
County London, Middlesex
Event Type Census
Event Date 1861
Event Place Marylebone, London, Middlesex, England
Ecclesiastical Parish St Marys
Registration District Marylebone
Residence Note York Place
Gender Male
Age 38
Marital Status Married
Occupation Stock Broker
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Birth Year (Estimated) 1823
Birthplace Kensington, Surrey
Page Number 26
Registration Number RG09
Piece/Folio 76 / 12
Affiliate Record Type Household
Joseph Sebag Head M 38 Kensington, Surrey
Adelaide Sebag Wife F 30 Finsbury, Middlesex
Arthur M Sebag Son M 8 Marylebone, Middlesex
Emily Sebag Daughter F 3 Marylebone, Middlesex
Bartholomew Clark Servant M 20 Maudsley
Harrietta Kearsley Servant F 31 Overton, Hampshire
Eliza Perrin Servant F 20 Switzerland

Name Joseph Sebag
Event Type Census
Event Date 1871
Event Place Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Enumeration District 5
Gender Male
Age 48
Marital Status Married
Occupation Stockholder
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Birth Year (Estimated) 1823
Birthplace Kennington, Surrey
Entry Number 07
Affiliate Image Identifier GBC/1871/0020/0085
Joseph Sebag Head M 48 Kennington, Surrey
Adelaide Sebag Wife F 40 Tindon, Tinsbwry
Arthur M Sebag Son M 18 Marylebone, Middlesex
Emily Sebag Daughter F 13 Marylebone, Middlesex
Ferdinand M Sebag Son M 7 Marylebone, Middlesex
Edmond M Sebag Son M 1 Paddington, Middlesex
Mary V King Servant F 27 Upton, Essex
Sophia A Schutte Servant F 21 Hamburg
Catherine Steer Servant F 27 Whitshune, Devonshire
Pauline Cohen Servant F 34 Warsaw, Poland
James Watts Servant M 23 Clevedon, Somerset
Elizabeth Schultz Servant F 24 Gross Glogau, Silesia
Ellen Woodward Servant F 18 Malmesbury, Wiltshire

1881 Census: Dwelling:40 Westbourne Ter
Census Place:Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Source:FHL Film 1341003     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0015    Folio 109    Page 2
Joseph SETAGM58 MLambeth, Surrey, England
Adelaide SETAGM50 FFinsbury, Middlesex, England
Edmund M. SETAG 11 MPaddington, Middlesex, England
Sarah F. SETAG 9 FPaddington, Middlesex, England
Cecil M. SETAG 6 MPaddington, Middlesex, England
Emilie RONATHU26 FGermany
William DACKU33 MKendistone, Norfolk, England
Thomas JOINERU19 MWormingfull, Oxford, England
Sarah BARNESU40 FRoyston, Hertford, England
Christine WHITEU29 FScotland
Annie WILLISU20 FKensington, Middlesex, England
Kate EVANSU19 FAldersgate, Middlesex, England
Rel:ServOcc:Kitchen Maid

Name Joseph Sebag Montepore
Event Type Census
Event Date 1891
County London
Parish Paddington
Ecclesiastical Parish ST JAMES
Registration District Paddington
Residence Note Westbourne Terrace
Gender Male
Age 68
Marital Status Married
Occupation Magistrate Cinque Ports
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Birth Year (Estimated) 1823
Birthplace London, England
Page Number 13
Registration Number RG12
Piece/Folio 13/ 90
Joseph Sebag Montepore Head M 68 London, England
Adelaid Montepore Wife F 59 London, England
Edmund Montepore Son M 21 London, England
Cecil Montepore Son M 16 London, England
Rachel E Hawkes Visitor F 37 Oxfordshire, England
Emily E Kent Servant F 35 Suffolk, England
William S Mills Servant M 36 Gloucestershire, England
Rachel Charles Servant F 35 South Wales
May Newbury Servant F 32 Devonshire, England
Emily Holliday Servant F 24 London, England
Emily Lucock Servant F 18 Surrey, England
Horace Baker Servant M 66 Norfolk, England
William Thompson Servant M 21 Oxfordshire, England

