Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


36. Fernando LOUSADA

death ref 98 #642
23 Adar 5482 Mile End
circumcised 5 Tisri 5459 = 10 Sep 1698 and became a member (BMR4 #250)

SURNAME: Also shown as de Lousada

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Abraham


perhaps this is Abraham's wife
ref 98 #350 8 Nisan 5470

Marriage Notes for Fernando Lousada and Sarah DE ALMEIDA

BMR2 #64 6 Kislev 5459

37. Filipe LOUZADA


71. Moses LOUSADA

known from ref 325

41. Diogo LOUSADA

There seems to have been a child Angelito died in 1708 (ref 98 #1083)
circumcised 6 Kislev 5459 = 9 Nov 1698 (BMR4 #253)

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Jacob and known as the NY chocolate merchant

Rachel de Abraham LOUSADA

She appears to have been the daughter of Abraham d1722 (Abraham #45 died 1714).
Death from ref 98 #300 - 17Kislev Tisri 5468 = 11 Dec 1707

Marriage Notes for Diogo Lousada and Rachel de Abraham LOUSADA

Marriage was ratified under Jewish rites at CreeChurch/Bevis Marks in 1698, doubtless reflecting an earlier civil union perhaps in Portugal

6 Kislev 5459 BMR2 = 9 Nov 1698

BMR2 #65 6 Kislev 5459

73. Angelito LOUSADA

died young

Rachel the mother died 1708 also Mile End


the compound surname Louzada y Zulex is shown in CALENDAR OF WILLS

MICHAL, Moses, widower of Catharina Hasher, of the Jewish Nation, of Curasao. Children Johevit, wife of Judah Means, Rachel, wife of Samuel Meyer Cohen, who has children Elkaley and Hayah, Rebecca, wife of Judah Ehays and Bloeme, wife of Aron Louzada y Zulex. Real and personal property. Executors the four sons-in-law in New York, Isaac Levy Maduro and Cohen Henriquez jun. of the Island of Curasao. Witnesses Nicolaus Henricus and Laurents Laan. Copy, endorsed " Admn. granted here the loth June 1740."

compound surname not shown in ref 326 - the official Curacao translation of the will of Moses Michael

44. Isaac Baruch LOUSADA

ref 185 gives Isaac Baruch Lousada of Livorno in Tunis in 1686

Marriage Notes for Blanca Lousada and David de Raphael SALOM

14 Tisri 5461
ref 319 1171G

45. Abraham Baruh LOUSADA

We do not have a death record for him as we have allocated the records of all the Abrahams to others. It his however possible he was the Abraham noted as a property-owner in Barbados in 1729 ref 207 PTI p24 - our page numbering.

The 1714 death in ref 85 of we attribute to Abraham #45. Note the burial from JHSE Miscellanies 4 23 Adar 5482 = 12 Mar 1722; but this burial describes Abraham de Louzada the father-in-law of the NY chocolate merchant who married Sarah de Almeida and was the father of Rachel.

He is not the Abraham endenized in England 20 Apr 1672 (see Bockstruck) - that was Abraham #45.

Moses Henriques Faro newly arrived in London was an uncle of Abraham (see 1681 Circumcision Records BMR 4 Table A #20 15 Elul 5442 = 25 Aug 1682) while Abraham Henriques Faro was an uncle of Sarah based in Amsterdam (see Amsterdam marriage data on We settled on the view that Moses Henriques Faro was Abraham's uncle - the witness was defined in relation to the newborn in circumcisions #12 and #22 suggesting that when relation to the child is not specified the relation is to the parent.

In any event Abraham and Mordecai were brothers - both sons of Moses Baruh Lousada d1699 - according to the records of the circumcision above. Mordecai represented his recently-deceased father in the 1699 family conference to settle outstanding accounts contested by Moses' brother Aaron of Barbados. Mordecai perhaps acquired this role because Abraham was not in London (see para 1 above).

