Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


369. Ralph FRANCO

BIRTH: Sir Ralph, 2nd Bart., who was born 10 Sep 1788 , represented Westbury and South Devon in Parliament for several years, and was a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant for Wilts and Devon. He married, 08 May 1817 , Susan Gibbs, eldest dau. of A. Ludlow, Esq., of Heywood, Wiltshire, by whom he had issue five sons--Massey, present Baronet; Ralph Ludlow, M.A., J.P., and D.L., High Sheriff for Wiltshire, 1869 , and of Sandridge Park in that county; Sir Henry Charles Lopes, one of the Judges of the High Court of Justice, and at one time Recorder of Exeter, and late M.P. for Launceston; Edmund Francis Lopes, b. 19 Oct 1833 , died 28 Feb 1867 ; and George Ludlow Lopes.

Epitome of the Will of Dame Charlotte Lopes late of Plymouth in the County of Devon widow deceased bearing date the 9th of July 1831:
"Testatrix also gave and bequeathed directed limitted and appointed unto the Sons of her Nephew Sir Ralph Lopes, Baronet, then living £300 Stock each when they should attain their respective ages of 21 years."

Note: Lopez was changed to Lopes after arrival in England.  Today the Lopes family are the Lords Roborough of Devon.

Received Baronet title from Uncle Manasseh Masseh Pereira Lopez on his death in 1831.  At that time, also applied the Lopes surname , which is associated with the title.
Granted 28 May 1831 to Ralph Franco of Roborough House, Parish of Tamerton Foliot, Devon, Bart., only son of Abraham Franco, late of London, merchant, decd. by Esther his wife who was the youngest sister of Sir Manasseh Masseh Lopes, late of Maristow House, co. Devon, Bart., also decd. Royal Warrant of 4 May 1831 to use surname of Lopes and bear the arms of Lopes quarterly in the first quarter with those of Franco in compliance with a clause contained in the will of his maternal uncle, the said Sir M. M. Lopes.

Quarterly first and fourth Lopes viz. " Azure on a chevron between three eagles rising or as many bars gemels gules on a chief of the second five lozenges of the first Second and Third Franco and the Crest of Lopes viz. " On a wreath of the colours a lion sejant erminois gorged with a gemel as in the arms reposing the dexter paw on a lozenge azure and the crest of Franco. Motto: Quod tibi id alii. (College of Arms.)

Buried with his wife.

On "Pedigree of the Gaisford, Gibbs and Ludlow Families" he took the surname LOPES when his uncle, Sir Manasseh Lopes, Bt died so became Sir Ralph LOPES.
St.Mary the Virgin, Bickleigh, Devon (north of Plymouth and Plympston)
"In Memory Of Sir Ralph Lopes, Baronet of Maristow in this County graduated at Brasenose College Oxford he married Susan Gibbs eldest daughter of A.Ludlow, Esquire of Heywood House, Wiltshire  He was representative in several Parliaments for the Borough of Westbury in the same county and in two successive Parliaments and at the time of his death was member for the Southern Division a Deputy Lieutenant & Magistrate for Devon and Wiltshire and Deputy Warden of the Stannaries
He was born September l0th l788 and died January 26th l854 aged 65 years
a man who ... sought to honour him of great ability and high integrity in public & private life
a just and liberal landlord an ever mindful friend of the poor and withal of singular modesty
of which this monument is itself a proof being erected by his widow at a limited cost in accordance with his own express directions
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure & steadfast"

At the time of his death he was a deputy Lieutenant and Magistrate for Devon and Wiltshire.  Also a deputy warden of the Stannaries.

In his will he bequeaths money to his Aunt Rebecca Lousada, which may have been either her maiden name of her married name.  We have not yet established through which line she is descended. (Alan D Pereira Oct 2004)

Abstract of Will in Wills Book


FRANCO (afterwards LOPES), Sir Ralph, 2nd bt. (1788-1854), of Maristow House, nr. Plymouth, Devon; Market Place, Westbury, Wilts. and 76 Jermyn Street, Mdx.

Family and Education
b. 10 Sept. 1788, o.s. of Abraham de Raphael Franco, coral merchant, and Esther, da. of Mordecai Rodrigues Lopes of Jamaica. educ. Tonbridge sch. ?1798; Winchester 1803; Brasenose, Oxf. 1807. m. 8 May 1817, Susan Gaisford Gibbs, da. of Abraham Ludlow of Heywood House, nr. Westbury, 6s. (1 d.v.p.) 1da. d.v.p.1 suc. fa. 1799; uncle Sir Manasseh Masseh Lopes* by spec. rem. as 2nd bt. 26 Mar. 1831 and took name of Lopes by royal lic. 7 May 1831. d. 23 Jan. 1854.
Offices Held
Mayor, Westbury 1824-5, 1828-9, recorder 1831; dep. warden of stannaries 1852-d.
Capt. 4 Devon militia 1808; maj. N. Devon militia 1821.
Franco’s ancestors were Portuguese Jews, who established mercantile houses in Leghorn, London and India. His grandfather Raphael Franco of 106 Fenchurch Street, who was the second son of Jacob, the second son of Moses Franco of Leghorn, died in 1781, having had with his wife Leah D’Aguilar (d. 1808), a son Abraham, one of several children who settled in Jamaica. Abraham married Esther Lopes (d. 1795), the daughter of a wealthy Jamaican sugar planter, and died at Lucknow in 1799, leaving one son.2 Esther’s brother Manasseh Lopes (later Masseh Lopes), who first entered Parliament in 1802, made this child, his nephew, baptized as Ralph Franco that year, his heir. He established him at his secondary Devon seat of Roborough, near Plymouth, and in 1814 brought him in for his pocket borough of Westbury, as a supporter of Lord Liverpool’s ministry. In 1817 Franco married into an extended family of Westbury clothiers.3
A participant in Masseh Lopes’s electoral intrigues, Franco ‘retired of my own accord’ in 1819 (as he told the House, 20 Jan. 1832), before his uncle’s disgrace and imprisonment later that year. In July 1820 he pleaded with the prime minister for clemency to be shown to his aged patron, and apparently received a sympathetic response from Lord Sidmouth, the home secretary, for Masseh Lopes was released from gaol in September.4 Franco does not appear to have been active in local politics. As mayor (an office he had probably filled several times) and one of the very few Westbury electors, he was present to assist in the tumultuous election of the home secretary Robert Peel, 2 Mar. 1829, on the resignation of Masseh Lopes in his favour.5 By a special remainder, he succeeded his uncle, who died in March 1831, to the baronetcy which he had been granted in 1805. He was the executor and principal beneficiary of his will, and so came into most of his fortune, which was estimated at about £800,000.6 He also took over the management of Westbury, as recorder, and, now a reformer, he turned out the anti-reform Member Sir Alexander Grant at the 1831 general election, when the other sitting Member sought a seat elsewhere. He returned himself and, after an apparent misunderstanding which occasioned a by-election, another reformer, Henry Frederick Stephenson.7 Five days after his election he changed his name to Lopes, in accordance with his uncle’s will.
In a long submission to Lord Brougham, the lord chancellor, 3 June 1831, Lopes set out his opinions on the Grey ministry’s reform bill (under which Westbury, although originally scheduled for partial disfranchisement, was now, by a government amendment in April, to retain both its seats):
Although a much interested individual in point of property, I am not one who has veered and twisted about with the growth and progress of this measure. My ground was taken from the first, as correspondences could show, and my opinions have been some time known to my friends, in as far as when the day arrived (which I will not be hypocritical enough to say I wished for) I should be among the foremost ready for personal sacrifice - that day is come, and if no one ‘parts with his own’ with more regret than I shall, there will be but little sorrow and annoyance at what is about to befall individuals.
He then listed his objections, beginning with the ‘dangerous and pernicious’ insinuation in the preamble that ‘divers abuses’ had ‘long prevailed’ in the return of Members. He attached most importance to the ‘too low rate’ of the borough qualification, and the ‘undefined way in which the standard is to be estimated’. He added that
anyone who has ever canvassed a scot and lot borough [as Lopes had at Newport, Cornwall, in 1818] can tell about privations the most destitute will undergo to keep themselves on the rate for the purpose of being voters. Numbers who ought to be receiving relief, are paying to the maintenance of the poor, that when the time of election comes round they may be reimbursed in a lump with interest that which they have put out in driblets.
He acknowledged the embarrassment it would cause ministers to rescind their promise, but warned that
you may afterwards extend (and may be saved the trouble of doing it yourselves), but you never in a reformed Parliament will be able to contract the boundaries of the suffrage and if popular and external feeling has done much in enforcing the present state of things, it will be exerted in a tenfold degree to retain and secure it, and if it has influenced and dictated now, it will command upon any attempt at revision by putting an irresistible veto.
He therefore suggested a ‘remedy or corrective’:
Let the £10 man have his vote, but let another who is higher rented or rated have two or more votes, rising according to a graduated scale. You thus preserve your own consistency, you keep faith to the public and you obviate the pernicious and overwhelming tendency of the £10 tide of voting. You give to property that due and just influence it ought to have, and rely upon it by doing this you will satisfy all parties, high and low, those for as well as those against reform, and you will give a feeling of security to thousands who are friendly to reform, but have a deep, a rooted, though a silent dread and apprehension of the £10 city and borough franchise.
Clearly drawing on his own experience at Westbury, he advocated giving ministers ex-officio membership of the Commons, so that
if they happen to be representatives of any place let them have votes, like other Members, but if not, let them at least have place and voice, to expound, to advocate or to defend the measures of government. Suppose, by the by, when all private nomination is at an end, any minister in the middle of a Parliament changes his situation from a lower to a higher office and is obliged to appeal to his constituents, and they, possibly the voters of some insignificant borough, or of some place (as the case may be) where popular feeling on any particular question is running high, and they chose to reject him. Is the king, for the mere caprice or hostility of one place, to be deprived of his paramount prerogative, the choice of his own ministers? Or is the country from the same cause to be deprived of the services of some high commanding and perhaps saving individual?
He also recommended a higher property qualification for Members, the prevention of any borough from being dominated by the neighbouring town with which it was to be amalgamated and the preservation of the ‘nice balancing’ of the agricultural, commercial and manufacturing interests.8
In the House, 6 July 1831, he rose, ‘not ... under the advice, or as the representative of a numerous body of constituents, but impelled by my own feelings alone’, to state that he was ‘now willing to act up to the idea I have entertained from the first moment this subject has been discussed, that it is my duty to yield up and abandon every selfish and personal interest’. He put his arguments in favour of providing seats for ministers and safeguarding the agricultural interest, but stressed his support for the reintroduced bill, and voted for its second reading that day. He divided with ministers against using the 1831 census to determine the boroughs in schedules A and B, 19 July, but divided against the total disfranchisement of Downton, 21 July. He was listed as absent from the division on postponing consideration of the partial disfranchisement of Chippenham, 27 July. He paired in favour of removing one seat from Dorchester, 28 July, and the following day voted in this sense in respect to Guildford. He divided for the enfranchisement of Greenwich, 3 Aug., and paired for giving one seat to Gateshead, 5 Aug., and for combining Rochester with Chatham and Strood, 9 Aug. Unless it was Stephenson, he was reproved by the House, 10 Aug., for cheering Lord Althorp, the chancellor of the exchequer, in a ‘marked manner’. He voted for the third reading of the bill, 19 Sept., and its passage, 21 Sept. He was granted three weeks’ leave of absence because of illness in his family, 22 Sept. 1831.
Lopes paired in favour of the second reading of the revised reform bill, 17 Dec. 1831. Hoping to benefit from the widely expected peerage creations thought to be necessary to secure its passage through the Lords, he wrote to Brougham, 12 Jan. 1832, that
the much regarded relative whom I have succeeded, and to whom I am so deeply indebted, was persecuted, and with unreasonable severity punished, for the breach of those laws pronounced to be inherent in a system, now about to be abolished. It has been a source of pride to me to have had an opportunity to vindicate his memory, by the voluntary and cheerful sacrifice I came forward to make at the call and under the emergencies of the government, and the country. Surely then, I may, I trust, be pardoned in saying, that I should feel an honest exaltation, if any act of mine could obliterate the painful feelings his sufferings occasioned, and the record of circumstances connected with them. And may I not, without invidious comparison, but rather in honour of him advance, that if he was made bitterly to atone for the liabilities to which he unguardedly subjected himself, the part I have taken, in an equal degree, gives me some title to a share in the honours about to be advanced to those who have promoted the question of reform, or have in that cause made any sacrifices of a personal nature.9
In fact, like his uncle, his hopes for a peerage were never fulfilled. On 20 Jan. he denied Croker’s allegation that his selection of pro-reform Members for Westbury had influenced the government’s decision, taken just before the dissolution, to allow it to retain its two seats. He voted to go into committee on the bill that day, and in favour of partially disfranchising the 30 boroughs in schedule B, 23 Jan. He divided against giving the vote to all £10 poor rate payers, 3 Feb., paired in favour of the enfranchisement of Tower Hamlets, 28 Feb., and voted for the third reading of the bill, 22 Mar. He spoke in praise of the foreign secretary Lord Palmerston’s* conduct, 26 Mar., when he blamed the ‘position in which we stand with regard to Portugal’ on the ‘tardy manner in which the late government interfered with a view to checking the practices of Dom Miguel’. He voted for Lord Ebrington’s motion for an address calling on the king to appoint only ministers who would carry the reform bill unimpaired, 10 May. His only other known vote in this Parliament was with ministers for the Russian-Dutch loan, 26 Jan.; having been given six weeks leave ‘on account of a severe domestic affliction’, 5 July, he was listed among the ‘reformers absent’ on this question, 12 July 1832.
Lopes declined to offer for one of the divisions of Devon and was returned unopposed as a Liberal for the remaining seat at Westbury at the general election of 1832.10 He was elected to Brooks’s, 4 May 1834. Defeated at Westbury in 1837, he again served as its Member in the 1841 Parliament and later represented Devon South as a Conservative. He died, after a long illness, in January 1854. Among his younger children was Henry Charles (1828-99), Conservative Member for Launceston, 1868-74, and Frome, 1874-6, who became a judge and was created Baron Ludlow in 1897. However, the Devon and Wiltshire properties and the baronetcy passed to his eldest son, Lopes Massey Lopes (1818-1908), Conservative Member for Westbury, 1857-68, and Devon South, 1868-85, whose son, Henry Yarde Buller Lopes (1859-1938), Conservative Member for Grantham, 1892-1900, was created Baron Roborough in 1938.11
Ref Volumes: 1820-1832
Author: Stephen Farrell
1. Gent. Mag. (1832), i. 571; PROB 11/2188/218.
2. Caribbeana, v. 166; W.I. Bookplates ed. V. L. Oliver, 44; Gent. Mag. (1795), i. 348; (1799), ii. 1087; (1808), ii. 1045.
3. Sir R.C. Hoare, Wilts. Westbury, 34.
4. Add. 38286, ff. 92, 117.
5. Add. 40399, f. 25; Keenes’ Bath Jnl. 9 Mar. 1829.
6. PROB 11/1785/283; IR26/1263/214; Gent. Mag. (1831), i. 465; (1833), i. 379.
7. Devizes Gazette, 14, 21, 28 Apr., 5 May 1831.
8. Brougham mss.
9. Ibid.
10. Devizes Gazette, 23 Aug. 1832.
11. Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse Herald, 28 Jan. 1854; Gent. Mag. (1854), i. 422-3.