Name Joseph Sebay Montefiori
Event Type Census
Event Date 31 Mar 1901
Event Place St Lawrence Intra, Kent, England
County Kent
Civil Parish St Lawrence Intra
Ecclesiastical Parish Holy Trinity
Sub-District Ramsgate
Registration District Thanet
Gender Male
Age 78
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Birth Year (Estimated) 1823
Birthplace Lambeth, London
Schedule Type 1
Page Number 1
Joseph Sebay Montefiori Head M 78 Lambeth, London
Harritte Sebay Montefiori Daughter-In-Law F 41 Clapton Park, London
Floretta Sebay Montefiori Grand Daughter F 12 Paddington, London
Margaret Sebay Montefiori Grand Daughter F 10 Paddington, London
John Sebay Montefiori Grand Son M 9 Paddington, London
Fanny Sharp Servant F 38 Horsham, Sussex
Annie Vintiner Servant F 47 Worden, Bedfordshire
Rose Jackson Servant F 23 Brighton, Sussex
Dorothie Keller Servant F 25 Switzerland Geneva F S
Richard Cook Servant M 45 Mulerton, Norfolk
William Byner Servant M 22 Pimlico, London
Mathilda Absolom Servant F 28 Farnborough Hornshire, Hampshire
Eva Mary Wallis Servant F 19 Hammersmith, London

542. Justina Lydia GOMPERTZ

birth/death from Dowling Family Tree
1871 census gives her birthplace Kennington lane, Lambeth perhaps the same address as their 1871 residence


Last surviving Royal Commissioner for the Colonization of South Australia
at 35 Hyde Park Square in 1891 census on MyHeritage with son Louis P(hilip)
MyHeritage (Wright Family Tree) also shows an arrival in Australia 8 Oct 1837, residence in NSW 1856 (note daughter Victoria Violet born Melbourne about 1854 according to 1871 census), but living in Hove Sussex 1861

The Jewish Encyclopedia writes (somewhat inaccurately - see for correct account of his 2 Australian visits) about Jacob Montefiore son of Eliezer Montefiore of Barbados. "Jacob Montefiore: Merchant; born in Bridgetown, England, Nov. 23, 1801; died Nov. 3, 1895. He entered into business with his brother Moses, and when in the early thirties the movement for the financing of Australian colonization from London was incepted Montefiore, who had been connected with the Colonial produce trade, became active in the various public schemes as a member of the South Australian Colonization Association, organized to settle South Australia on the Wakefield system. He was also appointed member of the first board of commissioners entrusted by the British government with the administration of the colony. He visited the colony in the year 1843 and again in 1854. His reception on his first visit by the governor, Sir George Grey, and the people was enthusiastic. During his visit to South Australia in 1843 he acted as an agent for the Rothschilds, at the same time holding a partnership with his brother Joseph Barrow in the firm of Montefiore Brothers of London and Sydney. The township of Montefiore, at the confluence of the Bell and MacQuarrie rivers, in Wellington Valley, was founded by the brothers, and they contributed actively to the establishment there of places of worship for all denominations. The organization of the Bank of Australasia was largely due to their efforts. In Adelaide there is a hill named after them. In 1885, at the request of the directors of the Art Union Gallery of Adelaide, Jacob sat for the artist B. S. Marks, the portrait being hung in that gallery.