78. Moses Baruh LOUSADA

A Moses Baruh Louzada was endenized in England in 16 Dec 1694 (see ref 74 for the purpose of settling in Barbados. He was endenized when barely 13 - the age for entering the Jewish Community. Perhaps he was nearly 12 months old when circumcised in 1682. For circumcision date see father notes.

But perhaps he was also the Moses Baruch who later lived in London (he was a Bank of England shareholder) after the death of MBL1 in 1699. The dates for Bank of England interest collection for Moses Baruch Lousada are 1697 and 1709. The first appears to have been by Moses #46 and the second by Moses #67.

death BMR6 841 also ref 85


According to Richard Dirsztay - a correspondent of Peter Lousada

the Benjamin Barrow Lousada family tree (see shows a daughter Judith of a Moses Baruh Lousada; however it also shows another daughter Sarah who married Solomon son of David.

this Sarah is thought more likely to be the daughter of MBL1 - the 1695 Jewish household survey shows only Sarah and no Judith.

the Benjamin Barrow Lousada tree is not reliable and it is possible that Judith and Sarah were not sisters

a possible inference is that this Judith is Judith Treves referred to above

47. Sarah Baruh LOUSADA

This daughter appears on the Benjamin Barrow Lousada family tree. She is captured by the 1695 census, and BMR4 shows her possble birth around 24 Sivan 5439 or 4 Jun 1679. She married her cousin in Bevis Marks on 15 Kislev 5469 or 28 Nov 1708 (no Gregorian 10-day correction made) BMR2#156. From Amsterdam marriage records the marriage (possibly a registration of the 1708 London marriage) was in 1709, her birth given as 1681, and she had an uncle Abraham Henriques Faro who witnessed her 1709 marriage. It is possbible that the daughter born in 1679 did not survive and that the next daughter was Sarah - this possibility has the benefit of lowering her age at marriage to 26 - but there is no death record.

Her groom Salomon had an uncle Jacob Levie Gomes - presumably a brother of Rachel Levie Gomes 2nd wife of David Baruh Louzada

Death from Akevoth PIG records - the only Sara there

Solomon Baruh LOUSADA

his Bar Mitzvah was 15 Sivan 5461 = 12 Jun 1691 so birth about 13 years earlier 12 June 1678

ref 85 gives admin of his estate to Solomon Levi Gomes cousin germain and principal creditor and there was a son Moses 'not appearing'

his uncle was Jacob Levie Gomes - presumably brother of his mother Rachel Levie Gomes - he was an uncle who witnessed the 1709 Amsterdam marriage of Salomon B Louzada with Sara Baruch Lousada of London

from D M Bueno de Mesquita in December 2011 - 'later finds himself to be sheltered and later on himself went through life with debts and little possessions'

death converted using

card 2710

Marriage Notes for Sarah Baruh Lousada and Solomon Baruh LOUSADA

marriage from Stadtarchief Amsterdam see and the marriage notes that may be found after clicking on the Amsterdam image

witness Abraham Henriques Faro 'oom' = uncle

this marriage is also recorded at Bevis Marks on 15 Kislev 5469

79. David Baruh LOUSADA

card 2440

80. Moses Baruh LOUSADA

he requested in 1735 with his brother David a share of the estate of Joseph Mendes de Crasto

49. David Baruh LOUSADA

Daughter was the first granddaughter of the Aaron and Rachel and appears in her 1703 will (which is in ref 5 and also separately uploaded). The name of the granddaughter needed discussion - see notes for her).

He went to London according to the will of his father - extract on - and there is a record of him as son and wife Rebecca being granted a pass to go to Barbados - see ref 383. There is a David Baruh in R D Barnett 'The Burial Register of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, London 1657-1735' JHSE Miscellanies Part IV # 1703 26 Hesvan 5496. However it is certain that this David Baruh was not David Baruh Lousada; as the burial described was 'behind the boards' ie in unconsecrated ground

ref 112 of gives a 1738 deed in English (from Amsterdam records of Surinam Notarial Archives) of David Baruch Louzada. The deed was witnessed by Jeremiah Baruh Lousada (probably #1189 -  his nephew son of brother Solomon #712). Indeed while no record of his death there can be found in ref 61, ref 100 appears to have his gravestone and death 1741.

