Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


4. Fernando DE LOUSADA

birth from Maria de Lousada's confession to the Coimbra Inquisition ref 221

Florenca CARRIAO

wife of Fernando and possible mother of Abraham 1875
appeared before Coimbra Inquisition 1657-60

birth from ref 221

10. Antonio LOUSADA

appeared before Coimbra Inquisition 1658-63


birthdate from ref 221

11. Maria LOUSADA

appeared before Coimbra Inquisition 1658-60

see ref 221 for record of this

had a cousin Andre Goncalves also a shoemaker, born in Braganza

admitted to having Goncalo (probably Rodrigues) in her house around 1650 brother of Isabel Rodrigues the wife of Antonio Dias also a shoemaker born in Braganza

Francisco RAMOS

2nd husband ref 221

13. Vasco Fernando DE LOUSADA

godfather at 1645 Bayonne baptism of Anne daughter of Abraham Israel Pereira #1628 and Beatris Gomez #1788

14. Antonio DE LOSADA

see ref 145 for Madrid will

Miguel Juan DE CASTRO

appears in will of Antonio de Losada see ref 145

6. Abraham Baruch LOUSADA

ref 319 vII p25 marriage 24A of son Isaac shows Abraham alive

Sarah Henriques FARO

1st wife suggested as a Henriques Faro just as for brothers David #1584 and Isaac #42

suggested name after only known (hence perhaps eldest) daughter of Moses #46

18. Judah LOUZADA

found in ref 185 p450
not in residence of Isaac #42 and thus possibly in different family
tenant at Via d. Ebrei 801 1644-5

we have no positive evidence of Judah being a son of Abraham other than simplicity and convenience!

Baruch name not evident

20. Daniel Baruch LOUZADA

in Boston 1674 with Roeland Gideon and has close relatives Jacob #1388 and David #44 see ref 175 #4


de Abraham

Marriage Notes for Rebacca Lousada and Isaac NUNES

19 Heshvan 5414
ref 319 187A

22. Jacob Baruch LOUZADA

such a person is known from ref 185 in Tunis with probable origin Livorno, as was Isaac whom we take to be a son #1807
father was named Abraham from ref 319 but there is doubt as to whether Abraham #2149 is his father (note the disparity in dates of marriage between that of Isaac #2141 1654 and that of Jacob #1801 1681) - the only alternative we have is that Jacob #1801 was a son of Abraham #45 who went to Barbados then London (that is the young Jacob was left with family in Livorno when Abraham #45 went to Barbados where the earliest date we have for him is when he was endenized in 1675)


de David

Marriage Notes for Jacob Baruch Louzada and Sarah SILVA

15 Adar 5441
ref 319 585E

7. David Baruch LOUZADA

this person is quite unknown but is suggested as a father of Moses the elder of Curacao who appeared in Surinam around 1671 and who father a son David there in 1674 - see Curacao discussion on

David was the likely father of Aaron #376 as this was the name of Aaron's first-born son

we equate him with Diogo


widowed then briefly married Isaac #42 before he married again around 1630

we suggest one natural child Jacob #1388, with Abraham #1875 being natural son of David #1584 but legitimate son in Isaac's 1st marriage

based on first daughter of Aaron #376 her name was Esther

8. Isaac Baruch LOUZADA

We do not know which of the sons of Amador de Lousada became known as Isaac. Perhaps is was Francisco born around 1585 which is the date we show.

The first-born son of Aaron #376 was named David and not Isaac which was the name given to the 2nd son who was born on 23 Tisri 5440 but died on his 7th day! This presumably means that the natural father of Aaron was David an earlier husband of Luna. Of him we cannot say much - other than that the 2 husbands may have been brothers. In this case, the hypothetical earlier David may have been the grandfather of the first David of Surinam! That is Luna had a son Moses with David as well as a son Aaron.

Note that the first son of David #44 was named Isaac in accordance with the normal rule but David was younger than Aaron and therefore Isaac #42 was the natural father.