The free settlers came from a higher socio-economic group than most of the convicts. The free settler movement was a generally middle-class phenomenon, and some of its leading members belonged to the interlinked prominent families of Anglo-Jewry known as "the Cousinhood". One notable example was Joseph Barrow Montefiore (1803-1893), a cousin of Sir Moses Montefiore. Born in London, he was the youngest son of Eliezer and Judith Montefiore. In 1826, at a cost of ₤1,500, he had bought a seat on the London Stock Exchange and become one of the twelve "Jew brokers" in the City. After arriving in Sydney with his wife and two children in 1830, he invested in the wool trade and mining, also acquiring extensive landed property by 1838. Together with his elder brother, Jacob Montefiore (1801-1895), he established JB Montefiore & Co. and helped to found the Bank of Australasia. It was at the suggestion of Sir Moses Montefiore that Jacob was one of the eleven commissioners appointed by King William IV to plan a convict-free colony in South Australia. When Australia's first Jewish congregation (forerunner of Sydney's Great Synagogue ) was established in 1832, Joseph Montefiore served as its first president, his name being a guarantee of Jewish respectability. The economic boom burst in 1840, however, and his firm went bankrupt. He returned to London but was soon back in business (with his nephew) as an importer and shipping agent in South Australia, where he became a leader of the Adelaide Jewish community. Eliezer Levi
Montefiore, also prominent in communal affairs, was one of the country's leading artists. Altogether, the Montefiores made a historic contribution to the development of Australia; and it is hardly surprising that there is a township called Montefiores in New South Wales and a Montefiore Hill overlooking the city of Adelaide.

Marriage Notes for Justina Lydia Gompertz and Jacob Barrow MONTEFIORE

17 Elul 5588 BMR2

544. Juliana GOMPERTZ

from Alan Pereira 20 Apr 2018
It looks like Alice Rose Lucas had a maternal line
Mother Juliana Gompertz 1815-1873 whose parents were #871 & #844
They have disappeared in your latest tree as you only show Justina #614 as a child of #871 & #844

Aaron Asher GOLDSMID

for more details see ref 244

558. Percy George MOCATTA

for his wife and family see PDF 'Thomas Isaac Cocke Descendants' on

for more details see ref 240

DEATH: Also shown as Died Apr-Jun 1940

Marriage Notes for Percy George Mocatta and Mary Wyche COCKE

MARRIAGE: 1891 Census: RG12 15 /87 : Ecclesiastical Parish  ALL SAINTS, Registration District  Paddington
Devonport Street, Paddington, London
Elias Mocatta Head M 86 London Street[Married, living on own means]
Rachel Mocatta Wife F 69 England
Percy Geo Mocatta Son M 38 England
Mary Mocatta Sons Wife F 21 America
Maria Jessop Servant F 42 Suffolk, England
Caroline Petch Servant F 29 England
Annie Best Servant F 22 England
Herbert Talbot Servant M 23 Suffolk, England

1901 Census: Civil Parish  Hampstead, Ecclesiastical Parish  All Souls, Sub-District  Hampstead, Registration District  Hampstead
Hampstead, London, Middlesex, England
Percy G Mocatta Head M 48 Paddington, London[Composer Of Music & Litterateur]
Mary W Mocatta Wife F 33 Bayon Veche Louisiana U S A B S
Mildred Mocatta Daughter F 4 Croydon, Surrey
Alice Burgess Servant F 28 Maidstone, Kent
Edith Ball Servant F 21 Mary Tavy, Devonshire
Charlotte Gallchawk Servant F 27 Woolwich, Kent

Marriage Notes for Jacob Mocatta and Juliana ELKIN

date from

this provides the note:

Benjamin Woolf (Ze'eb), the son of Isaac Elkin, was circumcised on Wednesday, 12th Shebat, 543 [15.1.1783], White's Row Synagogue, Portsmouth, by Levy Isaac. He married Sarah Levy at Portsea in 1810.

Among his Benjamin's siblings were a sister, Catherine (m. Joseph Moses of Portsea), and a brother, Mozley, who resided in Barbados at the time of Benjamin's death.

A merchant, Benjamin had business interests in Trinidad and Barbados, and for some time resided at Barbados. By 1841, he had returned to England and taken up residence in London.

Children named in his Will were Isaac Benjamin Elkin, Jacob Levy Elkin, Eliza (Joseph Brandeis), Juliana and Catherine Elkin. (A year after his death, daughter Juliana would marry Jacob Mocatta.)

