Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


12. Henrique LOUSADA

appeared before Coimbra Inquisition 1658-63

43. Maria LOUSADA

unknown place or death - possibly in Inquisitional prison Coimbra

Rachel Baruch LOUZADA

Madrid not certain but possible

could have been product of Isaac's 1st marriage but taken to Livorno with Luna

Marriage Notes for Isaac Baruch Lousada and Rachel Baruch LOUZADA

see Livorno ketubot on

17. Moses Baruh LOUSADA

Birthdate see ref 201; place likely Madrid as per discussion; confirms Barrow Family Tree

Death 3 Adar 5459 (see JHSE Miscellanies 4) = 2 Feb 1699. Collected details of the life of Moses Baruh Lousada aka Antonio Louzada can be found on - there can be found a 19 Nov 1699 notarized family financial agreement and Moses was noted as deceased, but brother David was not - the latter died 22 Dec 1699 in Amsterdam. Endenized 2 Jul 1675 (ref 74 and became a broker of the City of London in 1679 (ref 5).

Ref 102 shows a Moses Barrew with wife Rachel (probably Rachel Henriques Faro - see below). In 1681 a Moseh Baruh Lousada had sons Mordecai and Abraham, and in the census 1695 data we see a Mordecai was in the household as a bachelor.

Because Abraham and Sarah both had Henriques Faro uncles - Moses and Abraham - and because they were born about 30 years apart, we suggest that MBL1 had at least 2 marriages - the second to Rachel Henriques Faro, probable niece of his first wife whom we suggest may have been Sarah Henriques Faro. Ref 141 of shows that he had daughters with this niece Rachel, but these daughters except Sarah died young as the bequests made to them by Jacob Israel Pereira were transferred to the daughters of Jacob Baruch Louzada - brother of Moses.

We note that a Moses Barrow held stock in the Bank of England and collected interest in person on 25 Dec 1697 and 29 Sep 1709. The latter date cannot refer to MBL1. A Moses Baruh Louzada was endenized in England 14 Dec 1694 and settled in Barbados. He is a probable grandson via son Abraham who also appeared to have settled in Barbados.

Marriage Notes for Moses Baruh Lousada and Unknown Henriques FARO

the birth of Moses #67 in London around 1682 suggests Abraham was around 30

the marriage may have been in Rouen, from where we consider Moses #46 visited Amsterdam 1649-59, and came to London in 1660

46. Mordecai Baruh LOUSADA

1681 circumcision records show Abraham (with a new son) and Mordecai to be sons of Moses Baruh Lousada

Mordecai represented his father's estate in late 1699 presumably because his older brother Abraham was in Barbados

ref 98 shows grave #619 at the Old Cemetery of Mordojay Baruch Lousada row 15 27 Tamuz 5481 with the annotation Fol. 20 (of the burial register which means that the death details were not copied from the gravestone).

this leaves the question - who was the Mordecai in ref 85 of shows a Mar 1733 death 27 Adar 5493 - we suggest he was the son of Abraham #45 as they are buried near each other at Beth Haim (from ref 83 this appears to refer to the first part of Velho)

did Mordecai have a son Moses Barrow endenized 1699 ref 42 #180? In any case this Moses must be distinguished from the Jamaican Moses #984 appearing in ref 74.

Rachel Henriques FARO

almost certainly the half-sister of the Abraham Henriques Faro who witnessed daughter Sarah's 1709 marriage in Amsterdam.

She was a niece of Jacob Israel Pereira according to ref 141 and thus probably a daughter of Rebecca a half-sister of Jacob Israel Pereira

death 1 Tisri 5459 which was converted to the Gregorian date by Hebcal

19. Joseph LOUSADA

known from marriage of his daughter Sarah

we have no positive evidence of Joseph being a son of Abraham other than simplicity and convenience!

ref 319 does not show the Baruch name

Marriage Notes for Sarah Lousada and Isaac de Abraham MENDES

ref 319 222A 12 Tishri 5415

23. Aaron Baruh LOUSADA

First-born son was David so father probably not Isaac #42 and perhaps his older brother. That is he was a stepson but still a (half-)sibling of the children of Isaac #42 - he describes Moses David and Abraham as brothers.

