Descendants of Pedro De LOUSADA


2. Amador De LOUSADA

details of family ref 180


ref 180 shows it was her brother Diego who was a key witness before the Coimbra Inquisition at the trial of her husband Amador de Louzada

From denunication of Violante Mendes the wife of Amador de Lousada by Diopgo Mendes her brother folios 239v and 240 of 0076 Livro de denuncias 1566/1590, Inquisition of Coimbra (found by Michael Waas at Torre de Tombo 26 Jun 2018)

9. Moses Baruch LOUSADA

death #66 24 Heshvan 5438 JHSE Miscellanies 6 burial Mile End Velho

he appears to be an earlier generation than Moses #46 and is presumably an uncle

dying last of the brothers we equate him a son of Amador de Lousada born after Amadors testimony to the Coimbra Inquisition