903. Benjamin Elkin MOCATTA

see ref 267

Marian LUCAS

Daughter of Sampson Lucas and Lydia (unsourced)

1881 Census: Dwelling:39 Glouster Sqr
Census Place:Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Source:FHL Film 1341004     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0018    Folio 4    Page 4
Francis A. LUCASU30 MLondon Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Jessie LUCASU29 FLondon Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Rel:SisterOcc:Independant Lady
Marian LUCAS 28 FLondon Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Rel:SisterOcc:Independant Lady
George IVESM38 MThornage, Norfolk, England
James KENTU26 MPoole, Dorset, England
Mary BRETTU67 FWare St Margarets, Hertford, England
Elizabeth ROBERTSU36 FCoventry, Shropshire, England
Mary FIELDU25 FQueen, Somerset, England
Rel:ServOcc:Ladys Maid
Anna Maria SPRUNKU22 FEccles, Suffolk, England
Rel:ServOcc:House Maid
Emily CLARIDGEU24 FLondon Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Rel:ServOcc:Kitchen Maid

Marriage Notes for Benjamin Elkin Mocatta and Marian LUCAS

MARRIAGE: 1891 Census: Ecclesiastical Parish  ST MARY, Registration District  Marylebone
Great Cumberland Place, St Marylebone, London, England
Benjamin E Mocatta Head M 41 London, England[Bullion Broker]
Marian Mocatta Wife F 38 London, England
Owen E Mocatta Son M 8 Buckinghamshire, England
Valentine E Mocatta Son M 7 London, England
Lydia J Mocatta Daughter F 5 London, England
Jessie Wiener Visitor F 39 London, England
Francis Wiener Visitor M 8 Brussels
Marguerite Wiener Visitor F 6 Brussels
George Philips M 35 Berkshire, England

1901 Census: Civil Parish  St Marylebone,Ecclesiastical Parish  The Annunciation, Sub-District  St Mary, Registration District  Marylebone
Great Cumberland Place, St Marylebone, London, Middlesex, England
Benjamin E Mocatta Head M 51 London[Bullion Broker]
Marian Mocatta Wife F 48 London
Owen E Mocatta Son M 18 London
Lydia J Mocatta Daughter F 15 London
Eugenie F Martin Servant F 35 Alsace B S
Bertha A Rawlings Servant F 35 Walford, Herefordshire
Mary Pritchard Servant F 56 London
Deborah Tett Servant F 22 Crewkerne, Somersetshire
Annie Goodfear Servant F 24 London
Geneva Jacques Servant F 29 Dowcester, Co Not St
Charles Janes Servant M 23 EssexMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married West London Synagogue.

562. Daniel Charles STIEBEL

Merchant - JGSGB
Birth date estimated from age 33 at marriage
details of his ancestry may be found on via uploaded PDF 'Ada Juliana Lousada #618'