Isaac's wife and a daughter were both named Luna - meaning that the name of a grandmother was Luna also. Gracia was probably an earlier daughter than Luna, but perhaps the natural paternal grandmother was named Ana so perhaps an even earlier daughter died.

burial record


widowed then briefly married Isaac #42 before he married again around 1630

we suggest one natural child Jacob #1388, with Abraham #1875 being natural son of David #1584 but legitimate son in Isaac's 1st marriage

based on first daughter of Aaron #376 her name was Esther

26. Daniel Baruch LOUZADA

ref 108 refers to a widow of Daniel

we have no positive evidence of Daniel being a son of Isaac other than simplicity and convenience! Note another Daniel 1420 assigned as son of Abraham 2149


received Terra Santa grants to go to Jerusalem see ref 108

28. Rebecca Baruch LOUZADA

property owner in Barbados around 1680 - see ref 207 p3

29. Gracia Baruh LOUSADA

she died Gracia de Caceres - grave #1665 ref 113

see p194 ref 113 for a description of the will left by Gracia and the Louzada bequest to David de Moses. Will made in 1700 so living in Curacao then.

as her 1st husband died in 1685, and as she developed a good understanding of his business which she took over on his death, her first marriage may have been around 1655-60, and hence Gracia may have been born in or before 1640

David Raphael DE MERCADO

Marriage from Wifred Samuel; detail from Shilstone.

A short discussion on the Mercados and their Lousada marriages can be found on

see p194 ref 113 for the Amsterdam record of his father's bequest and David's donationfor a kaddish for his father (brothers also contributed)

son of Abraham brother of Isaac, Sarah and Deborah

Marriage Notes for Gracia Baruh Lousada and David Raphael DE MERCADO

marriage date unknown but likely after 1655 as Gracia did not appear in the 1655 issue of passes to the Mercados


from ref 133
this relationship via marriage with the de Caceres family links the Baruch Lousadas with Baruch Spinoza whose half-sister sister Rebecca married Michael de Semuel de Caceres (ref 113 pp193-5) - Benjamin de Caceres was Baruch Spinoza's nephew (ref 90 p530)

Marriage Notes for Gracia Baruh Lousada and Unknown DE CACERES

see p194 ref 113

Luna Geronima RODRIGUES

Hebcal date conversion

1st wife of Fernando Montezinos was sister of Francisco and Antonio Rodriguez of Madrid (FernandoGdelCR) the brothers may be found in ref 145 p10

they had a business associate Geronimo Rodrigues del Cano possible father of Beatriz and Luna

Marriage Notes for Isaac Baruch Louzada and Luna Geronima RODRIGUES

place of marriage deduced from Madrid location of Luna's probable halfsister Beatriz Geronima

probable stepchildren Jacob #1388 and Rachel #2143

33. Solomon Baruh LOUZADA

he is known from the taxes paid by the Louzadas to the Amsterdam Sephardic community - see table on and ref 105, and he appears involved with the Ets Haim charity in Amsterdam in 1688 - also see images of wall plaques at the Amsterdam synagogue on

Reyna Baruh LOUZADA

see ref 355 for widow's payment 800 florins 24 Elul 5456 = 1696

34. Luna Baruch LOUSADA

orphan of Isaac Baruch Lousada - found by Ton Tielen in the Dotar archives of 1669 and 1672 (see ref 212), these datas are after the death of Isaac in 1667 (but his wife Luna died 1686!)

may be 2nd daughter with 1st daughter named after Isaac's mother Ana=Hannah perhaps lost young

death #26 ref 61 6 Iyar 5466

Jacob Franco NUNES

death ref 61 #25 aged 80

Marriage Notes for Luna Baruch Lousada and Jacob Franco NUNES

6 Ellul 5435
D Verdooner's Handeliding

35. Esther Baruch LOUZADA

possible daughter
card 2462