Will was written 9 May 1693 and proved 3 Oct 1695. The death date given in Shilstone ref 61 has Aaron dying 10 Oct 1695, and gives his age as 25 years, each of which seems to be an obvious mistake. The death date must lie between the will writing date and the proving date. It was almost certainly in late 1695 given his brother David received a pass on 17 Apr 1696 (ref 182) to visit Barbados. Applying the hebcal converter to 17 Tisri 5456 the gravestone date gives 26 Sep 1695 but Gregorian dates are 10 days bigger than Julian dates so the Julian date of death would be 16 Sep 1695. The origin of the age at death is unnknown - ref 61 does not give the Portuguese text for this. A common gravestone transcription error is to read a 7 as a 2; so perhaps age at death was 75.

Endenized 20 Aug 1675 (ref Wilfred Samuel). Edgar Samuel suggests he went to Barbados in 1659, since in his will he mentioned 26 years of slavery in connection with the 1685 family accounts which he did not sign.

This was the  Aaron Baruh Lousada of whom it was said (quoted by Wilfred Samuel) 'His grandson and namesake  was also a Barbados Jew, and from him (so Sir Thos. Colyer-Fergusson, the genealogist, states) are descended all the English Louzadas, including that Isaac Louzada in whose favour the Spanish dukedom “de Losada y Lousada” was revived in 1848.' There is a problem with this suggestion insofar as it relates to the first grandson Aaron #714. Aaron of Jamaica #125 and Jacob Baruh Lousada share the ancestry of the English Lousadas and these two are Jamaican. See for discussion on this. Aaron #125 is a son of Emanuel #41 and he was the grandson who was the ancestor of the Lousada Dukes.

Rachel Gomez HENRIQUES

Sister of Isaac Gomez Henriques as from this passage from Wilfred Samuel

The other two assessors (with Abraham Abudiente) of the 1680 Jews' Levy were ISAAC GOMEZ HENRIQUES and Abraham de Soza Mendes; the former, a brother-in-law of Aaron Baruch Louzada, was usually known as Isaac Gomez, and he, too, was one of the wealthy Barbados merchants who ultimately withdrew to London. His brothers were probably those outstanding Jamaican planters, David and Abraham Gomes Henriques, who had been endenizened there in 1668. David died in 1673 owning over 3,000 acres in that Island. Although Isaac Gomez Henriques had settled in London long before 1701, nevertheless, his wife, Benvenida (Grasia), was laid to rest in Barbados on the 31st August of that year.

From her will (included in Samuel) brother Isaac Gomez is to invest in London funds to provide a dowry for daughter (and last child) Hannah. Failing Isaac Gomez fulfilling this task Isaque Dias a nephew is to take charge of the money.

Date of birth and death (1703) from Jews of Caribbean PAF and Shilstone; Samuel however says she survived husband by 13 years; but even if he assumes Aaron dies 1693 as he did there is only an 10 year difference so there is an obvious mistake here.

Her will in Portuguese is dated 29 Oct 1703 (from Samuel)

The birthdates of the children surviving infancy are from Samuel but from Aaron's will Jacob and Emanuel didn't survive long

Marriage Notes for Aaron Baruh Lousada and Rachel Gomez HENRIQUES

married late in life according to Wilfred Samuel (ref 5 and
from the ages of the children the marriage is estimated to have happened in 1675

53. Esther Baruh LOUSADA

The 2 daughters of Aaron the Barbados magnate were Esther #655 b 1686 and Hannah #656 b 1688.

From their mother's will (as cited by Samuel) one might gather that only the latter daughter was alive. The will provides for her dowry. There is no mention of Esther, but the 4 brothers are mentioned.

However there was an aunt Esther Touro in the will of Jacob #36 (probate 1752)suggests that Esther was alive in 1752. Ref 81 suggests she died 27 Aug 1750 which probably means the news of her death had not reached him when he wrote his will.

Abraham TOURO

We are not sure of the relationship of Esther Baruh Lousada's husband Abraham and other parts of the Touro family. The father Abraham Touro of Hazan Isaac Touro of Newport seems a generation too late to have been Esther's husband. Perhaps the 2 Abraham's were uncle and nephew. In any event, Isaac visited Jamaica before arriving in Newport RI in 1760 and then moved back to Jamaica in 1782 just before his death.