for birth and death see ref 252

Merchant - JGSGB
Birth date estimated from age 33 at marriage

1861 Census: Piece: RG9/561 Place: St Mary in Cstle -Sussex Enumeration District: 6
Civil Parish: St Mary Magdalen Ecclesiastical Parish: St Mary Magdalen
Folio: 6 Page: 5 Schedule: 25
Address: Saxon Hotel, Grand Parade, St Mary Magdalen, Hastings, Sussex, England
   Surname   First name(s)   Rel   Status   Sex   Age   Occupation   Where Born   Remarks
   VAUGHN   Elizabeth   Wife   M   F   50   Hotel Keeper    Sussex - Cuckfield
   VAUGHN   Wm Henry   Son   U   M   23   Ag No Stat    Sussex - Brighton
   VAUGHN   Nathl Jenner   Son   U   M   17       Sussex - Brighton
   MITCHENER   Fammi Barbara   Neice   U   F   21       Middlesex - London
   SCOTT   Septimus   Visitr   M   M   34   Army Capt Retired    Middlesex - London
   GORHAM   William   Visitr   M   M   44   Solicitor    Kent - Penshurst
   GORHAM   William Arthur   Visitr   U   M   14   Scholar    Kent - Tunbridge
   GORHAM   Edwin John   Visitr   U   M   11   Scholar    Kent - Tunbridge
   CLOSE   Daniel N   Visitr   U   M   33   Merchant    London - -
   STUBEL   Edward   Visitr   U   M   21   Merchant    London - -
   LEWIS   Stephen William   Visitr   U   M   36   Silk Mercer    London - -
   STUBELL   Daniel Ch   Visitr   U   M   21   Merchant    London - -
   LEWIS   Jane   Visitr   W   F   67   Land Proprietor    Lancashire - -
   RICHARDSON   Esther Elizth   Visitr   M   F   40   Merchant    London - -
   MAREING   Charles   Visitr   U   M   50   Architect    Middlesex - Hatton
Page: 6/6   LANGHAM   Henry   Visitr   U   M   50   Fundholder    London - -
   REUTER   Julius   Visitr   M   M   44   Telegragh Agent    Overseas - Foreign - Germany
   REUTER   Clementine   Visitr   M   F   34       Overseas - Foreign - Germany
   REUTER   Herbert   Visitr   U   M   9       London - -
   REUTER   Alice   Visitr   -   F   7       London - -
   REUTER   Clementine   Visitr   -   F   5       London - -
   REUTER   Lucy   Visitr   -   F   3       London - -
   REUTER   Alfred   Visitr   -   M   1       London - -
   MORRIS   Catherine   Visitr   U   F   23   Nurse    Shropshire - Newport
   FRY   Emily   Visitr   U   F   18   Nurse    Kent - Greenwich
   WILLIAMSON   Robert   Visitr   U   M   55   Land Proprietor    Yorkshire - Ripon
   SHEATHER   Charles   Servnt   M   M   26   Waiter    Sussex - Catsfield
   VAUGHAN   Charles   Servnt   U   M   19   Waiter    Herefordshire - Kingstone(Originally: Herefordshire - Kingston)
   JARVIS   Edward   Servnt   U   M   27   Porter    Kent - Ewell
   HORTON   Marian   Servnt   U   F   35   Chamber Maid    Sussex - Brighton
   TERRY   Phillis   Servnt   U   F   18   Kitchen Maid    Sussex - Bexhill
   SMITH   Sarah Ann   Servnt   U   F   19   Still Room Maid    Sussex - Bexhill
   OLDHAM   Henry   Visitr   M   M   46   Physician M R C P London    Middlesex - London

1871 Census: Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, Kensington, London, England
Daniel C Stiebel Head - Male 31 1840 - London, Middlesex, England
John Dodman Servant - Male 31 1840 - Norfolk, England
Maria Clark Servant - Female 46 1825 - Surrey, England
Hannah Merredith Servant - Female 30 1841 - Hertfordshire, England

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Bloomsbury.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Oct-Dec 1839

DEATH: Also shown as Died London.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Apr-Jun 1912

Ada Juliana LOUSADA

Birth date estimated from JGSGB - aged 22 at marriage
for birth and death dates see ref 252 also previous spouse

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Kensington.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Jan-Mar 1851

DEATH: Also shown as Died Horsham.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Jul-Sep 1922

Marriage Notes for Daniel Charles Stiebel and Ada Juliana LOUSADA

Marriage from JGSGB

the same marriage date but 6 Gloucester Terrace is given in Descendants of Israel Israel - which also suggests she married someone else before she married Daniel C Stiebel

From Israel Israel descendants, there were 4 children - Evelyn, Florence, Charles, and Arthur b27 Feb 1875 d 15 Feb 1949 m Frances Lucas 1906

fro more details of family see ref 252

MARRIAGE: Place of Marriage
30-Apr-1873  Dwelling House 130 Harley Street, Marylebone
Surname: LOUSADA
Given Name(s): Ada Juliana
Hebrew Name:
Age: 22
Condition: Spinster
Rank or Profession: -
Address: 130 Harley Street, Marylebone