SURNAME: Also shown as Lopes

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Ralph Franco

DEATH: Also shown as Died 23 Jan 1854

Susannah Gaisford Gibbs LUDLOW

St.Mary the Virgin, Bickleigh, Devon (north of Plymouth and Plymstock)
"To the memory of Dame Susan Gibbs Lopes eldest daughter of A.Ludlow, Esquire of Heywood House Wiltshire and widow of Sir Ralph Lopes, Baronet M.P. of Maristow Devonshire Born 4th May 1800 Died 26th of March 1870 at her residence Easthill Somersetshire  This monument is erected by her surviving children"

Marriage Notes for Ralph Franco and Susannah Gaisford Gibbs LUDLOW

MARRIAGE: 1841 Census: Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece 733; Book: 12; Civil Parish: St George Hanover Square; County: Middlesex; Enumeration District: 20; Folio: 39; Page: 30; Line: 11; GSU roll: 438835. Sub-registration district Hanover Square, Hundred Westminster, County Middlesex City of Westminster, Enumeration Schedule 39
Previous entry Grosvenor Square then (start of) Brook Street
Ralph Lopes Bt 52 "In" Yes
Lady do40 do no[Susannah G G Ludlow]
Edmund do  7 dono
George do   4 dono
Berther Berning? 49 F.S. no
Ann Cole 45 F.S. no
3 more F.S. and 2 M.S.
see genealogy\\pereira\\census1841\\LopesRalphLudlowSGG.jpg

Census 1851: HO107 Piece 1644, Folio 363, Page 4 Registration district Brighton, Sub-registration district Kemp Town, Civil parish and Town Brighton, County Sussex
Parish of Brighton, City of Brighton
10 Marine Parade
No. of Householder's Schedule 11
William Gilburoe HeadWidr65 Hotel KeeperSussex, Brighton
Cecelia Gilburoe DaurU27 at homedo,do
Eliza Gilburoe DaurU25  Mistress at Hoteldo,do
Sarah Saxby ServU39  Chamber Maiddo, Lewes
Catherine Patching ServU27  Bar Maiddo, Brighton
Catherine Gallis ServU20  Kitchen Maiddo, Worthing
Harriet Puller ServU19  Laundry dodo,?ford
Agnes Ford doU22  House Servdo, Hurst
Alfred Allen doU19  PorterKent, Churley
Alfred Hyder doU21Hotel WaiterSussex, Rotherfield
Sarah Jackson doU19Laundry Maiddo, Worthing
William Brown doU36Hotel Waiter  Wales
Ralph Lopin VisitorMar62  Baronet M.P.Middlesex, London
-------------End of Page 4 Next Page 5
Susan G Lapis WifeMar50  Wife of BaronetBristol
Henry Lapis SonU23  Student at LawDevonshire
Ann Cole VisitorU55  Lodger ServantPlymouth
Saml George doMar65  Gentm N.K.Middlesex, Enfield
Emma Webb doU25  Lady's Maiddo, London
Sarah George doMar48  Wife of Gentm,do
Elarrington Smith doU45  Capt (Army)do,do
John Pinniger doU70  Gentm,do
HO107; Piece: 1644; Folio: 363; Page: 5; GSU roll: 193548
see genealogy\\pereira\\census1851\\LopesRalphLudlowSusanGGP1&2.jpg

30Jun1851 Census: HO107 Piece 1877, Folio 561, Page 2
Parish of Tamerton Foliott
No. of Householder's Schedule 3 Mount Jessop, No. of Householder's Schedule 4 Crooked Oak, House uninhabited then Maristow House
No. of Householder's Schedule 5
Benjamin Dawson Head Mar 43 Gardener Hampshire Southampton
Sarah Wife
Catharine Manning Servant U 18 Dairy Maid British Subject
Hannah Coarkes Servant 26 British Subject
Next page No. of Householder's Schedule 6 Maristow Cottage, 7 Maristow Cottage, 8 Maristow Farm
NOTE Checking and presume Sir Ralph Lopes' staff were sent to their homes. In 1861 in Gardeners Cottage was Theophilus Worthinlake 35 b.Kingsteington, Devon

594. Charles Henry FRANCO

BURIAL: (Entry 68)

598. Edmund Francis LOPES

BURIAL: Plymouth Deaths & Burials
Born 1834 Buried 7 Mar 1867 aged 33
Bickleigh, Devon

Found by P.T.Pereira on Rugby School list of 1848 aged 14

Census 1851: HO107 Piece 2069, Folio 377, Page 33 Registration, Sub-registration districts, Civil parish, Town Rugby, Ecclesiastical parish St.Andrew, County Warwickshire
Parish of Rugby, St.Andrews, Town of Rugby
Previous page Laurence Sherriff
Edmund C. LopesPupil17Scholar of Rugby SchoolDevon, Tamerton
see genealogy\\pereira\\census1851\\LopesEdmundCb1834.jpg

600. Susannah Gibbs Ludlow LOPES

St.Mary the Virgin, Bickleigh, Devon

Suffer little children to come unto me
and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven
for I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold
the face of my father which is in heaven
and such is the kingdom of heaven
This little shrine is dedicated to the memory of
Susannah Gibbs Ludlow Lopes
the beloved and only surviving daughter of
Sir Ralph Lopes, Baronet & Dame Susan Gibbs Lopes, his wife
of Maristow in this county
It pleased God to bestow the blessing of this child
January 13th 1843 and to remove her from her deeply afflicted
parents December 14th 1847
Both these events occurred at Maristow

370. Rebecca Lopes FRANCO

Epitome of the Will of Dame Charlotte Lopes late of Plymouth in the County of Devon widow deceased bearing date the 9th of July 1831: "Testatrix Gave and bequeathed directed limitted and appointed unto her niece Rebecca Lopes Barton of Plymouth aforesaid widow £1,000 Stock part of the said £10,000 Stock.  Testatrix also gave and bequeathed directed limitted and appointed unto each of the three Children of the said R.L.Barton then living £100 Stock to be paid to them when they should respectively attain their ages of 21 years with benefit of Survivorship."