The history of the family is somewhat complex as the following excerpt from demonstrates:

Rev. Isaac de Abraham Touro (1738-1783)
Isaac de Abraham Touro was the first permanent spiritual leader of Newport’s Congregation Yeshuat Israel and was served as hazzan in the congregation from 1759 to 1776. He was congregational leader during the construction of the Touro Synagogue from 1759 to 1763 and was responsible for hiring Peter Harrison to design the synagogue.
Born in Amsterdam in 1738, Touro and his family had escaped the Inquisition in Spain, moving first to Lisbon, Portugal and from there to Amsterdam. Touro trained for the Jewish ministry in Amsterdam, then traveled to Jamaica before moving to Newport. He married Reyna Hays in 1773, in the synagogue he helped to build. Reyna was the daughter of Judah and Rebecca Michaels Hays of New York, and sister to Moses Michael Hays of Newport.
Touro was a Loyalist and at the time of the occupation of Newport by the British, remained in Newport to care for the synagogue, when other members of the congregation were fleeing elsewhere. To help protect the synagogue building, he allowed the British to use the sanctuary as a hospital. His loyalty to the British crown came at a cost; in 1782, when it appeared that British would lose the war, he prudently moved his wife and children to the British colony of Jamaica, remaining there until his death in 1783. At that time, Reyna took the children and moved back to Boston to live with her brother, Moses Michael Hays.

24. Abraham LOUZADA


perhaps a de facto son of Isaac #42 - arising if Isaac married widow of David #1584 while she was pregnant and thus Abraham legitimate in this marriage


death from

burial register card refers to note for Aaron Lousada buried 1691

Marriage Notes for Abraham Louzada and Rachel PEREIRA

an excommunication notice of 1662 refers to Esther Pereira and her daughter Rachel Louzada

56. Esther LOUZADA

card 14594

25. Jacob Baruh LOUSADA

based on his early death date - the earliest of all the known death dates of the 'sons' of Isaac #42, he probably is best situated in a probable 1st marriage of Isaac #42

card 2538

According to Hyamson's 'The Sephardim of England' Jacob Baruh Lousada appeared in England in the 1660 with MBL1. From the work of Ton Teniel at the Notary Archive at Municipal Archive of Amsterdam we know him to have lived in Amsterdam until his death there in 1681.

He seems to have been junior to Moses who went to Amsterdam 1649-59; then to London with Jacob in 1660, and then Jacob went back to Amsterdam to be with his father in 1662.

From sale of a half-house to David Lousada in 1674, Jacob's brother, it is clear that Jacob has 3 adult daughters - one of whom - Rebecca - married 2 years later to Isaac son of David.

He was not the James Baruh Lousada endenized in England on16 Dec 1687 and settled in Barbados - this person is perhaps #711. A Jacob died 1712 in Barbados and is probably #711.


This is one of the burials noted as not being recorded by Shilstone.

Rachel Baruch LOUSADA

name given in Sarah's marriage record

death from

58. Sarah Baruh LOUSADA

see Lousada/Mercado marriages on

Alan Pereira on 8 Feb 2017 suggested  she would be buried Sara de Mercado and not Sara Baruch Louzada. On DutchJewry there are 2 other possible burials of a Sara de Mercado

Burial date          Archive card number

1710/03/05         16138                                    MERCADO, DE                   SARA                                     

1725/04/08         16139                                    MERCADO, DE                   SARA

However on inspection of the original record cards no husband is suggested.


witness Isaac a cousin

Marriage Notes for Sarah Baruh Lousada and Daniel MERCADO

see Lousada/Mercado marriages and

59. Simha Baruh LOUSADA

possible death from Akevoth

card 2751

27. Rachel Baruch LOUZADA

Madrid not certain but possible

could have been product of Isaac's 1st marriage but taken to Livorno with Luna

Marriage Notes for Rachel Baruch Louzada and Isaac Baruch LOUSADA

see Livorno ketubot on

30. David Baruh LOUSADA contains a page which collects together details of the life of David Baruh Louzada.

He was endenized on 18 Apr 1664 (ref 74 of but went from Barbados to England in 1679 and returned to Barbados 1696 after death of brother Aaron (his pass was issued 17 Apr 1696 - see ref 182). He was accompanied on this last trip by his son Jacob Baruh Lousada and Rebecca whom following ref 5 we take to be the wife of Jacob/James. He had 2 wives in Amsterdam but he must have had an early Barbados wife also. According to D M Bueno de Mesquita of Beth Haim in Amsterdam in December 2011 David Louzada was Treasurer of the Aby Yetomin charity in 1683 - this shows in the online death entry.