Surname: STIEBEL
Given Name(s): Daniel Charles
Hebrew Name:
Age: 33
Condition: Bachelor
Rank or Profession: Merchant
Address: 2 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington

1881 Census: Dwelling:13 Connaught Pl
Census Place:Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Source:FHL Film 1341004     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0016    Folio 16    Page 26
Daniel C. STIEBELM42 MLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Ada STIEBELM30 FLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Florence STIEBEL 7 FLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Arthur STIEBEL 6 MLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Charles STIEBEL 5 MLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Evelyn STIEBEL 3 FLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Leonard STIEBEL 2 MLondon, London, Middlesex, England
William BAYFORDU27 MBishopstorstortford, Hertford, England
Maria MORGANU39 FPentyrch, Wales
Eliza JARVISU41 FSoulbray, Buckingham, England
Amelia HUDFIELDU19 FClapham
Mary A. HUDFIELDU17 FClapham
David STRINDERU21 MTewyn, Hertford, England
Louisa TEVIOURU17 FLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Clara SAVORYU22 FFeekenham, Norfolk, England
Rel:ServOcc:Ladys Maid
Mary A. PALMERU27 FGreat Gidding, Hampshire, England
Emma A. ROBINSONU21 FAston Clinton, Buckingham, England
Rel:ServOcc:Under Nurse
Mabel CAWTHORNEU18 FRaynham, Norfolk, England
Rel:ServOcc:Under Nurse

1891 Census:Chesham Place, St George Hanover Square, London, England
Daniel C Stiebel Head Married Male 51 1840 Merchant London, Middlesex, England
Ada J Stiebel Wife Married Female 40 1851 - London, Middlesex, England
Florence Stiebel Daughter Single Female 17 1874 - London, Middlesex, England
Evelyn Stiebel Daughter Single Female 13 1878 - London, Middlesex, England
Camilla Rasche Servant Single Female 35 1856 Governess Domestic Germany
William Bayford Servant Married Male 37 1854 Butler Domestic Hertfordshire, England
William Duntye Servant Single Male 23 1868 Footman Domestic -
Maria Morgan Servant Single Female 49 1842 Cook Domestic -
Ann Hedger Servant Single Female 23 1868 Kitchenmaid Domestic Surrey, England
Harriet  Harper Servant Single Female 16 1875 Scullery Maid Domestic Oxfordshire, England
Emily Franklin Servant Single Female 29 1862 Ladies Maid Domestic Gloucestershire, England
Caroline Nickolls Servant Single Female 31 1860 Nurse Domestic Gloucestershire, England
Eliza Jarvis Servant Single Female 50 1841 Housemaid Domestic Buckinghamshire, England
Ellen A Carter Servant Single Female 20 1871 Housemaid Domestic London, Middlesex, England
Eliza Broadbent Servant Single Female 35 1856 Housemaid Domestic -
Annie Wine Servant Single Female 21 1870 School Room Maid Domestic Somerset, England
Leonard Stiebel Son Single Male 12 1879 - London, Middlesex, England

1911 Census: 43 Grosvenor Square W, St George Hanover Square, London, England
Daniel Charles Stickel Head Married Male 71 1840 London Retired Merchant
Ada Juliana Stickel Wife Married Female 60 1851 London -
William Bayford Servant Married Male 57 1854 Bishop S Stortford Herts Baker
George Henry Hawkins Servant Single Male 33 1878 Caversham Oxford Footman
Florence Calladine Servant Single Female 30 1881 Swanwick Derbyshire Housemaid
John Charles Barber Servant Single Male 23 1888 Peckham Surrey Footman
William Alexander Bateman Servant Single Male 16 1895 Enfield Wash Middlesex Hall Boy
Annie Harriet Fielder Servant Single Female 44 1867 London Cook
Beatrice Mary Anty Servant Single Female 26 1885 Leeds Yorkshire Kitchenmaid
Amelia Gardner Servant Single Female 25 1886 Abingdon Berks Housemaid
Emily Maria Norman Servant Single Female 22 1889 Norwood Surrey Housemaid
Edith Emily Frigg Servant Single Female 16 1895 Ottershaw Surrey Housemaid
Catherine Forbes Servant Single Female 24 1887 Castle Forbes Aberdam Lady's MaidMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married 130 Harley St Marylebone.