Barton, Rebecca Lopes (1835) - Deed: 01/01/1835 - Widow of Plymouth, Lease of Burrough to James Partridge of Northam, Yeoman for 14 Years from March 25th 1834 for £170 Per Annum - Burrough Late in the Occupation of George Downing - 11/11/1850 - R. L. Barton of Ogwell House, East Ogwell - Sale of Capital Messuage Etc. of Burrough to Elizabeth Thorold of Clevelands, Widow for £5750. - Mentions Lease & Release of Marriage Settlement of Robert Barton & Anna Maria Downe of 26/10/1786 Between 1/ Henry Downe Esq of Burrough, Elizabeth His Wife and Anna Maria Downe, 2/ Robert Barton Esq, 3/ John Cleveland & Augustus Saltren Willett Esq., 4/ Mattew Barton. - Also Mentions Lease & Release of 01/05/1820, the Latter Between 1/ Augustus Saltren Willett Esq., 2/ Elizabeth Downe, 3/ Robert Barton, 4/ Anna Maria Barton, 5/ Robert Cutts Barton, 6/ James Smith Gent., 7/ William Price Gent. - Also Lease & Release of 22/06/1820 - 1/ Robert Cutts Barton, 2/ Rebecca Lopes Franco, 3/ Ralph Franco Esq, (Now Sir Ralph Lopes Baronet), Walter Radcliffe Esq & Henry Brooksbank Esq this Is the Marriage Settlement of Rebecca Lopes Franco and Her Late Husband Robert Cutts Barton. - 05/08/1820 Probate Copy of Will of Robert Cutts Barton. - 15/04/1848 Conveyance of Three Fields Between 1/ Anthony Loveband of Yarnscombe Esq., 2/ Joanna Lane Caddy of Bideford Spinster, 3/ James Smith Ley of Bideford, Banker, 4/ Rebecca Lopes Barton of Oggwell House, Newton Abbot, Widow, 5/ James Gould of Knapp Esq., - This Mentions Charles Andrew Caddy & Joanna Caddy; All That Closes or Fields Formerly in the Occupation of Joseph Stone, After John Woolacott and Joanna Caddy Since of John Causey, Then John Irwin and William Stratton Large.

birth would precede Abigail's because of her maternal grandmother's name being used

Alan Pereira suggested 1971 as birthyear because age at death was reported as 62

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Rebecca

DEATH: Also shown as Died Upper Brook Street, Mayfair.

Robert Cutts BARTON

DEATH: Find a Grave
Birth: 1785
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Death: Oct. 23, 1827
Torridge District
Devon, England

Captain Robert C. Barton served as a Midshipman on HMS Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. He is buried in the nave of Salisbury Cathedral.

Of Robert Cutts Barton little is known except that he was born in the county in 1785 and joined HMS Victory off Toulon on 31 July 1803 from the frigate HMS Amphion in which he had gone out from Britain. Two weeks after Trafalgar he transferred to HMS Queen 98, flagship of Admiral Collingwood. He was promoted lieutenant in 1806 and served in the boats of the Apollo cutting out a convoy in Rosas Bay in 1809. Barton was made a commander in 1819 and died aged 42 at Bideford in 1827.

From the book - Journal of the Pembrokeshire Historical Society - Vol. 9, 2000.

Robert Cutts Barton, Captain Royal Navy, eldest son of Vice-Admiral Robert Barton, ob. 23rd October, 1827.

Salisbury Cathedral
Wiltshire Unitary Authority
Wiltshire, England

Created by: Virgil Caine
Record added: Sep 05, 2015
Find A Grave Memorial# 151869214

Barton, Robert Cutts (1820) - Deed: see Rebecca Lopes Barton, Lease of this Date Plus Lease of 22/06/1820 and Probate Copy of His Will 05/08/1820

Marriage Notes for Rebecca Lopes Franco and Robert Cutts BARTON

MARRIAGE: 1841 Census: HO 107/733/14 Enumeration District 23, Page 4, Line 18 Registration district, Civil parish St.George Hanover Square, Sub-registration district Hanover Square, Hundred Westminster, County Middlesex
City of Westminster, Parish of St.George Hanover Square, Enumeration Schedule 6
No.13 Green Street
see genealogy\\pereira\\census1841\\BartonRebeca&RatcliffeEmma.jpg
NOTE Rebecca & Emma are sisters née (Franco to) Lopes

1851 Census: HO 107 Piece 1871, Folio 462, Page 2 Registration district Newton Abbot, Sub-registration district Moreton Hempsted, Civil parish West Ogwell
Parish of West Ogwell
West Ogwell House
No. of Householder's Schedule 3
Henry C.B.BartonHeadMar30EsquireDevon, Exeter
Rebecca L.BartonMotherWidow40Middlesex, London
MaryanBartonWifeMar26Barbados, West Indies
KatherineBartonSisterUn26Devon, Exeter
RalphLopesCousindo30Barrister at LawDevon
+6 servants.  John Quick 37, William Clements 30, Sarah Jobe 24, Marie Crocker 34, Mary Savery 22, Ann Holcome 21.
Note: Rebecca's age should be about 56-66 not 40 as shown.  She would have been aged 10 to give birth to Henry CB Barton.
Note: Census.  Previous page West Ogwell Farm ends halfway down page.
NOTE Rebecca Franco to Lopes c.9Dec1802 Clyst St.George, Devon. West Ogwell is near Newton Abbot, east of Dartmoor.
see genealogy\\pereira\\census1841\\BartonRebecab1811.jpg

29 June 1820: At Exeter, captain Barton, R.N. eldest son of admiral Barton, to Miss Rebecca Lopes Franco, niece to sir M. M. Lopes, bart.

601. Henry Charles Baiyon BARTON

Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.

In Genealogy\\Family Tree Maker\\Book Repository\\"Scrapbook Items.doc"
Radcliffe letters transcription.
Reference 407/976 shows H L  Barton to Copleston (Radcliffe), his cousin –  family news.
This is proof of close relationship.

602. Elizabeth BARTON

Based on details in Ralph Franco's will.

Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.

603. Katherine Frances BARTON

Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.

371. Abigail Emma FRANCO

CENSUS: living with son Copleston Lopes Radcliffe and family

Last name FRANCO
Birth day 28
Birth month Sep
Birth year 1792
Birth Year 1792
Baptism day 28
Baptism month Dec
Baptism year 1811
Father's first name(s) Abraham
Mother's first name(s) Esther
Mother's last name -
Dedication Bickleigh
County Devon
Country England
Archive reference -
Page -
Record set Plymouth Baptism Register
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Record collection Births & baptisms
Collections from Great Britain

Epitome of the Will of Dame Charlotte Lopes late of Plymouth in the County of Devon widow deceased bearing date the 9th of July 1831:
"Testatrix also gave and bequeathed directed limitted and appointed unto her niece Abby Emma Radcliffe Wife of the Revd Walter Radcliffe £1,000 Stock other part of the said £10,000 Stock and unto each of their six Children then living £100 Stock to be paid to them when they should respectively attain their ages of 21 years.  "

Birth location of Guilford Street is the road running away from the East side of Bloomsbury Square.  The Great Ormond Street Hospital for children is situated in this road.

dates from Alan Pereira's geneaology of Jacob Baruh Lousada #380

DEATH: Also shown as Died 13 May 1873


Of Warleigh House

Marriage Notes for Abigail Emma Franco and Walter RADCLIFFE

MARRIAGE: Marital Agreement 24th January 1812 (married 7th February 1812)RadcliffeWalterAbbyMarAgr.doc

Page 1 This Indenture of Four Parts, Page 2 Acknowledged He, Page 3 Declared, Page 4 Therein And so as.  Extension of Page 4 in 3 sections '96                          Received; Signed Sealed and Delivered George Mallett Scott; Signed Sealed and Delivered Walter Radcliffe, Abbey Emma ffranco, Manasseh Massey Lopes, Ralph ffranco

Agreement between...
1)The Reverend Walter Radcliffe of Warleigh in the Parish of Tamerton Foliot in the County of Devon Clerk
2)Abbey Emma Franco of the Parish of Tamerton Foliot aforesaid Spinster
3)Sir Manasseh Masseh Lopes of Maristow in Tamerton Foliot aforesaid Baronet
4)Coppleston Radcliffe a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy and Brother of the said Walter Radcliffe, the Reverend George Mallett Scott of Newton Ferrers in the said County Clerk and Ralph Franco Esquire a Captain in His Majestys North Devon Regiment of Militia.
£5,000 from Sir Manasseh Masseh Lopes to the Reverend Walter Radcliffe as a Marriage Portion with the said Abbey Emma ffranco
Transfer of money held in Annuities by Trustees: Sir Manasseh Masseh Lopes, Emmanuel Baruh-Lousada and Ralph Franco on behalf of Abbey Emma ffranco to the Reverend Walter Radcliffe:
a)Three Thousand Pounds Three per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities
b)Two thousand four hundred Pounds ffive Per Cent Annuities
The Reverend Walter Radcliffe in consideration of the above to settle and devize unto Abbey Emma ffranco Sum of Seven Hundred Pounds Per Annum during her and his Life reducing to Five Hundred pounds on his death.

1825-1831"Warleigh House, Tamerton Foliot, Plymouth
On a wonderful site overlooking the (River) Tamar,still just outside the built-up area of Plymouth. A large rambling house in its own grounds, of medieval origin, but chiefly Tudor and early c 19; now divided up as retirement flats. The manor was held by the Foliots in the early Middle Ages, then by Gorges, Bonvilles,Coplestones, and Bampfyldes before it was sold to the Radcliffes in 1741.  …  Large dominating Georgian sashed windows. Their Tudor dripstones and the rendering of the walls probably date from the improvements carried out for the Rev. Walter Radcliffe by John Foulston (1825-32). …"
"Tamerton Foliot … The S. (principal) front of the house still keeps in the main its Elizabethan elevation but the house was extensively remodelled in the late 18th cent. and early 19th, and part of it is now a hospital. …"  Photostat pages received from Peter T. Pereira 23 Apr, 2004

Epitome of the Will of Sir Manasseh Masseh Lopes date 21st November, 1829 :
And as to the other moiety of the said dividends on the said £12000 Stock upon trust to pay the same to his niece Abby Emma Radcliffe for her life  And after her decease Then upon the same Trusts for her children as are declared with respect to the said £12000 Stock so given to to the said Rebecca Lopes Barton.