David Baruch Louzada became a member of Dotar in 1684 (ref 107). Dotar was one of quite a large number of charities set up by the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam (there are dozens of them), but it was and is the most prestigious one. It was a lottery. the money was brought together by the members, invested wisely and the yearly profits were divided between two or three young ladies (donzellas) related to members of Dotar, or to poor orphan girls, to be used as a dowry. In 1714 David's place was taken by his eldest son: Ishac Baruch Louzada (filho mais velho). In 1692 and in 1700 are the following entries into the lottery:
Ribca filha de Raphael Montezinos em Liorne terz[iero] grau com David Baruch Louzada ....
terz[iero] grau means that she was related to David in the third degree, which means she was his niece once removed. Thus David Baruch Louzada had family in Livorno.

On 1 Mar 2017 Ton Tielen noted that an inhabitant of David Baruch Louzada's house 'Isle of Barbados' in Swanenburgerstraat after his death in 1699 was Abraham Granada.

Ton Tielen email of 12 Jun 2013 - which reports that in can be found a 16 Feb 1694 real estate transaction in which David Baruch Louzada buys 50% of a house from Rachel - Jacob's widow - and 3 adult daughters Rebecca, Simha and Sara. The house in Swanenburgherstraat had a plaque 'Isle of Barbados'. Also reported is that from can be found images of the civil marriage banns, with the earlier marriage bann showing him living at de Lange Houtstraat and the later marriage record showing him to be living in Swanenburgherstraat and his mother-in-law to be living in Spain.


surname inferred from grandniece Rebecca Montezinos of Livorno daughter of Raphael Montezinos #1804
forename inferred from probable 1st daughter's name Rebecca Hannah ie Rebecca de Hannsh

Marriage Notes for David Baruh Lousada and Hannah MONTEZINOS

estmated marriage date - 1 year before birth of Curacao daughter Rebecca Hannah

61. Rebecca Hannah LOUSADA

name should probably be read as Rebecca de Hannah

birth and descendant details from Fenneke Louzada-Scheltens and Iwan de Vries as shown on the 'descendants of David Baruch Louzada' PDF on

but this data shows Rebecca to have been the product of the 1673 Amsterdam marriage which clearly cannot be correct.....David's first marriage was probably before he came to Barbados in view of stepson Jacob #711

death from ref 113 #1868 - her husband left a bequest to Clara her niece who was daughter of Isaac #1297 p146 of ref 113

Abraham Henriquez MORON

from Edgar Samuel citing I S Emanuel 'Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao'

parents from ref 86

Jonathan Israel in his essay on Curacao in 'Diaspora within a Diaspora' shows Abraham trading with a relative in Amsterdam

Marriage Notes for Rebecca Hannah Lousada and Abraham Henriquez MORON

date from ref 86

Ester Rodrigues DA COSTA

death from now (7 Feb 2017)

1 Nisan 5435 = 28 Mar 1675

the text given is ''en dia de Roshedos Nisan anno 5435''

Marriage Notes for David Baruh Lousada and Ester Rodrigues DA COSTA

the date given appears to be the date of the marriage bann - see ref 101

63. Moses Baruch LOUSADA

Hi Julian,

I don't know if you have ever seen this entry in a register of the orphan chamber of Amsterdam.
In it David Baruch Lousada promises to set aside fl 7300 guilders from the estate of his late wif and her deceased sister Rachel,  for his two children  Isaac 5, Moijses 2 1/2 years old which he procreated with his late wife: Esther Rodrigues d'aCosta. Jacob Baruch Lousada and Moijses Baruch Lousada stand surrey for that sum.

Best wishes, Ton
23 Nov 22

Rachel Levy GOMES

this second wife found on

death converted using

place of death assumed to be Amsterdam burial date from

Jacob Levie Gomes was presumably her brother - he was an uncle who witnessed the 1709 Amsterdam marriage of Salomon B Louzada with Sara Baruch Lousada of London

notes on the Levie Gomes family from Fernando Gonzalez del Campo Roman of 19 Feb 2014 have been uploaded to - find link via David #44 page:

Marriage Notes for David Baruh Lousada and Rachel Levy GOMES

the date given is the date of the marriage bann - see ref 101

31. Abraham Baruh LOUSADA

birth date and place are possible

Samuel said the burial was 42 years after endenization - which was on 20 Apr 1672 (refs 42 & 74 not 1675 as stated by Samuel. Death date is 27 Tamuz 5474 (ref 98) = 10 July 1714 and he is buried adjacent to Rebecca in Mile End died 12 Jan 1713 (14 Tebet 5473). She we take to be a second or later wife.