566. Esther Hannah Barrow MONTEFIORE

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 Feb 1829

BIRTH: Also shown as Born At sea.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Woollahra.


Birthplace from small Montefiore family tree at National Library of Australia. There is a marble bust of him at Sydney's Art Gallery. he was first president and founder. An article by N Draffin on his Melbourne years may be found on

MONTEFIORE, ELIEZER LEVI (1820-1894), businessman, etcher and gallery director, was born in the West Indies, son of Isaac Levi, merchant of Barbados and Brussels, and his wife Hanna, a cousin of the philanthropist, Sir Moses Montefiore. Like his brother Jacob, Eliezer adopted the name of Levi Montefiore. Educated in England, he migrated in 1843 to Adelaide where he became a commission and shipping agent. On 3 May 1848 in Adelaide he married his cousin Esther Hannah Barrow Montefiore.

In 1853 Montefiore went to Melbourne as manager of the Victorian branch of J. B. Montefiore Graham & Co. but resigned and became secretary of the Australasian Insurance Co. Though appointed a justice of the peace he was mainly interested in literature and the arts. In 1861 he was a member of the committee to arrange a celebration for the 300th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. In 1870 he helped to found the Victorian Academy of Art and on its behalf presented the prizes at the International Colonial Exhibition in Sydney. In February he became a trustee of the Melbourne Public Library, Museums and National Gallery but resigned early in 1871 and settled in Sydney.

Montefiore managed the Pacific Fire and Marine Insurance Co. in 1871-91, but with T. S. Mort and other friends he formed the New South Wales Academy of Art. In 1874 he became one of the original trustees for administering the funds voted by parliament towards forming the National Art Gallery of New South Wales; it was opened on 22 September 1880. A talented black and white artist, Montefiore illustrated the catalogues of the gallery with his etchings of the principal pictures in 1883-93. Elected a member of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1875, he contributed to its journal such essays as 'Etchings and Etchers' (1876) and 'Art Criticism' (1879). His 'Agnosticism among the poets' was published in the Sydney Quarterly Magazine, 1890. In 1889-91 he was president of the Board of Trustees and served as director of the gallery in 1892-94. In August he went to Melbourne and Adelaide to select pictures for exchange with the Sydney gallery. Soon afterwards he died at Woollahra on 22 October, aged 74, lamented by many friends, not only as a leading patron of the arts but also for his personality. Predeceased by his wife on 10 July 1882, he was survived by six daughters.

A sculpture in marble by Theodora Cowan was placed in the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1898.

Select Bibliography
H. Munz, Jews in South Australia, 1836-1936 (Adel, 1936); L. M. Goldman, The Jews in Victoria in the Nineteenth Century (Melb, 1954); Cosmos Magazine, 1894; Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Oct 1894; Bridge (Sydney), Aug 1972. More on the resources

Birthplace from small Montefiore family tree at National Library of Australia. There is a marble bust of him at Sydney's Art Gallery. He was first president and founder.

MONTEFIORE, ELIEZER LEVI (1820-1894), businessman, etcher and gallery director, was born in the West Indies, son of Isaac Levi, merchant of Barbados and Brussels, and his wife Hanna, a cousin of the philanthropist, Sir Moses Montefiore. Like his brother Jacob, Eliezer adopted the name of Levi Montefiore. Educated in England, he migrated in 1843 to Adelaide where he became a commission and shipping agent. On 3 May 1848 in Adelaide he married his cousin Esther Hannah Barrow Montefiore.