Epitome of the Will of Dame Charlotte Lopes dated 9th July, 1831 :
Testatrix also gave and bequeathed directed limitted and appointed unto her niece Abby Emma Radcliffe Wife of the Revd Walter Radcliffe £1,000 Stock other part of the said £10,000 Stock and unto each of their six Children then living £100 Stock to be paid to them when they should respectively attain their ages of 21 years.

Letter 10th April, 1834 from Abby Emma Radcliffe to son, Copleston :
… - unfortunately we are painting in several parts of the house & the East winds are searching & much against him, we have been obliged to live in the library, which is like an oven with the door shut, & open, like a cellar - …

1841 Census: HO 107/733/14 Enumeration District 23, Page 4, Line 18 Registration district, Civil parish St.George Hanover Square, Sub-registration district Hanover Square, Hundred Westminster, County Middlesex
City of Westminster, Parish of St.George Hanover Square, Enumeration Schedule 6
No.13 Green Street

see genealogy\\pereira\\census1841\\BartonRebeca&RatcliffeEmma.jpg
NOTE Rebecca & Emma are sisters née (Franco to) Lopes

Census 1851: HO107/1877: Registration District of Plympton St.Mary.  Sub-reg. Yealmpton.  Civil Parish of Tamerton Foliot, Devon.  Schedule 17.  Warleigh House.
Revd. WalterRadcliffeHeadMar71J.P. for Devon ? ? Orders
farming upward 600 Acres
employing 21 labourersDevon, Plymouth
Abbey EmmadoWifeMar58London, Guileford Street
CopplestonedoSonMar32Solicitor in PracticeDevon, Tamerton Foliot
CharlottedoSon Wife Mar28Gloucestershire, Cheltenham
No. of Householder's Schedule 18 Haytor House Farm Labourer&Wife then end of Census
see genealogy\\pereira\\census1851\\RadcliffeWalter18120207FrancoAbigailEmma.jpg

1861 Census Piece: RG9/1432 Place: Plympton -Devon Enumeration District: 17
Civil Parish: Tamerton Foliott Ecclesiastical Parish: Tamerton Foliott
Folio: 52 Page: 1 Schedule: 5
Address: Warleigh Mansion
   Surname   First name(s)   Rel   Status   Sex   Age   Occupation   Where Born   Remarks
   RADCLIFFE   Walter   Head   M   M   82   Clerk In Deacons Orders Only    Devon - Plymouth(Originally: Devon - Citadel Plymouth)
   RADCLIFFE   Abby Emma   Wife   M   F   66       Middlesex - London
   SELBY   Ann   Visitr   U   F   56   Gentlewoman    Middlesex - London
   BUTLAND   Thomas   Servnt   M   M   46   Footman    Devon - Ashprington(Originally: Devon - Ashsprington)
   BACKWILL   William   Servnt   U   M   34   Coachman    Devon - Bovey Tracey(Originally: Devon - Bovey Tracy)
   CHALFIELD   Thomas   Servnt   U   M   15   Footboy    Devon - Beaford
   CHOWN   Agnes   Servnt   U   F   32   Ladies Maid    Devon - Marystow(Originally: Devon - Marystowe)
   COOK   Elizabeth   Servnt   U   F   35   Housemaid    Cornwall - Bodmin
   BEAL   Mary A   Servnt   U   F   24   Cook    Cornwall - Linkinhorne(Originally: Cornwall - Linkinhorn)
   HEARD   Elizabeth   Servnt   U   F   20   Under Housemaid    Cornwall - North Hill
   FROST   Mary A   Servnt   U   F   20   Kitchen Maid    Devon - Tamerton Foliott(Originally: Devon - Tamerton Foliot)
see Genealogy\\pereira\\Census1861\\RadcliffeWalter18120207FrancoAbigailEmma.jpg

604. Sarah Lydia RADCLIFFE

Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.
Eldest daughter according to a letter she sent to Copleston in 1834.
Private christening is likely to be closest to actual birth date, if not actually on her birth date.

605. Walter Copleston RADCLIFFE

Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.
Eldest son based on a letter from his father to Copleston in 1835.

606. Coplestone Lopes RADCLIFFE


This Copleston Lopes Radcliffe must have died as another by the same name was both privately and publicly baptised in the latter part of 1818.

607. Coplestone Lopes RADCLIFFE

RESIDENCE: The Parish of King Charles the Martyr


Age is based on documentation in Playmouth Record Office addressing "Correspondence: addressed to Copleston Lopes Radcliffe (1818-1883) by his parents and other members of his family when at school at the Reverend Knight's Academy at Redland near Bristol"

Birth date is now based on when the private christening took place.

West Devon Record Office, Plymouth Tues.24.8.2004
Accession 407 Radcliffe of Warleigh see 24Jan1812, 1May1834Reference 407/932
Warleigh May 1st 1834
My dear Copleston,
After weeks of suspense, & further delay caused by a mistake on Mr.Richard's part as to the period of Walter's admissions for examination, we have the satisfaction of receiving a letter this morning from him fixing Tuesday next the 6th inst. for your Father & Brother being in Oxford \endash   being pressed for time you will not see their going up but they will take Bristol on their return, which will most probably be on the Saturday following/the 10th inst. when you can obtain Mr Knights permifsion to meet them at the Bush Inn \endash   they will arrive by the Oxford Mail & you can learn when it comes in, unlefs you hear to the contrary from your Father you will then expect to see them on the 10th \endash   poor Walter will be delighted to hear the day is although fixed, for he has been quite harafsed & had even given up the hope of being examined this term.
We have had made for you two very neat pr of trousers which I hope will fit, as Papa thought Adams with a little alteration for growth could make them for you \endash   I also send some of last year's which I hope may come in for wear \endash   you had no stockings but I make you a present of 4 pr towards your Summer stock & a neat silk pocket handkf \endash   a little but good & useful book & Billy's present of a set of steel pens We all remembered your birth my dearest Copleston & I did not forget to ask God's blefsing for you, that you may be led by his gracious spirit into the right & happy way - & daily my best hopes are thus engaged for you all \endash   your sisters C. & E. have been very poorly from the Influenza which has persisted much in Plymouth & this neighbourhood they came home again for a week but are now returned quite well I hope, & Pollexfen completely recovered I am thankful to say \endash   We hope you have not wanted your things, the weather has been so changeable that I should? be sorry (hole in paper) had you put on thinner clothing \endash   tis quite wrong to do so between the seasons \endash   your Father will bring your parcel to Bristol \endash   much I should like a peep of you my dear boy, but if you enjoy the blefsing of health, I must be content trusting the separation is for your advantage \endash   I hope Papa will see Mr.Knight & that he will be able to give a satisfactory account of you in all respects \endash   Sarah's best love and sends you a little birthday remembrance a pocket tortoiseshell comb hoping will be of some use \endash   as a remembrance I tell her I am sure you will value it \endash   I have not time to write more but remain my dear Copleston with your Father's most affectionate remembrances your ever attached Mother \endash
Abigail Emma Radcliffe

PLYMOUTH Postmark is upside down, Plymouth being semi-circular enclosing date
MY 1
Mr C Radcliffe,
The Revd W Kingston
paid for nr Bristol

1841 Census: Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece 733; Book: 6; Civil Parish: St George Hanover Square; County: Middlesex; Enumeration District: 9; Folio: 25; Page: 44; Line: 20; GSU roll: 438835.
Civil parish: St George Hanover Square Hundred: Westminster County/Island: Middlesex Country: England Registration district: St George Hanover Square Sub-registration district: Hanover Square
Davies Street
Household Members: Name Age
Coplestone Radcliffe 20 Indn
see Genealogy\\pereira\\Census1841\\RadcliffeCoplestoneAged20.jpg

608. Charlotte Hester RADCLIFFE

Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.
Based on correspondence, is the second daughter

609. Emma Admonition RADCLIFFE


Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.

610. William Pollexfen RADCLIFFE


Age based on being under 21 in Dame Charlotte Lopes (Charlotte Yeates) will.
Based on correspondence,  is the third son.

General Sir William Pollexfen Radcliffe (M)
b. 1822, d. 1897, #55926
Last Edited=20 Jan 2004
    General Sir William Pollexfen Radcliffe was born in 1822. He married Isabel Elise de Blaquiere, daughter of Hon. Peter Boyle de Blaquiere and Eliza Roper, on 1 September 1870. He died in 1897.

    Child of General Sir William Pollexfen Radcliffe and Isabel Elise de Blaquiere:
General Sir Percy Pollexfen de Blaquiere Radcliffe   b. 9 Feb 1874, d. 9 Feb 1934

Colonel William Pollexfen Radcliffe, CB 1st Battalion, 20th Regiment of Foot (1822-1897)

Radcliffe was born at Warleigh, near Plymouth, on 22 December, 1822 being the 3rd son of the Rev. Walter Radcliffe and the former Abby Emma Franco and recieved his education at Winchester.

Ensign (by purchase) –  12 March, 1841
Lieutenant (by purchase) –  2 August, 1842
Captain (by purchase) –  25 July, 1851
Brevet Major –  12 December, 1854
Major - 29 August, 1856
Lieut. Colonel –  26 March, 1858
Brevet Colonel –  12 March, 1863
Half Pay - 12 June, 1863
Major General –  21 November, 1876 (antedated to 28 October, 1868)
Lieut. General –  9 March, 1882
General and retires - 1 April, 1887

Radcliffe was with his regiment in Bermuda from 1841 to 1847 and spent five years in Canada (1847-1853). He served in the Crimean War with the 20th Foot and was present Alma, Inkerman, Balaklava, the siege of Sebastopol.
He was with the 20th during the Indian Mutiny at Chanda, Umeerpore and Sultanpore and the siege and capture of Lucknow where he was wounded by a sabre cut to his right hand. During the Mutiny he was also twice Mentioned in Despatches. During Siege of Lucknow Radcliffe leading two companies against a walled enclosure known as the "Engine House" became separated from the main body but none the less forced an entrance with two other men - Privates Hill and Lincoln. Colonel Evelegh, CB writing of the attack on the Engine House in 1888 said the following:

" I did not see the affair myself. Lys was in command of the regiment - I of the brigade. I believe it was one of the, if not the, most creditable for the regiment of all the numerous affairs that took place during the mutiny.
Radcliffe ought to have the V.C. for it."

