Ancestors of William Julian Land


12. Edward Charles Lousada

Ref 85 records some details of his departure to Australia in 1871. Came to the Colony in 1872 and after 2 years at Hastings came to Brandy Creek in 1874 and selected at Jindivick.

Messrs William Hamilton & Co announce 14 Jun 1883 formation of a Warragul branch with Mr C Lousada in charge. He remained in charge until his 1887 trip to England. He was in Warragul in 9 Sep 1886 when on the C of E committee he differed with some on dispodal of 6 acres of Church land pointing out the locals had no right to it. In 1887 he and his wife were given a farewell dinner prior to
his pleasure trip England in 1877 during which Benjamin Barrow Lousada was born, and shipping reports have a Mr and Mrs Lousada en route Melbourne to London 31 July 1887. On return he opened a branch of Messrs William Hamilton & Co (he ran their Warragul branch before his trip) at Lilydale where he became involved in horse-racing. On 5 April 1889 he was elected to the committee of the Warragul and West Gippsland Agricultural Society. On 8 April 1890 he was reported as having retired from the Warragul School Board of Advice. On 13 April 1894 he was reported as having been appointed the representative of Messrs Hamilton & Co in the district. He was in Warragul where he wrote to the Warragul Guardian on 15 Jul 1894 on the subject of better organizing butter manufacture to ensure a uniform flavour in the light of varying diet of the cows when the preferred grass was eaten.

A newspaper report of 16 Feb 1897 reported that Messrs Skews and Patterson have decided to try their luck in WA and so disposed of their business to Messrs Lousada, Hunter and Stephen. On 17 June 1898 working for Skews & Patterson of Warragul as shown by a ltter he wrote to the Warragul Guardian on a town band. In 1899 still in Warragul - 8yr old son (Barrow) nearly killed in level crossing accident (horse was. On 7 Feb 1899 it was announced that the partnership of E C Lousada, E J Hunter and G V Stephen trading as Skews ansd Patterson had been dissolved. In Warragul 25 Dec 1900 - Barrow, Edward (twice) and Aubrey win Prep School prizes.

Catherine, Ruth and Cecil appeared in annual school show at Mechanics Institute Traralgon 19 Dec 1902. Lived in Traralgon 1903 (Australian Electoral Rolls) and his 2 oldest children were confirmed in Calignee in 1903 a settlement to the south of Traralgon. B (probably Ben) Lousada takes 7/19 (all bowled) against Gormandale for Callignee but to no avail as Callignee lost! Around 1905 still lived at Calignee but moved back to Warragul - there is a newspaper report covering his fall from a horse-dawn cart which reveals this.

His move to Toora is not known in detail, but was known there in 1908. In 1911 he was farming on the share system the property of Mr R H Downing about 1km from the Toora Station on the railway line. He was very profitably milking 65 cows throughout the year with the cream going to the Foster butter factory and the skim milk going to 9 brood sows. Pumpkins were used to provide solid feed for the pigs.

He farmed at Clanville, Kardella South in the period around 1917. His letter of 17 Oct 1917 is on the subject of an appeal for eggs and how it might be better arranged while his 28 Nov 1918 letter (both to the Great Southern Advocate) favours a dry Korumburra Agricultural Show. He won a prize for maize-growing at the 1921 Korumburra A&P Society competitions.

He was living in East Malvern around 21 May 1929 when he wrote to The Argus on his recollections of Cobb&Co. He attended the 50 year jubilee of St Marks Warragul on 6 Dec 1930 and spoke on the occasion. The obituary of EC Lousada in the Warrugul and West Gippsland Gazette of 5 April 1932 refers to a brother-in-law C S Affleck living close by in Tetoora. It also mentions his brother (Howel Arthur) who occupied the Torwood Estate. It also reveals that he lost money in the Land Boom and became a dairy farmer at Korumburra (ignoring his Traralgon and Toora phases).

Death from The Argus 26 Mar 1932; detail on place of death The Argus 20 Apr 1932

13. Isabella Beatrice Haliburton Hall

actually 3rd daughter according to marriage notice 1 Jan 1885 Warragul Guardian

An Isabella Hall was on a passenger list in 1854 as an 8 year old travelling with relatives to Australia - perhaps the mother.

But went to school in France recalled Audrey Dowel 20 Jan 2013

death from Toora and Welshpool Ensign and South Gippsland Observer Fr1 16 Mar 1817

14. William Truscott

10 children - 2 of which married Lousadas