On 9 Feb 2017 Ton Tielen pointed out a testament (ref 194) from David Baruch Louzada and Rebecca Lopes Mirandella of 1705 on and as David made a new will in 1739 (presumably related to the 1738 deed above), we may assume that he was a widower then. What is not clear is whether Rebecca or an earlier wife was the mother of the daughter we believe is named Rachel but this is the way we leave it for the moment.

Rebecca Lopes MIRANDELLA

see notes for husband

there was an Isaac Lopes Mirandella in Surinam in 1695 - ref 169

Marriage Notes for David Baruh Lousada and Rebecca Lopes MIRANDELLA
this 1705 testament refers to them as man and wife and is presumably a pre-nuptial agreement

81. Rachel Baruch LOUSADA

at the time of the will of David her father she lived in Curacao and had children

50. Solomon Raphael Baruh LOUSADA

death from Shilstone

birth from ref 5 - which provides a circumcision record giving the birthdate of this Solomon as 2 Sep 1678 which corresponds very well with the age at death of 65 given by Shilstone since the death was on 11 Nov 1743.

a later Solomon d 1746 in Bridgetown is probably a grandson but it is unclear who is the father - we have placed him with Jeremiah


death from Shilstone
birth date estimated = birthdate of 1st son - 20

82. Aaron Baruh LOUSADA

We know of him from his mother's will (from Samuel's survey of 1680 Barbados). It is clear that her son Solomon is the father of her grandson Aaron.

From Samuel we have death records of Aaron and his wife Esther - and we place those records here.

His age at death (from the gravestone Shilstone #12) was 64 years, 11 months and 20 days so his birthdate is estimated from this data

His birthdate falls before the date of his grandmothers will; whereas the Jamaican Aaron d1768 was born 1706 ie after her will date and hence he could not have been her grandson

Esther Sarah MASSIAH

Birth date estimated as per her husband

she was a daughter of Daniel Massiah, and who appears in his Barbados will probate 11 Oct 1742 (extract on His wife was Judith and her mother was Sarah.

Alan Pereira pointed out that her age at death was 36 years 7 months as per Shilstone #11. Her birth date has been pushed back to 20 Mar 1708

51. Jacob Baruh LOUSADA

My family tree seems to be in error in stating that this Jacob was the son of David Baruh Lousada. This is resolved on

Death date from ref 88

DEATH: Death date from Barnett and Wright

"Jacob #380's story follows: b1681; married Leah young; she died in 1702; in Bridgetown at time of mother's will/death; went to Jamaica soon after his mother's death and then married Abigail Lamego the elder and sired 5 children before dying young on 20 Jun 1722."

SURNAME: Also shown as Louzada

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Bridgetown.

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Hunts Bay.


death from Shilstone.

A Rebecca wife of Jacob Baruh Lousada died 1 Aug 1697 - from Vere Langford Oliver ().

Jacob #380's story follows: b1681; married Leah young; she died in 1702; in Bridgetown at time of mother's will/death; went to Jamaica soon after his mother's death and then married Abigail Lamego the elder and sired 5 children before dying young on 20 Jun 1722.

we know nothing of Leah - but perhaps she was an older sister of Abigail

Abigail LAMEGO

ref 85 shows 27 Adar 5496 as date of death which Hebcal translates to 10 Mar 1736 - this translation does not include the 10 day Gregorian Reformation of calendars so might mean 28 Feb

BURIAL: Bevis Marks Records Part VI Serial No: 112

Abigail Lamego-382, daughter of Aaron Lamego-128 and Rachel Henriques-39. Abigail died on 10 Mar 1736 in London. She was buried in Mile End.

ref 85 shows 27 Adar 5496 as date of death which Hebcal translates to 10 Mar 1736 - this translation does not include the 10 day Gregorian Reformation of calendars so might mean 28 Feb

DEATH: Also shown as Died London.