Radcliffe and Private Lincoln were severely wounded and Private Hill killed.

Radcliffe was appointed Inspector-General of Musketry at Hythe on 1 January, 1873 and held the post until 30 April, 1878. He commanded the Eastern Division (Colchester) from 1 October, 1878 resigning on 31 March, 1882.
He was create a Companion of the Bath on 13 March 1867 and a NKnight Commander of the Bath on 29 May, 1886.

He married Isabel Elise de Balquiere on 1 September, 1870. Their son was General Sir Percy Pollexfen de Balquiere Radcliffe.

General William Pollexfen Radcliffe, KCB died at his home, Mortimer, Berks on 23 march, 1897.

375. Emanuel LOUSADA

became the second Lousada Duke

He appears to have had three sons by Elizabeth Anne Meakins, sometime called Mrs. Haeseler. This comes from ref 34 on

Honorine Scholastique LEJEUNE

Daughter of M Lejeune of Fruges, Departement du Pas de Calais
This marriage is discussed in ref 34 of - she was 3 years older than Emanuel

death from Paris papers of Emanuel #93 her husband

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Honorine Scholastine

DEATH: Also shown as Died Paris.

Marriage Notes for Emanuel Lousada and Honorine Scholastique LEJEUNE

from Alan Pereira
1871 Census: lbemarle Street, St George Hanover Square, London, England

Emanuel de Losada Duke          Head    -           Male     62         1809     -           London, Middlesex, England    

Honarini S de Losada    Wife     -           Female             50         1821     -           France

Eladie   Maisomeuri       Boarder            -           Female             40         1831     -           France

Mari      Reuille Servant             -           Female             28         1843     -           France

Louis    Reuille Servant             -           Male     32         1839     -           Switzerland

MARRIAGE: Daughter of M Lejeune of Fruges, Departement du Pas de Calais
This marriage is discussed in ref 34 of - she was 3 years older than Emanuel

death from Paris papers of Emanuel #93 her husband

1871 Census: lbemarle Street, St George Hanover Square, London, England
Emanuel de Losada Duke Head - Male 62 1809 - London, Middlesex, England
Honarini S de Losada Wife - Female 50 1821 - France
Eladie Maisomeuri Boarder - Female 40 1831 - France
Mari Reuille Servant - Female 28 1843 - France
Louis Reuille Servant - Male 32 1839 - Switzerland

Elizabeth Anne Meakins HAESELER

from will of Emanuel, she was from Beach Street of Deal in Kent

and from ref 34 in particular the notes of Isaacs's great-granddaughter it is clear that she was 6 months pregnant when Emanuel married Honorine Scholastique

613. Albert Emanuel Meakins HAESELER

from Alan Pereira 17 Nov 2017
Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Deaths Mar 1894   (>99%) HAESELER  Albert Emmanuel  31  W. Ham  4a 94.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Boulogne.

BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening Boulogne.

DEATH: Also shown as Died West Ham.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Jan-Mar 1894

376. Emma Lydia LOUSADA

name from from ref 85

'Emma' reflects her paternal grandmother Esther

death from


Officer d'Ordnance to Leopold 1st King of the Belgians
and Lt Col of Guides
from ref 13
more family details yet to be entered can be found on the following site found by Alan Pereira

Peter Lousada by email 7 Dec 2015 provided the following comment:
In passing, did you know that the farmhouse at Hougoumont which played such a part in the battle of Waterloo was owned, I think , by Count Van den Burch who was married to a (Emma Lydia) Lousada? Don't ask how I know that, as there are many things hiding away in the deep recesses of my little grey cells - some right and some nearly right!

Marriage Notes for Emma Lydia Lousada and Louis VAN DER BURCH Count

MARRIAGE: Louis van der BURCH

   Born 11 Thermidor year VIII (30 July 1800) - �caussinnes (Belgique)
   Deceased 22 January 1881 - Namur (Belgique) , age at death: 80 years old


   Charles van der BURCH 1779-1854 (G�néral de division, président des états provinciaux du Hainault)
   Félicité de RODOAN , Chanoinesse de Nivelles 1774-1852 (Chanoinesse de Nivelles)

Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

   Married 2 January 1839 , Bruxelles (Belgique), to Emma de LOUSADA , born 3 September 1810 - Londres, Angleterre (Royaume-Uni) , Deceased 24 June 1894 - Etterbeek (Belgique) age at death: 83 years old (Parents : M Isaac Baruch de LOSADA y LOUSADA  &  F Lydia de LOUSADA ) with
       M Albéric van der BURCH 1844-1921  married to Ernestine van de KERCHOVE  with
           F Berthe van der BURCH 1884-1983  married 21 March 1910, Bruxelles (Belgique), to Jean de BRIEY 1875-1963  with :
               F Gillette de BRIEY 1911-2006
               M René de BRIEY , voir Mort pour la France 1912-1940
               F Monique de BRIEY 1914-2008
               x x
               x x
           M Louis van der BURCH 1886-  married in 1912 to Marie de RENESSE 1892-  with :
               F Françoise van der BURCH , Comtesse 1914-1975
               x x
               x x
       M Horace van der BURCH 1848-  married 2 August 1876, Anvers (Belgique), to Olga NOTTEBOHM 1855-  with
           M Adrien, cte van der BURCH 1877-1954  married 28 March 1916, Paris (75), to Marie-Henriette de VILLERS au TERTRE de WAVRIN  with :
               x x
           M Rodolphe, cte van der BURCH 1880-  married 26 April 1904 to Nadiejna de BERLAYMONT 1884-  with :
               x x
           M Jean van der BURCH 1881-  married to Marie-Henriette d'ASPREMONT LYNDEN 1886-1969
       F Herminie van der BURCH 1850-1924  married 28 April 1881, Bruxelles (Belgique), to Léopold VAN GOIDSTNOVEN 1856-1929  with
           F Madeleine VAN GOIDSTNOVEN 1882-1927  married 21 October 1907, Aische-en-Refail, Éghezée (Belgique), to Guy d'ASPREMONT LYNDEN , Comte 1882-1962  with :
               F Françoise d'ASPREMONT LYNDEN de MAILLEN , Comtesse 1908-2002
               M Didier d'ASPREMONT LYNDEN de MAILLEN , Comte 1910-1978

614. Charles VAN DEN BURCH Count

Capt commanding 6th Regiment  Belgian Horse Artilliary



615. Adrian VAN DEN BURCH Count

4th Regiment Belgian Lancers
from ref 13

616. Alberic VAN DER BURCH Count

SURNAME: Also shown as van den Burch

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Alberte

SURNAME: Also shown as van den Burch

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Alberte

617. Horace VAN DER BURCH Count

Lt 6th Regiment Artilliary
from ref 13

SURNAME: Also shown as van den Burch

SURNAME: Also shown as van den Burch

Marriage Notes for Horace van der Burch Count and Olga NOTTEBOHN

MARRIAGE: Adrien, cte van der BURCH 1877-1954  married 28 March 1916, Paris (75), to Marie-Henriette de VILLERS au TERTRE de WAVRIN

M Rodolphe, cte van der BURCH 1880-  married 26 April 1904 to Nadiejna de BERLAYMONT 1884-  w

M Jean van der BURCH 1881-  married to Marie-Henriette d'ASPREMONT LYNDEN 1886-1969

618. Ida Felicite VAN DEN BURCH Countess

Dame d'Honneur to HRH the Countess of Flanders
from ref 13

620. Herminie Raphaelli VAN DER BURCH Countess

SURNAME: Also shown as van den Burch

377. Francis LOUSADA

Was HM Consul for Rhode Island and Massachusetts when he died in Boston in 1870. He had been made Marquis of San Miniato by the Grand Duke of Tuscany in 1846 (ref 13 This may have been encouragement for Isaac to seek a title, perhaps upon the urging of Emanuel (who became the 2nd Duke (see ref 34

some of his diplomatic correspondence can be found in

ref 85 at St Paul's School 11 Apr 1825 aged 11

lost a case in 1866 in Mass. for excess fees

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Francis Barrow

BIRTH: Also shown as Born 18 Nov 1813


death from ref 85
daughter of 2nd marriage of Sir Charles Wolsely - reference found by Alan Pereira 30 Jun 2018

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Marianne Eloize

Marriage Notes for Francis Lousada and Mary-Anne WOLSELEY

from Boyd's marriage records

MARRIAGE: from Boyd's marriage records
also from The Register Book of Marriages Belonging to the Parish St. George, Hanover Square

622. Horace Francis LOUSADA

3rd Lousada Duke and also inherited from his father the title of Marquis of San Minato

Capt 51st regiment Madras Staff Corps; Lt Col 5th Madras Native Infantry (ref 13

Became the 3rd of the revived English Dukes and Marquis of San Minato by the Grand Duke of Tuscany
Capt 51st regiment Madras Staff Corps; Lt Col 5th Madras NI (ref 13

Peter Lousada (email 15 Sep 2011) reports that he found his son was Commander RN and later, General Manager of the Glasgow Tram Company!

1901 Census: Langham Hotel, Portland Place, Marylebone
Horace Francis de Lousada Visitor Aged 64=born 1837 Born Brussels, Belgium Naturalised British Subject
Colonel Retired Madras Staff Corps

SURNAME: Also shown as De Lousada

623. Ernest Wolseley LOUSADA

birth from ref 85

alan pereira comments 6 Nov 2014

FreeBMD (GRO Index) would place his actual birth on or before the
quarter shown and certainly not 1841. Births Mar 1840 (>99%)
Lousada Ernest Wolseley Mitford &c 13 219. Also in FindmyPast there is a Recruitment Record (India) suggesting his
birth year to be 1840.

BIRTH: First name(s) Ernest Wolseley
Last name DeLousada
Birth year 1840
Birth date 01 Feb 1840
Baptism year 1858
Age -
Birth town Naples
Birth country Bengal
Death year -
Death place town -
Death place county -
Death place country -
Archive reference L-MIL-9-246
Catalogue description Birth/baptismal certificates in Cadet Papers
Record set British India Office births & baptisms
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Record collection Births & baptisms
Collections from Great Britain

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Jan-Mar 1840

624. Francis Clifford LOUSADA

The 4th of the English Lousada Dukes and also Marquis of San Minato. Captain Royal Navy.