According to the 1695 household survey Abraham a merchant was recorded living in London in 1695 with Rebecca and children Luna and Aaron - Maurice Woolf. We distinguish him from his nephew Abraham whom we deduce from the BM 1681 circumcision records to be a son with Mordecai of Moses #46.

We take the 1698 marriages in BMR2 to refer to the unrelated family of the NY chocolate merchant Jacob and his father-in-law Abraham - they were not Baruh Lousadas.

In ref 182 can be found the date (17 Apr 1696) an English pass was issued to Abraham Baruch Lousada to travel to Amsterdam.

Ton Tielen on 25 Dec 2015 found a notarial record dated 11 Nov 1698 of Joan Hoekeback GAA Not. Arch. 5868/306 that Abraham Baruch Lousada was among a group of 'merchants in Amsterdam, declaring at the request of Mr. Raphael Abendaño a local merchant, they have known him for a long time. He acted in 1692 and in London in 1693 at Boston, Boston to Nevis and again in London. Later he went with merchandize to London to New York and back to London until he recently came here. He always made himself known as an honest and reliably merchant'. We feel that that the mentioned Abraham is Abraham 45 not Abraham 1352 because Abraham 45 is recorded in London in 1695 but Abraham 1352 is last known in London in 1681. That is we take the mentioned Abraham to be the cousin of Abraham Israel Pereira - ref 141 of

65. Moses Baruch LOUSADA

died a child in Barbados - ref 61 #217 death date 3 Elul 5437

he is allocated to this father for reasons given in note 1 of the London Baruch Lousada special-purpose chart on

Rebecca Baruh LOUSADA

death 14 Tebet 5473 = 12 Jan 1713 from ref 98 #408

presumed 2nd wife of Abraham #45 based on Census Lists of 1695 ref 102 p105

66. Luna Baruh LOUSADA

birthplace brother burial and husband from DutchJewry marriages

named after paternal grandmother Luna #2503

Marriage Notes for Luna Baruh Lousada and Isaac Aboab DA FONSECA

5 Shebat 5479
from D Verdooner's Handleiding now

brother Aaron witnessed this marriage

67. Aaron LOUSADA

circumcision #164 BMR4 6 Nisan 5455 or 22 mar 1695 just early enough to be caught in the 1695 census so he is presumably the Aaron recorded in the 1695 census as son of Abraham but it might be

possibly named after maternal grandfather as 2nd son - but there is no record of a 1st son of this marriage. The maternal grandfather is however unknown

ref 85 shows 3 Tebet 5500 deathdate

witnessed his sister Sarah's 1719 wedding

68. Mordecai Baruh LOUSADA

27 Adar from ref 85
only grave proximity suggests he belongs here - he seems to have been buried at Beth Haim adjacent to Bevis Marks with Abraham d1714 and Rebecca d1712
the name Beth Haim is used by ref 83 for the first (very northern) part of Velho and ref 85 seems to have adopted this usage

if he was son of Abraham #45 he was born after the 1695 census

32. Moses Baruch LOUSADA

#1662 ref 113 - see Curacao discussion

suggested birthdate in Fenneke's Surinam genealogy

first Lousada of Surinam by 1671, father of the older David, and emissary to Coro around 1720, died 1724

birth date unknown but must have been mature on arrival and journey was probably interrupted because of the disturbances surrounding early history of Surinam.

it is uncertain that he is correctly placed in this marriage because in 1750 Antonio aka Daniel would have been about 70. However, perhaps Moses is ruled out as a son of David and Isaac given there already was Moses #46 in the family of Isaac. But it is conceivable that after Moses #64 went to Amsterdam in 1649, he was replaced in Livorno by Isaac and Luna. Isaac was not the father of Moses #46 but Luna was.

Alternatively, Moses #1585 was a grandson of Daniel.


death from ref 113
Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao #1663 Div XI Row C