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Mile End.

87. Aaron Baruh LOUSADA

death BMR6 2121 coincides with death date equating to that on the family tree. His will appears to be NA1266 on - and probate is 3 Aug1768. JGSGB gives an Aron Haim Lousada died 1768 and buried at New Cemetery. He may be the Aaron Lusader whose obituary is in Gentleman's Magazine 28 Jul 1768

This is obviously not the Aaron Lousada #714 who died 24 Mar 1768 Bridgetown or the Aaron Hezekiah Haim Lousada #1182 who died 7 March or May 1768 in Kingston - see the Jews of Caribbean PAF. A discussion of these 3 Aarons can be found on

According to his will Mordechai Rodrigues Lopes son of Rachel Lousada #1201 and a grandson of Aaron Lamego #128 was a nephew.

The will provided a fascinating piece of information. He has Lousada cousins on Barbados - David (deceased), Aron and Jeremy Baruh Louzada.  These we now know to descend from his Barbados brother Solomon - see discussion on

PROBATE: Will Extract

Probate Date:1768 (3 Aug)
Address: Bury Street
Occupation: Merchant
Siblings: Leah and Sarah
Other Relatives  Nieces, Abigail the wife of Moses Isaac Levy; Abigail Pereira of Kingston, Jamaica and nephew Mordecai Rodrigues Lopes of Kingston, Jamaica. Cousin, Mrs Rachel Abentar of Kingston, Jamaica and her sister Mrs. Esther Levy and their brother Aaron Alvin. Cousins, David (deceased), Aron and Jeremy Baruh Louzada of Barbados
Bequests  Moses Isaac Levy, Isaac Baruh Louzada; Esther Gomes and her daughter Rachel; Mrs. Esther Martin. Sarah Lamego the wife of Aron Lamego of London; Simon Rodrigues Alexandra; Hannah Lamas the testator's sister's cook
Executors, Administrators  Moses Isaac Levy and Isaac Baruh Louzada;
Witnesses  Jno. Heaton, Robert Burchall and William Halliwell.
NA Cat Ref  Portuguese Burial Ground, Mile End next to sister Leah. For Moses Isaac Levy see NA303


   death BMR6 2121 coincides with death date equating to that on the family tree. His will appears to be NA1266 on - and probate is 3 Aug1768. JGSGB gives an Aron Haim Lousada died 1768 and buried at New Cemetery. He may be the Aaron Lusader whose obituary is in Gentleman's Magazine 28 Jul 1768

   This is obviously not the Aaron Lousada #714 who died 24 Mar 1768 Bridgetown or the Aaron Hezekiah Haim Lousada #1182 who died 7 March or May 1768 in Kingston - see the Jews of Caribbean PAF. A discussion of these 3 Aarons can be found on

   According to his will Mordechai Rodrigues Lopes son of Rachel Lousada #1201 and a grandson of Aaron Lamego #128 was a nephew.

   The will provided a fascinating piece of information. He has Lousada cousins on Barbados - David (deceased), Aron and Jeremy Baruh Louzada.  These we now know to descend from his Barbados brother Solomon - see discussion on

Sister Esther Lamego(Lousada)' will
"All the rest and residue of my Estate Plate Jewels Household goods and all other Effects of whatever sort or kind they may be that I shall dye possessed of or intitled to in any manner whatsoever I leave to my Brother Aron Louzada of London Merchant and unto his Heirs Executors and Administrators and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Brother Aron Louzada of London Merchant to be the sole Executor of this my Will and his Executors and Administrators and I do hereby revoke any Will that I may have made antecedent to this and to declare this to be my last Will dated in London April the twenty third in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty one. Ester
Lamego.  Signed sealed and published by the Testatrix and delivered as her last Will in the presence of us Witnesses W:Bradley, victualing Office. Geo:Dale, Houndsditch"

SURNAME: Also shown as Louzada

DEATH: Also shown as Died London.