Birth date  UK, Royal Naval Officers' Service Records Index, 1756-1931 on - he enrolled as Lieutenant 12 Oct 1854. Birthplace from 1911 England Census

Death from National Probate Calendar 1861-1941 (found on and ref 85 In Scotland 1871 (

1874 Commander F. C. De Lousada was made Managing Director of Glasgow Tramway & Omnibus Company Ltd (ref:

of 4 Lancaster Street Hyde Park

left effects 785pounds 12 s 6d probate granted to wife 20 May

BURIAL: Raised white cross onamented on black slab, in marble curb, in same plot as No 1 whic is at a right angle:-
pathside E, on path running N from Round at:-   Cem Ref: E170 N67.  219 s Crocker. Mr Magee bur in same grave
Died Feb 5th 1916

Also his Wife
died April 3rd 1922

The 4th of the revived English Dukes and also Marquis of San Minato.
Captain Royal Navy.
In Scotland 1871 (

1874 Commander F. C. De Lousada was made Managing Director of Glasgow Tramway & Omnibus Company Ltd (ref:
1871 Census: Piece: SCT1871/998 Place: Royal Navy -Scottish Shipping Enumeration District: 02
Civil Parish: Tobermory, Clyde Arl Ecclesiastical Parish, Village or Island: -
Folio: 549A Page: 1 Schedule: 0
Address: (Flirt)
   Surname   First name(s)   Rel   Status   Sex   Age   Occupation   Where Born   Remarks
   DE LOUSADA   Francis Clifford   Crew   U   M   29   Lieutenant    Overseas - Foreign - Brussels Belgium B.S    Gun Vessel, Tender to Black Prince
   HOLLINGSWORTH   John Mckee   Crew   U   M   28   Assistant Surgeon    Co. Down - Rathfriland
   MCARTHUR   James   Crew   M   M   33   Engineer    Renfrewshire - Greenock
   COOKE   James Allan   Crew   U   M   30   Engineer    Suffolk - Semer
   STARKS   George   Crew   M   M   31   Gunner 2nd Class    Hampshire - Gosport
   ELSON   William Alexander Blake   Crew   M   M   25   Engine Room Artificer    Devon - Plymouth
   THOMAS   William   Crew   M   M   32   Chief Carpenters Mate    Devon - Stoke
   CHAPPEL   Robert   Crew   M   M   36   Quarter Master    Devon - Aveton Jifford
   BENNETT   John   Crew   M   M   35   Quarter Master    Cornwall - Linkinhorne
   THOMAS   Charles   Crew   M   M   39   Boatswains Mate    Devon - Plymouth
   MILES   George   Crew   M   M   22   Ships Steward Assistant    Devon - Devonport
Page: 549A/2   COBLEY   Daniel   Crew   M   M   43   Leading Stoker    Devon - Plymouth
   BETTERIDGE   James   Crew   M   M   41   Leading Stoker    Hampshire - Portsea
   BARBER   Samuel   Crew   U   M   34   Leading Seaman    Co. Kerry - Tralee
   COLLINS   Charles   Crew   U   M   21   Able Seaman    Cornwall - Pillington
   HILL   William   Crew   U   M   21   Able Seaman    Wiltshire - Salisbury
   JORDEN   Thomas   Crew   U   M   25   Able Seaman    Dumfries-shire - -
   MOBSBY   Phillip   Crew   U   M   25   Able Seaman    Sussex - Falmer
   RUSSELL   James   Crew   U   M   22   Able Seaman    Co. Cork - Black Rock
   HURLIN   Frederick   Crew   U   M   25   Able Seaman    Jersey - St Helier
   COLMAN   Peter   Crew   U   M   24   Able Seaman    Co. Cork - Inch
   MENZIES   Alexander   Crew   U   M   22   Able Seaman    Argyllshire - Dunoon
   VIGGERS   Thomas   Crew   U   M   27   Able Seaman    Devon - Devonport
   SMITH   John   Crew   U   M   29   Able Seaman    Co. Dublin - Dublin
   ANDERSON   John   Crew   U   M   20   Ordinary Seaman    Midlothian - Edinburgh
   BURROWS   Thomas   Crew   U   M   17   Boy 1st Class    Devon - Sympstone Exeter
   PUGSLEY   Charles   Crew   U   M   18   Boy 1st Class    Devon - Barnstaple
   CAREY   Wm   Crew   U   M   18   Boy 1st Class    Devon - Torquay
   TURNEY   James   Crew   U   M   17   Boy 1st Class    Lancashire - Stockport
   MIDDLETON   John   Crew   U   M   23   Shipwright    Devon - Northam
   SLEEMAN   George   Crew   M   M   25   Armourers Crew    Devon - Devonport
Page: 549A/3   YOUNG   Henry   Crew   U   M   22   Enginr & Wrrnt Officers Servnt    Hampshire - Gosport
   SIMMONS   Charles   Crew   M   M   43   Cook (For All Officers)    Lancashire - Liverpool
   SMALE   John   Crew   M   M   30   (R.M.) W. R. O. S.    Devon - Henford
   DOWLAN   Michael   Crew   U   M   35   Stoker    Co. Dublin - Kingstown
   SOPER   Richard   Crew   U   M   29   Stoker    Devon - Totnes
   ROGERS   Joseph   Crew   M   M   25   Stoker    Devon - Devonport
   BOWDEN   William   Crew   U   M   26   Stoker    Cornwall - Bodmin
   MCKENNEY   John   Crew   M   M   36   Stoker    Lanarkshire - Pollockshaws(Originally: Renfrewshire - Pollockshaws)
   HANDFORD   James   Crew   M   M   36   Stoker    Devon - Hatherleigh
   REEVES   Thomas   Crew   M   M   25   Stoker    Dorset - Gillingham
   KNOWLAN   Charles   Crew   U   M   27   Corporal R. M. L. I.    Lancashire - Manchester

   SCOTT   Samuel   Crew   U   M   26   Private R. M. L. I.    Nottinghamshire - Nottingham
   TIPPIN   Richard   Crew   U   M   27   Private R. M. L. I.    Lancashire - Liverpool
   CHALLANDS   John   Crew   U   M   33   Private R. M. L. I.    Nottinghamshire - Bingham
   HOLMES   John   Crew   U   M   31   Private R. M. L. I.    Lincolnshire - Alford
   SEEL   Thomas   Crew   U   M   33   Private R. M. L. I.    Lancashire - Manchester
   FOLLETT   John James   Crew   M   M   30   Private R. M. L. I.    Devon - Newton Abbot
   CUFFLEY   Samuel   Crew   U   M   30   Private R. M. L. I.    Surrey - Epsom
   ELLIS   Richard   Crew   U   M   19   Private R. M. L. I.    Devon - Brixton
Page: 549A/4   PATTERSON   Angus   Crew   U   M   30   Pilot    Argyllshire - Campbletown
   GARRICK   Andrew   Crew   M   M   30   Second Mate    Shetland - Sandsting
   JORDAN   James   Crew   M   M   27   Boatswain    Northumberland - Newcastle
   OLSON   Andrew   Crew   M   M   34   Sailmaker    Overseas - British - Norway    British Subject
   BICHAN   Benjamin   Crew   U   M   23   Able Seaman    Orkney - Kirkwell
   SCOTT   John   Crew   U   M   26   Able Seaman    Orkney - Kirkwell
   MOORE   David   Crew   U   M   24   Able Seaman    Norfolk - Cley
   MCLEOD   Archibald   Crew   U   M   20   Able Seaman    Midlothian - Leith Edinburgh
   RIDLAND   George   Crew   U   M   22   Able Seaman    Shetland - Dunrossness
   ANDERSON   John   Crew   M   M   31   Cook    Overseas - Foreign - Halmstad Sweden
   LINDAHL   Alfred   Crew   U   M   30   Able Seaman    Overseas - Foreign - Helsingborg Sweden
   JOHANSON   Abram   Crew   M   M   44   Able Seaman    Overseas - Foreign - Gothenburg Sweden
   PALMROTH   Carl   Crew   M   M   31   Able Seaman    Overseas - Foreign - Raumo Finland
   IRVINE   Robert   Crew   U   M   19   Ordinary Seaman    Orkney - Sandwick(Originally: Shetland - Sandwick)
   HENDERSON   George   Crew   U   M   18   Ordinary Seaman    Middlesex - Westminster
   SCOTT   William   Crew   U   M   20   Ordinary Seaman    Midlothian - Edinburgh
   FOUBISTER   John   Crew   U   M   17   Ordinary Seaman    Orkney - St Andrews

BIRTH: Also shown as Born 17 Oct 1842

DEATH: Also shown as Died London.

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Brompton Cemetery.

Emily Florence MAGEE

Ref 32 shows her to be the widow of Sir Eardley Gideon Culling Eardley and the relationship with Rowland and Sampson Gideon is described in BMR1.

However shows her to have been the victim of a bigamous first marriage

Marriage Notes for Francis Clifford Lousada and Emily Florence MAGEE

Crisp's Marriage Licence Index on shows her as Lady Emily Florence Eardley and the marriage to have been on 17 Dec 1879 at St James Picadilly. Burial and death from ref 85

MARRIAGE: Date from Peter Lousada tree

1881 Census: Dwelling:4 Lancaster St
Census Place:Paddington, London, Middlesex, England
Source:FHL Film 1341003     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0015    Folio 142    Page 5
Francis C. DE LOUSANDAM39 M (British Subject), Belgium
Rel:HeadOcc:Retired Commander R N
Emily F. DE LOUSADAM36 FLiverpool, Lancashire, England
Mary G. HALLW68 FAmerica
Sarah RIGNEYU53 FIreland
Rel:ServOcc:Ladys Maid
Eliza SELWINGU25 FBavaria
Elisabeth PRESTONU27 FBristol, Gloucester, England
Rel:ServOcc:Upper House Do
Charles JOHNSONU30 MFritwell, Oxford, England
Florence MINOTSU15 FPaddington, Middlesex, England
Rel:ServOcc:Under House Maid

1901 Census: 4, Lacaster Street, Paddington, London, England
Francis Lousada Head Married Male 58 1843 Retired Commander -
Florence Lousada Wife Married Female 56 1845 - -
Hilda Stanley Cousin Single Female 36 1865 - Southend, Essex, England
Edward Nash Servant Widower Male 57 1844 Butler Domes Wiltshire, England
Frances Baker Servant Single Female 32 1869 Cook Domes Croscombe, Somerset, England
Edith Moore Servant Single Female 25 1876 Housemaid Domes London, England
Florence Norman Servant Single Female 15 1886 Warder Housemaid Brondesbury, Middlesex, England

378. Herman LOUSADA

born Menachem ref 34

death given in

Francoise TARD

Daughter of M Tard of Chantilly, Departement de l'Oise (ref 13

379. Sarah LOUSADA

Birth from ref 34 Living at Sidmouth 1851 Census, Hertfordshore 1881 Census, Sunninghill 1891 Census
Isaac Lousada. Married his 2nd cousin Sarah Lousada, daughter of Isaac Lousada, Duke de Lousada y Lousada, son of Moses de Lousada, son of Jacob Baruh Lousada.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born 1816

DEATH: Also shown as Died Windsor.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Bef 16 Dec 1909

Isaac Baruh LOUSADA

Arthur was the only son according to H G Lousada in 1914

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Finsbury Square, Middlesex.