In 1853 Montefiore went to Melbourne as manager of the Victorian branch of J. B. Montefiore Graham & Co. but resigned and became secretary of the Australasian Insurance Co. Though appointed a justice of the peace he was mainly interested in literature and the arts. In 1861 he was a member of the committee to arrange a celebration for the 300th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. In 1870 he helped to found the Victorian Academy of Art and on its behalf presented the prizes at the International Colonial Exhibition in Sydney. In February he became a trustee of the Melbourne Public Library, Museums and National Gallery but resigned early in 1871 and settled in Sydney.

Montefiore managed the Pacific Fire and Marine Insurance Co. in 1871-91, but with T. S. Mort and other friends he formed the New South Wales Academy of Art. In 1874 he became one of the original trustees for administering the funds voted by parliament towards forming the National Art Gallery of New South Wales; it was opened on 22 September 1880. A talented black and white artist, Montefiore illustrated the catalogues of the gallery with his etchings of the principal pictures in 1883-93. Elected a member of the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1875, he contributed to its journal such essays as 'Etchings and Etchers' (1876) and 'Art Criticism' (1879). His 'Agnosticism among the poets' was published in the Sydney Quarterly Magazine, 1890. In 1889-91 he was president of the Board of Trustees and served as director of the gallery in 1892-94. In August he went to Melbourne and Adelaide to select pictures for exchange with the Sydney gallery. Soon afterwards he died at Woollahra on 22 October, aged 74, lamented by many friends, not only as a leading patron of the arts but also for his personality. Predeceased by his wife on 10 July 1882, he was survived by six daughters.

A sculpture in marble by Theodora Cowan was placed in the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 1898.

Select Bibliography
H. Munz, Jews in South Australia, 1836-1936 (Adel, 1936); L. M. Goldman, The Jews in Victoria in the Nineteenth Century (Melb, 1954); Cosmos Magazine, 1894; Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Oct 1894; Bridge (Sydney), Aug 1972. More on the resources

Author: George F. J. Bergman

Print Publication Details: George F. J. Bergman, 'Montefiore, Eliezer Levi (1820 - 1894)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, Melbourne University Press, 1974, p. 269.

see further details from Alan Pereira 2 Dec 2017 ref 258

Author: George F. J. Bergman

Print Publication Details: George F. J. Bergman, 'Montefiore, Eliezer Levi (1820 - 1894)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, Melbourne University Press, 1974, p. 269.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Barbados.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Woollahra.

Marriage Notes for Esther Hannah Barrow Montefiore and Eliezer Levi MONTEFIORE

children from ''An enthusiastic amateur of the arts'' uploaded to www.barrow-lousada.orgMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Adelaide.

910. Frederick MONTEFIORE

2nd son
from Colyer-Fergusson at Society of Genelaogists, London
death date from South Australian Register 15 Jun 1852 p2

from Alan Pereira 13 Nov 2017

(, 1852 MONTEFIORE Frederick Levi Eliez??? Levi MONTEFIORE Esther Hannah Barrow MONTEFIORE  Adelaide  4/1.

(, Adelaide West Terrace General MONTEFIORE Frederick 3m 1852

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Frederick Levi

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Adelaide.

DEATH: Also shown as Died 9 Jun 1852

912. Caroline MONTEFIORE

birth The Argus 31 Mar 1856
The Sydney Morning Herald 15 Aug 1932 family notice

913. Frank Albert MONTEFIORE

The Age 15 Sep 1858 family notice aged 1 year 2 days

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Albert Frank


birth date

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Richmond, Victoria.

915. Eliza Jessie MONTEFIORE

The Argus 29 Apr 1861


birth from The Argus 27 Apr 1863 p4

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Victoria.

917. Unknown MONTEFIORE

The Argus 25 Jul 1865 p4

918. Esther Lilian MONTEFIORE

birth from The Argus 3 Jul 1866 p4

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Victoria.

919. Ethel Octavia MONTEFIORE

birth from The Telegraph St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian 4 Apr 1868

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Victoria.

920. Hortense MONTEFIORE

The Argus 24 Dec 1870 p4

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Victoria.