DEATH: Also shown as Died Bef 29 Jul 1768

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Novo Cemetery.


#1112 ref 88
it is possible she is the first wife of Aaron #125

DEATH: Also shown as Died Spanish Town.

89. Leah Baruh LOUSADA

BMR6 2120
her will is dated 1760 and she descibes herself as a spinster

accordingly we query whether this marriage is hers - perhaps the father of the bride in the marriage was Jacob Lousada who became the NY chocolate merchant!

PROBATE: Will Extract

Reference «tab»NA1308
Family Name «tab»LOUZADA
Forenames «tab»Leah
Probate Date «tab»1765 (4 Jan)
Address «tab»Bury Street
Occupation «tab»Spinster
Spouse «tab»
Parents «tab»
Siblings «tab»Aron Louzada, Merchant of London, Esther Lamego, Rachel Lopes and Sarah Louzada
Children «tab»
Grandchildren «tab»
Other Relatives «tab»Nieces and nephews, Abigail Levy the daughter of Esther; Abigail Pereira and Mordecai Rodrigues Lopes children of Rachel. Cousins; Aron and Jeremy Louzada of Barbados sons of Solomon Louzada; David Louzada of Barbados and his daughter Rebecca; Rachel Abenatar widow of Jamaica; Aron Alirah? of Jamaica; Esther Levy of London.
Bequests «tab»Esther Gomes, widow and her daughter Rachel both of London; Esther the daughter of Daniel Martines of London.
Executors, Administrators «tab»Aron Louzada and Daniel Mendes Seixas
Witnesses «tab»Elizabeth Carn and Margaret Viall.
Notes «tab»Portuguese Synagogue
NA Cat Ref «tab»Prob 11/905

BURIAL: Bevis Marks Records Part VI Serial No: 2120
her will is dated 1760

"    death from Shilstone.

   A Rebecca wife of Jacob Baruh Lousada died 1 Aug 1697 - from Vere Langford Oliver ().

   Jacob #380's story follows: b1681; married Leah young; she died in 1702; in Bridgetown at time of mother's will/death; went to Jamaica soon after his mother's death and then married Abigail Lamego the elder and sired 5 children before dying young on 20 Jun 1722."

SURNAME: Also shown as Louzada

DEATH: Also shown as Died Bef 28 Nov 1764

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Novo Cemetery.


father Abraham

Marriage Notes for Leah Baruh Lousada and Daniel DE CRASTO

#217 BMR2 11 Tamuz 5476

90. Sarah Baruh LOUSADA

will summary at

this will summary misreads Daniel as Jane

curiously the will (NA catalogue reference Prob 11/1162) with probate 1788 refers to Daniel (who died 1779) as deceased yet gives him a bequest! In another place the forename of a Baruch Lousada is omitted suggesting that quality standards were not high in the writing of this will

PROBATE: Will Extract

Reference «tab»NA1310
Family Name «tab»LOUSADA
Forenames «tab»Sarah
Probate Date «tab»1788 (27 Feb)
Address «tab»Bury Street
Occupation «tab»Spinster
Spouse «tab»
Parents «tab»
Siblings «tab»
Children «tab»
Grandchildren «tab»
Other Relatives «tab»Nephew, Mordecai Lopes. Nieces, Esther the wife of Abraham Franco, Rachel Periera of Jamaica and Abigail Levy.
Bequests «tab»Abigail Periera, Moses Isaac Levy, Manaseh Lopes, Mrs. Abenatar of Jamaica, Fanny Baruh Lousada of Barbados, Jane and Emanuel Baruh Lousada of Barbados, Emanuel Baruh Lousada of London, Jane Lousada (deceased), the children of David Baruh Lousada of Barbados, Aron Alvin, Simha Rodrigues, Miss Vigroana?, Miss Viana, Js. Baruh Lousada and children Jark?, Abigail and Ester, Mrs. Mendes Lamego, Miss Burrow, Isaac Alvares, Sarah Bonaventor, Clara Soares.
Executors, Administrators «tab»Mordecai Lopes and Moses Isaac Levy
Witnesses «tab»Gershom Israel and H. Matthews.
Notes «tab»Burial ground at Mile End.
NA Cat Ref «tab»Prob 11/1162