BIRTH RITE: Also shown as Christening Saint Mary St Marylebone Road.

DEATH: Also shown as Died East Preston, Sussex.

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Worthing.

Marriage Notes for Sarah Lousada and Isaac Baruh LOUSADA

from Colyer-Fergusson
also found in The Lady's Magazine (and Museum) p144 Births Deaths and Marriages 1836

MARRIAGE: from Colyer-Fergusson
also found in The Lady's Magazine (and Museum) p144 Births Deaths and Marriages 1836

Neither John nor Charles show in either FreeBMD or Findmypast suggesting these are erroneous entries.

1851 Census:4, York Terrace, Sidmouth, Honiton, Devon, England
Issac Lousada Head Married Male 42 1809 Esqre London, Middlesex, England
Sarah Lousada Wife Married Female 33 1818 - Stamford Hill, Middlesex, England
Louisa Champ Servant Unmarried Female 25 1826 Ladys Maid Bath, Somerset, England
Ann Reed Servant Unmarried Female 32 1819 Cook Devon, England

1881 Census: The Vineyard Codicote Road, Welwyn, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England
Isaac  Lousada  Head  Married  Male  72  1809  Annuitant ((No Profession))  Finsbury, Middlesex, England
Sarah  Lousada  Wife  Married  Female  63  1818  -  Stoke Newington, Middlesex, England
Marianne  Roberts  Servant  Single  Female  27  1854  Ladys Maid (Dom Serv)  Denbighshire, Wales
Sarah  Harrison  Servant  Single  Female  28  1853  Cook (Dom Serv)  Brotherton, Yorkshire, England
Mary  Titmus  Servant  Single  Female  18  1863  Housemaid (Dom Serv)  Welwyn, Hertfordshire, England
John  Ayton  Groom  Single  Male  28  1853  Groom (Doms Servant)  Thirsk, Yorkshire, EnglandMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Cheltenham.

380. Bertha LOUSADA

Birth details from ref 34

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Bertha Lydia Baruh

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Bryanston Square.

Gustav Nicolai DE NOE

ref 34 shows his name as Gustav de Nicholai but ref 13 has him as M de Nicolai de Noe

Marriage Notes for Bertha Lousada and Gustav Nicolai DE NOE

from ref 13

date from Alan Pereira as follows:
From FindmyPast
Gustave Nicolai married Bertha Lydia Baruh Lousada 23 Feb 1844 Saint James
Westminster, Middlesex, England


In FreeBMD there is the following marriage
Marriages Mar 1844 (>99%)
BAILEY Mary Ann St James Westr 1 85
James William St Jas Westr 1 85
LOUSADA Bertha Lydia Barun St James Westr 1 85
MAY Sarah St Jas Westr 1 85
NICOLAI Gustance St Jas Westr 1 85

Alan asks:

Could the following 1901 Census be the son?
179, St John Street, Clerkenwell, Holborn, London, England
Fred Nicolai Head Married Male 65 1836 Hair
Dresser -
Annie Nicolai Wife Married Female 47 1854 -
Kent, England
John Nicolai Son Single Male 29 1872 Hair Dresser
Kent, England

627. Fredrick DE NOE

Officer in Imperial Austrian Army - Molyneux-Seel papers


ref 34 shows his name as Gustav de Nicholai but ref 13 has him as M de Nicolai de Noe

Marriage Notes for Bertha Lousada and Gustave NICOLAI

MARRIAGE: from ref 13

628. Fredrick NICOLAI

Officer in Imperial Austrian Army - Molyneux-Seel papers

381. Anna-Marie LOUSADA

ref 34 suggest she was married in Brussels and that Isaac her father was there too as was his sister in law Rachel (presumably Rachel #556)

she was born Hannah Miriam - Molyneux Seel papers

death ref 85
birth also 21 Iyar 5586

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Anna Maria Felicité

BIRTH: Also shown as Born London.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Kensington.

Edmund R T Molyneux SEEL

from ref 13
Of Huyton Hey County Lancaster,Capt 2nd Lancashire Militia, Chamberlain to Pope Leo, and Chamberlain 1st class to Pope Pius 9
death from ref 85

From Alan Pereira

Through his mother, Agnes, daughter of Sir Richard Bedingfeld, fifth Baronet, of Oxburgh, Mr. E. R. T. Molyneux-Seel was descended from three of the beatified English Martyrs, BB. Margaret of Salisbury and Philip and William Howard. His father, Thomas Molyneux-Seel, J.P. & D.L., of Huyton Hey, who built the church of St. Agnes at Huyton, took the name and arms of Molyneux-Seel in 1815, on inheriting the estates of his maternal ancestors. The Huyton property had been inherited by a younger branch of Molyneux of Sefton from the Harringtons, an ancient Catholic family descended from a brother of the Sir William Harrington who fought at Agincourt, and these predecessors are also commemorated in the names of Major Molyneux-Seel's brother, the late Edmund Harrington Molyneux-Seel of Huyton, the father of Mrs. Carr-Saunders, and of his uncle, Henry Harrington Molyneux-Seel, Richmond Herald, who died in 1882.

rom ref 13
Of Huyton Hey County Lancaster,Capt 2nd Lancashire Militia, Chamberlain to Pope Leo, and Chamberlain 1st class to Pope Pius 9
death from ref 85

Edmund Richard Thomas Molyneux-Seel of Huyton Hey, a Chamberlain to Pope Pius IX, who married a daughter of the Duque de Losada y Lousada. Through his mother, Agnes, daughter of Sir Richard Bedingfeld, fifth Baronet, of Oxburgh, Mr. E. R. T. Molyneux-Seel was descended from three of the beatified English Martyrs, BB. Margaret of Salisbury and Philip and William Howard. His father, Thomas Molyneux-Seel, J.P. & D.L., of Huyton Hey, who built the church of St. Agnes at Huyton, took the name and arms of Molyneux-Seel in 1815, on inheriting the estates of his maternal ancestors. The Huyton property had been inherited by a younger branch of Molyneux of Sefton from the Harringtons, an ancient Catholic family descended from a brother of the Sir William Harrington who fought at Agincourt, and these predecessors are also commemorated in the names of Major Molyneux-Seel's brother, the late Edmund Harrington Molyneux-Seel of Huyton, the father of Mrs. Carr-Saunders, and of his uncle, Henry Harrington Molyneux-Seel, Richmond Herald, who died in 1882.

Charles II = Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland, and had
1) Lady Charlotte FitzRoy, illegit. (1664-1718) m. Edward Lee, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1663-1716, descended from Edward III), and had
2) George Henry Lee, 2nd Earl of Lichfield (1690-1743) m. Frances Hales (c.1698-1769, descended from Edward III), and had
3) Lady Charlotte Lee (1720-1794) m. Henry, 11th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallen (1705-1787, descended from Edward III), and had
4) Hon. Frances Dillon (1747-1825) m. Sir William Jerningham, 6th Baronet of Costessey (1736-1809, descended from Edward III), and had
5) Hon. Charlotte Georgiana Jerningham (1769-1854) m. Sir Richard Bedingfield, 5th Baronet of Oxburgh (1767-1829, descended from Henry VII), and had
6) Agnes Mary Bedingfield (1798-1870) m. Col. Thomas Unsworth [later Molyneux-Seel] of Huyton Hey (1792-1881, descended from Edward I), and had
7) Edmund Richard Thomas Molyneux-Seel of Huyton Hey (1824-1909) m. 1) Anna Maria Losada y Lousada [born Hannah Miriam Baruch Lousada] (1825-1898), and had
8) Agnes Mary Matilda Molyneux-Seel (1851-1945) m. Sir John Lawson, 2nd Baronet of Brough Hall (1829-1910, descended from Edward III), and had
9) Sir Henry Joseph Lawson, 3rd Baronet of Brough Hall (1877-1947) m. Ursula Mary Howard, heiress of Corby Castle

Charles II = Barbara Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland, and had
1) Lady Charlotte FitzRoy, illegit. (1664-1718) m. Edward Lee, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1663-1716, descended from Edward III), and had
2) George Henry Lee, 2nd Earl of Lichfield (1690-1743) m. Frances Hales (c.1698-1769, descended from Edward III), and had
3) Lady Charlotte Lee (1720-1794) m. Henry, 11th Viscount Dillon of Costello-Gallen (1705-1787, descended from Edward III), and had
4) Hon. Frances Dillon (1747-1825) m. Sir William Jerningham, 6th Baronet of Costessey (1736-1809, descended from Edward III), and had
5) Hon. Charlotte Georgiana Jerningham (1769-1854) m. Sir Richard Bedingfield, 5th Baronet of Oxburgh (1767-1829, descended from Henry VII), and had
6) Agnes Mary Bedingfield (1798-1870) m. Col. Thomas Unsworth [later Molyneux-Seel] of Huyton Hey (1792-1881, descended from Edward I), and had
7) Edmund Richard Thomas Molyneux-Seel of Huyton Hey (1824-1909) m. 1) Anna Maria Losada y Lousada [born Hannah Miriam Baruch Lousada] (1825-1898), and had
8) Agnes Mary Matilda Molyneux-Seel (1851-1945) m. Sir John Lawson, 2nd Baronet of Brough Hall (1829-1910, descended from Edward III), and had
9) Sir Henry Joseph Lawson, 3rd Baronet of Brough Hall (1877-1947) m. Ursula Mary Howard, heiress of Corby Castle

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Edmund Richard Thomas Molyneux

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Southport.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Beaudale, Lancashire.

DEATH: Also shown as Died 19 Apr 1909

Marriage Notes for Anna-Marie Lousada and Edmund R T Molyneux SEEL

marriage from ref 85

from Molyneux Seel papers which also suggest Isaac her father was there too as was his sister in law Rachel (presumably Rachel #556)

MARRIAGE: from Molyneux Seel papers which also suggest Isaac her father was there too as was his sister in law Rachel (presumably Rachel #556)

1881 Census: Dwelling:14 Green St
Census Place:St George Hanover Square, London, Middlesex, England
Source:FHL Film 1341021     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0093    Folio 5    Page 4
Edmond R. J. Molynewx SEELM56 MParis
Rel:HeadOcc:Landed Proprietor
Anna Molyneux SEELM50 FLondon, London, Middlesex, England
Edward H. Molynewx SEELU18 MParis
Rel:SonOcc:Student For Army
Lucy KENNEDYW70 FFort William, Scotland
Rel:ServtOcc:General Domestic

1891 Census:Beacon Terrace, Tormoham, Newton Abbot, Devon, England
James Pinkham Head Married Male 70 1821 Retired Master Mariner Stokeinteignhead, Devon, England
Harriet Caroline Pinkham Wife Married Female 64 1827 Lodging House Keeper Chatham, Kent, England
Celia Kate Pinkham Daughter Single Female 35 1856 Employed At Home Devonport, Devon, England
Esther Mary Pinkham Daughter Single Female 20 1871 Employed At Home Crediton, Devon, England
Amelia Avant Servant Single Female 18 1873 General Servant Domestic Upton, Devon, England
Elizabeth Kent Oliver Visitor Single Female 30 1861 - Menheniot, Cornwall, England
John Michell Lodger Widower Male 72 1819 I P D S Scotland
Archibald Robert Michell Lodger Single Male 40 1851 I P Land Agent Scotland
Sophia Michell Lodger Married Female 38 1853 - Darlington, Yorkshire, England
Edmund Molyneux Seel Lodger Married Male 66 1825 Living On Own Means Southport, Lancashire, England
Isabella Cairus Servant Single Female 32 1859 Domestic Housemaid ScotlandMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Brussels.

631. Edmund Harington Molyneux SEEL

of the Kings Regiment

ref 85 shows the birth of a daughter 6 Aug 1895, a daughter 9 Feb 1899, and a daughter 6 Jan 1904

perhaps one of these daughters was Charlotte Amelia Molyneux Seel who died 26 Jan 192?

Birth year 1855-59 BOULOGNE SUR MER FRANCE Volume 2 Page 455
Record source GRO Consular Birth Indices (1849 to 1965) Record set British nationals born overseas 1818-2005 Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records Record collection Births & baptisms Collections from Great Britain

1871 Census: Hagley Road (Oratory School House), Edgbaston, Kings Norton, Worcestershire, England
Frances Wootten Matron - Female 62 1809 - Worcestershire, England
Edmund Allegnen Boarder - Male 40 1831 - London, Middlesex, England
Charles E Davis Boarder - Male 21 1850 - Isle of Man, Isle of Man
John Bacchus Pupil - Male 13 1858 - Warwickshire, England
Francis Bacchus Pupil - Male 11 1860 - Warwickshire, England
John Burke Pupil - Male 13 1858 - Ireland
Desmond Fitzgerald Pupil - Male 11 1860 - India
Stephen Lamb Pupil - Male 10 1861 - London, Middlesex, England
Charles Leslie Pupil - Male 10 1861 - Scotland
Francis Leigh Pupil - Male 10 1861 - London, Middlesex, England
Charles Hungeford Pollen Pupil - Male 13 1858 - Wiltshire, England
John Paley Pupil - Male 11 1860 - Northamptonshire, England
Victor Sella Pupil - Male 12 1859 - Italy
Edmund N Seel Pupil - Male 13 1858 - France
Richard Shiel Pupil - Male 11 1860 - London, Middlesex, England
Theresa White Servant - Female 46 1825 - Staffordshire, England
Mary Goodwin Servant - Female 24 1847 - Staffordshire, England
Elizabeth Newbury Servant - Female 17 1854 - Oxfordshire, England
Mark Lyne Servant - Male 40 1831 - Warwickshire, England

of the Kings Regiment

ref 85 shows the birth of a daughter 6 Aug 1895, a daughter 9 Feb 1899, and a daughter 6 Jan 1904

perhaps one of these daughters was Charlotte Amelia Molyneux Seel who died 26 Jan 192?

SURNAME: Also shown as Molyneux-Seel

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Edmund Harrington

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Boulogne.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Heyton Hall, Lichfield.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Jul-Sep 1915

Clare Mary Weld BLUNDELL

from Alan Pereira 15 Nov 2017
Parish Records, General Records Office BMD Indexes, Clare M M M Seel died 1q 1948 Marylebone 5d 311 Aged 80.

Marriage Notes for Edmund Harington Molyneux Seel and Clare Mary Weld BLUNDELL

Parish Records, FreeBMD (Free Web Site of Births, Marriage and Deaths in England and Wales September 1837+) gives Dec 1894 but ref 85 gives the exact date

397. Emanuel AGUILAR

for marriage and descendants see PDF 'AguilarEmanuel18090530FernandesSarahDias' uploaded to

Emanuel was employed as Merchant.
He resided in 1829 in 1 Hatton Court, Threadneedle St, London

DEATH: Also shown as Died The Triangle, Hackney, London.

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Novo Beth Chaim Cemetery, Mile End Road, Stepney, London.


details from Simon Greenfield - see aguilar genealogy on

She has two sisters Rachel (c1790 - London) and Rebecca (c1781 -Jamaica) staying at 17 Westbourne Square, Paddington in the 1861Census (Emanuel Abraham Aguilar)

Sarah resided in 1851/1854 in 54 Great Prescot St, Whitechapel, Middlesex.

She has two sisters Rachel (c1790 - London) and Rebecca (c1781 -Jamaica) staying at 17 Westbourne Square, Paddington in the 1861Census (Emanuel Abraham Aguilar)
SubjectID: 6998
Sarah Dias Fernandes Born ? Jun 1786 ?, Jamaica, West Indies
daughter of Jacob Dias Fernandes & Esther
married 30 May 1809 Emanuel de Joseph Aguilar becoming
Sarah AGUILAR who died 2 May 1854 Novo Cemetery, Mile End
they had 3 children [Bevis Marks Records]
Grace born 1816, Emanuel Abraham born 1824 and Joseph born 1827

1850s68 Upper Norton Street, Fotzroy Square, Fitzrovia, London  1851 PO Directory
1851 Census Reference: HO 107/1486 110  fundholder

BIRTH: Also shown as Born 9 Jun 1786

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Novo Beth Chaim Cemetery, Mile End Road, Stepney, London.

Marriage Notes for Emanuel Aguilar and Sarah Dias FERNANDES

MARRIAGE: Also shown as Married Bevis Marks Synagogue, London.

634. Grace AGUILAR

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography on the novelist Grace Aguilar.

From Langton, D. "Wandering Jews in England’s Green and Pleasant Land: Wissenschaft des Judentums in an Anglo-Jewish Context." In Wissenschaft des Judentums in Europe: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives, ed. Christian Weise, Mirjam Thulin. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021.

Best known in her own day for her novels and poems, Aguilar was also a well-respected writer of
Jewish theology and history. (Israel Abrahams criticized Aguilar for failing to take the
Oral Law seriously enough, but treated her as a major writer on Judaism, worthy of
serious engagement.) Born in London, she had been home-schooled by her father,
tutored in Hebrew by David Aaron de Sola as a young woman, and later mentored in
Talmud by Tobias Theodores, with whom she corresponded. She translated Orobio de
Castro’s (1620–1687) apologia, Israel Defended, from the French in 1838 and wrote
the well-received The Spirit of Judaism (1842), a theological exploration of Jewish
beliefs and practices. Her 3-volume The Women of Israel (1845) was a series of
biographical studies of women in the biblical and Second Temple periods that was
immediately recognized as a highly original masterpiece. The Jewish Faith: Its
Spiritual Consolation, Moral Guidance and Immortal Hope (1846), which was partly
funded by the financier Moses Mocatta, took a number of Christian and Jewish
philosophers to task, including Moses Mendelssohn. She also contributed an essay
‘The History of the Jews in England’ to Chamber’s Miscellany (1847), which was the
first such history written by a Jew.

402. Emmeline PHILLIPS

She was employed as Hair Net Maker in 1861. She resided in 1861 in 26 Francis St, Lambeth, Surrey. She resided in 1841 in Tarling St, Tower Hamlets, London.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Lambeth, Surrey.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Jul-Sep 1862

Arthur Edward FORTY

1837 Subscriber to 200 shares in the London, Shoreham and BrightonRailway

1838 Court case lists Arthur Edward Forty as the manager of a BeerHouse in Duke Street on behalf of his mother-in-law.

He was employed as Beer House Manager in 1838 in Duke Street, London.
He was employed as Thomas Forty & Son: Leather Toy Maker after 3 Dec 1805.
He resided in 1855 in East St, Lambeth, Surrey.
He resided in 1848 in 110 Lambeth Walk, Lambeth, Surrey.
He resided in 1837 in Baker St, London.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Birmingham, Warwickshire.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Lambeth, Surrey.

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried St. James, Bethnal Green, Middlesex.

Marriage Notes for Emmeline Phillips and Arthur Edward FORTY

MARRIAGE: 1841 Census: Tarling Street, St George, St George, East, Middlesex, England
Arthur Forty Male 57 1784 Middlesex, England
Emmeline Forty Female 47 1794 Middlesex, England
Frederick Forty Male 17 1824 Middlesex, England
Ann Johnson Female 30 1811 Middlesex, England
Henry Johnson Male 3 1838 Middlesex, England
Jesse Aguilar Female 7 1834 Middlesex, England

1851 Census:77, Lambeth Walk, Lambeth, Surrey, England
Arthur E Forty Head Married Male 66 1785 Stationer & Toyman Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Emmeline Forty Wife Married Female 56 1795 Net Lace Maker Jamaica, West Indies
Frederick Agiular Brother-In-Law Widower Male 49 1802 Surgeon Out Of Practice St Pancras, Middlesex, England
Thomas D Campbell - Married Male 34 1817 Accountant East Retford, Nottinghamshire, England
Rebecca Campbell Niece Married Female 20 1831 - Paddington, Middlesex, England

1861 Census: 26, Francis Street, Lambeth, London, England
Emeline Forty Head Widow Female 65 1796 Hairnet Maker Kingston, JamaicaMARRIAGE: Also shown as Married St. George the Martyr Church, Southwark, Surrey.