BURIAL: The Burial Register of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Cemetery, Mile End, London
Page 35
2120Louzada, Leah.    4 Kislev 5525 (1765) Row 23 Grave 1[28 Nov 1764]
2121Lousada, Aron Haim. 15 Adar 5528 (1768) Row 23 Grave 2R[ 4 Mar 1768]
2122Lousada, Sarah.    16 Adar 5548 (1788) Row 23 Grave 3R[24 Feb 1788]

Will Extract Reference :NA1310
Sarah LOUSADA Spinster Probate Date :27 Feb 1788 Prob 11/1162
Address Bury Street
Other Relatives Nephew, Mordecai Lopes. Nieces, Esther the wife of Abraham Franco, Rachel Periera of Jamaica and Abigail Levy.
Bequests Abigail Pereira, Moses Isaac Levy, Manaseh Lopes, Mrs. Abenatar of Jamaica, Fanny Baruh Lousada of Barbados, Jane and Emanuel Baruh Lousada of Barbados, Emanuel Baruh Lousada of London, Jane Lousada (deceased), the children of David Baruh Lousada of Barbados, Aron Alvin, Simha Rodrigues, Miss Vigroana?, Miss Viana, Js. Baruh Lousada and children Jark?, Abigail and Ester, Mrs. Mendes Lamego, Miss Burrow, Isaac Alvares, Sarah Bonaventor, Clara Soares.
Executors, Administrators Mordecai Lopes and Moses Isaac Levy
Witnesses Gershom Israel and H. Matthews.
Notes Burial ground at Mile End.

Note:  this will summary misreads Daniel as Jane
curiously the will (NA catalogue reference Prob 11/1162) with probate 1788 refers to Daniel (who died 1779) as deceased yet gives him a bequest! In another place the forename of a Baruch Lousada is omitted suggesting that quality standards were not high in the writing of this will

Records of Peter Thomas Pereira 4.5.2000
SARAH LOUSADA Will PRO(=Public Record Office?) BII/II62 Folio 256 to 257b Quire 83
"I Sarah Lousada of Bury Street, London
I bequeath unto Mrs.Abigail Pereira, One thousand pounds East India Annuities.
I bequeath unto my Executors in trust the sum of Two thousand pounds Old South Sea Annuities for them to pay the Interest thereof unto my niece Rachael Pereira of Jamaica for her own use and benefit and not to be subject to any debts of her husband, her receipt solely to be their discharge at her death, the Capital to be divided between such of her children as may be living at that time. I bequeath unto the children of my said niece Fifty pounds each."
12th November 1786 -  Proved 27th February 1788.

Abigail, wife of Menasseh died 01 Feb 1759 in Jamaica, therefore, the Abigail mentioned above cannot be the same person.

The only way that this can make any sense is that Sarah Lousada was sister to Rachel Lamego Lousada, who in turn married Abraham Rodriguez Lopez.  From that marriage there were 2 children (Nephew and Niece) of Mordecai Rodriguez Lopez and Abigail Rodriguez Lopez.  It is to this Abigail that the Will is referring.  Also, the niece Rachel that is mentioned must, therefore, be Mordecai Rodriguez Lopez's eldest daughter Rachel Pereira Lopez, who at this time 1786, would have been aged 34 and already married to Isaac Pereira, hence the surname.

SURNAME: Also shown as Louzada

DEATH: Also shown as Died Bef 24 Feb 1788

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Novo Cemetery.

52. Emanuel Baruh LOUSADA

Some confusion in the literature surrounds Emanuel #41 - who his father was, who his wife was and indeed whether he was the father of Aaron #125 and Jacob #36. This is resolved on through examination of the Barbados origin of the Jamaican Lousadas and the results are included in this genealogy.

Emanuel's birthdate comes from ref 5

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Emanuel Baruch

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Bridgetown.

GIVEN NAMES: Also shown as Emanuel Baruch


Death date from ref 88 - the only Esther wife of Emanuel in this era

DEATH: Death date from Barnett and Wright - assuming she is the correct Esther!

BURIAL: Also shown as Buried Hunts Bay.

Marriage Notes for Emanuel Baruh Lousada and Esther LAMEGO

Rachel would be the eldest daughter named after both grandmothers
Abigail is known to have been born about 1712 based on her age at death.  This would place Rachel born about 1711.
This places Rebecca as being born after 1712
Jacob could have been the second child after Aaron meaning he was born aft 1706

54. Hannah Baruh LOUSADA

Her mother's will (in ref 5  provides for her dowry. There is no mention of Esther presumably because she was already married. The 4 brothers are mentioned.

The 3 Alvin cousins of Aaron #1174 suggest she married an Alvin.

unknown ALVIN

the three children were cousins of Aaron Lousada #1174 and his sisters and their mother was a Lousada sister of Jacob and Solomon, sons of Aaron the Barbados magnate.

The 2 sisters were Esther and Hannah of whom Hannah aged 15 was unmarried in 1703 the date of her mothers death. It seems reasonable to assume she was the one who went to Jamaica and married an Alvin as Esther seems to have married Abraham Touro

According to Barnett&Wright, there were several Alvins in Jamaica - Abraham Henriques Alvin d 25 Sep 1713 aned Isaac Henriques Alvin d 8 Mar 1663 - each of whom had a brother - Isaac and Abraham respectively! We have no concept of how these Alvins related to the Lousada.

The wife of Jacob Lopez Alvin Rebecca was buried at Spanish Town d 18 Apr 1779 aged 33

98. Rachel ALVIN

death BMR6 aged 85 yrs 5 months 5days
the age at death seems to be influenced by a gravetstone transcription error - it probably should be 75 years not 85 making her birthyear 1708 when her mother was 20

55. Isaac LOUZADA

no confirmed source for birth place or date but see ref 146

death burial 26 Tebet 5475 = 1 Jan 1715
this record also shows unnamed children d1685 and 1688 and Aaron d1691

witnessed 1691 wedding of daughter Esther to Jacob Mercado

in 5467 (1707) he appears in a Terra Santa donors' list of the Den Haag Beth Jacob (run from the house of Jacob Israel Pereira #1765 - incidentally a son-in-law) posted on Sephardic Diaspora by Ton Tielen on 22 Nov 2019



mother of Sarah 1317 probably Sarah also because Sarah 1790 was probably an early ie 2nd daughter

Marriage Notes for Isaac Louzada and Sarah PEREIRA

unconventional marriage deed is on  

an unnamed child died - buried 28 Feb 1685 death

an unnamed child buried 6 Feb 1688

102. Rebecca LOUZADA

Dates from

Michael Duarte SENIOR

origin of groom Den Haag see marriage source

a 1718 notarial deed refers to Isaac #1879 son of Solomon

Marriage Notes for Rebecca Louzada and Michael Duarte SENIOR

location from but marriage listed on

106. Child LOUZADA

107. Child LOUZADA

108. Aaron LOUZADA

death/burial 24 Tamus 5451
both parents Isaac and Sarah noted

grandmother Rachel buried same gravesite? referred to in notes as follows "Volgens BR ligging aan voeten van 'sua avo'. BR no. 46 ligt Rachel Lousada" roughly translates to "According to BR location at feet of 'sua avo'. BR no. 46 lies Rachel Lousada"